Poetry competition CLOSED 20th June 2015 1:19pm
toniscales (Lost Girl)
View Profile Poems by toniscales


Tell Me - "Bound Details"

Infernal Insight
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 12th May 2015
Forum Posts: 17

Poetry Contest

Sight, hearing, taste, and touch: five traditionally recognised senses.
Two fortnights are given;
As always use only your best editions.

Write a poem that is restricted to one sense.

Yours faithfully

Questions and Answers:
Double Post:
You may have two entries,
however you cannot use the same sense.

More Senses Competitions:

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Touch is such an intimate sense
Making relationships intense
The feel of skin to skin
Is where couples begin

Stripped naked; caressing, they can feel
A sensual closeness that's hardly real
Kissing, cuddled, closely held
Sexual urges can't be quelled.

As they advance their intimate quest
Mouths to genitals are pressed
Each explore with their tongues
New feeling with each fresh plunge

Now is the time to explore deeper
Her vagina ready to enter
The mutual feel as it slides in
Puts ones senses in a spin

Both will feel the sliding action
Enjoy each others satisfaction
Building up to a peak
An orgasm is what both seek

Paramount the sense of touch
Other senses not so much
Put together all combine
To enrich the lives of mankind

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 335

Touch has a magic of its own,
Makes you feel you are not alone.
Be you young or be you old,
It stirs up a glow to forget any cold.

It says “You’re near and dear to me.”
It underlines the chemistry
Between a couple who love each other,
Between whom should come no other.

A feel, a caress, hug, or kiss
Warmly placed provide an air of bliss.
To the passionate it’s a great come-on,
The prelude to bodily union.

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 12th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 9

I gaze into a mirror of which there is no reflection
and see what has been long forgotten
the beauty of all the colours of the solar spectrum
giving the impressionist the view of the light upon the dark
and to bare witness to the sight of an artwork so magnificent
only to find out the canvas is nature itself
and the mirror that we gaze upon is our own eyes

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Speak to Me

If I had only one sense,
I would choose to hear.

In a bedroom with only
the music of rain, I
hear your softened breath, note
by note in a symphony of slow ecstasy.

Trembling, I hear your footsteps.
Closer. Closer. Your breathing
gone ragged, I listen to your sigh
as you hover your mouth above mine.

You know me, what sends me
over the edge. "Do you belong to me?"
you ask, the velvet cadence
of your voice with its ghostly
fingers making me ache to
splay myself open for you.

Finally, our bodies intertwined,
sweet arias of friction,
whispers of delicious things
that bring me
closer. Oh. So. Closer.

The grand finale,
a stinging, strumming pleasure
resonating throughout the instrument
of my body and soul

as you moan and growl and sing
like a beast deep in the night,


poet Anonymous

mise en abyme*~ [sight]

stroma tiles
velvet textured
windows ~
... copper petals
grow & shrink
inky pistils
the spectrum dance
of light ...
horizons of dreams
in midnight prims
are displayed
to curious gaze ~
... laughter rings
from framed
lines of song
affection shines
his dark browns ...
and i
could be deaf
to endearments,
robbed of tongue
to taste
his name,
feeble handed
unable to feel
his skin,
never inhale
the sweet scent
of his throat...
... but know
a lifetime of senses
just looking
his eyes ...

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Wow, Infernus, thank you so much. The contest theme was great. Everybody who entered had excellent work. Once more, I really appreciate it.

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