Poetry competition CLOSED 8th April 2015 10:34pm
ChemicalRose (Meguana)
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1000 word poem

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Death Chant v3.0

Death Chant Three Point Oh
Death Chant Three Point Oh
Death Chant Three Point Oh

Hear it

Fear it

Here we go

Going in for a landing
White runway lines on the mirror
Discerning a patterning so sublime
Intricately reflected ear to ear
Such fancy shaped snowflakes
Is what it takes
And every time
He violently shakes with the noise he makes
When he partakes of the China Man's Nightcap
Failure to bust the rhyme
Messing with his ability to rap
Dust will get you every time of course
Your joking
Get off your high White Horse
Stop snorting that Insta-gram selfie
And come to the party
That was never about you
Always about me
A force of nature like fire
And Johnny B just started smoking

All you gangsta wannabees
Plagiaristic flunkies spanking your sock monkeys
My lyrics are detoxes to the addicts
Junkies living in cardboard boxes
While I work my rhythm method coast to coast
Spreading my JAMS all over your toast
Pale as a ghost rider of the storm
Vanilla wordsmith with the most
Rapping way above the norm
Filling shopping carts with rhymes so tasty
Skyrocketing up the charts
Number one with a bullet
Without using hollow points
I'm no eighties rocker with a mullet
The roofs I raise
Rocking the joints everywhere I go
Shots and mugs of beers are raised to me in cheers
Don't be misunderstood, alright?
Known throughout the land deep down under
As that motherfucker, Johnny Blaze
When I'm in your hood
All is good
Until I burn the house down like Great White
And in the smoky haze
I disappear into the night

Your poetry?
Simply gimpy
Would benefit from a performance enhancer
A limping low down crying shame
In need of Viagra
Cocaine is definitely not the answer
That shit it'll keep you up alright
Neighbors counting sheep at night
Unable to sleep
Due to your chicken shit Redbird squawking
That white trash you be talking
Words easily forgotten
Lacking any flavor like the SPAM that it is
Potatoes au grautin smothered with Cheez Whiz
While mine live on like filet mignon
As bellyfuls of a juicy meal for all to savor
So do the whole World Wide Web a favor

And shut your Blow hole

wiki wiki wiki
Ranger Ricky
Listen up here
'Cause this is where it gets a bit tricky
I'm the rage on social media
Take my page from Wikipedia
It says I'm wickedly
Wound like a top
Hopped up on nicotine
Bustin' up with rhymes
Bursting outta my spleen
While that snow cone machine
Is making you ornery
I'd say, chill and take a pill
Bad advice for one hooked on ice
Making snowballs to take out
This reigning King of the Hill
Can't play nice on this playground?
Here's a tip for you
If you take anything from me
From the hip I shoot
And I shoot to kill
Six guns blazing away
About this ruckus your raising today
All I can say is
Dance like there's no tomorrow
'Cause Johnny is on his way
To chase away your blues and sorrow

Oh, no

I see you trembling
Shaking and baking

Your nerves in twitches
While I'm in stitches
Sides aching
Laughing my ass off
With all my inherited wealth
Talking about riches like talent
Ability to write fresh JAMS with cunning
Not stale like that noise
Coming from your Blow hole
Brawling with a narwhal
Your just another whale

I'm the Unicorn of these here Seven Seas

Get it?

Latest Charlie Sheen soap opera scene
Calling my poetry, shit
Wit dished out from critics
Not making sense
No different from their lyrics
Lacking in any flow or substance
Gibberish if you ask me
If you didn't
My opinion is custom made to order
Seriously, you're deliriously
Suffering from
So just sit back

Try to relax

Let your mind focus

Stop riling up the natives with your shtick
Don't try to poke us
Give it up with this disappearing trick
This hip hop mojo hocus
Or you'll get the short end of the stick
Where the sun doesn't shine
Swift and quick
It'll be painless
Don't whimper
Tired of hearing you whine


I am the man

I am the one

Let me show you how it's done
Now sit there quiet like a mime
You can't touch this

Watch me strut my stuff
Do a king crab dance
In my poofy Genie parachute pants
It's in the way you move
How I groove
Give it up, Girl
There's nothing to prove
You got to have devotion
Plenty of motion in your ocean
To make a commotion
Life's a beach
To each his own
As you moan
Let me rub you with my lotion


I got a little off track there

Maybe I have ADD too

Death Chant Three Point Oh
Death Chant Three Point Oh
Death Chant Three Point Oh

Versions One and Two?
They had to go


Now you knows

Accosted by a Canadian Mountie
Who trolled her under a bridge
In a derelict Detroit county
Puffing from huffing
Frosted snot hanging from his nose
Chip on his shoulder
Larger than any bounty collected
Tried handcuffing the lady
Got more than he expected
Like Indiana Jones
Outrunning that giant fucking boulder

See how it feels
No more excusing your inexcusable ways
Flaming tire treads across your face
Burned underneath the motorcycle wheels
Belonging to that Ghost Rider in the night
That daredevil
Johnny Blaze
Who never backs down from a race
Always up for a fight
Spitting Hellfire from his bike
As fast as flaming JAMS from the mike

Don't make me come back
Or I will return
And possess your body
I'll make you burn

Number of words in this beast
Spun backwards
Upside down
Plus one just for the record scratch,

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 124

deleted - fiasko competition

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

deleted - sorry, forgot that poem had to have rhyme scheme

William The Bloody
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9

Congrats to chemical rose on your great piece. It was great reading all of your amazing works. I meant to extend the contest, but havent been online lately. Sorry.

poet Anonymous

It didn't rhyme. and it was only 726 words.

why make rules that others follow but then break them yourself when judging winner?

poet Anonymous

Spike said:Correct grammar and spelling.
Max of 2 poems a person.
Must have a rhyming scheme.

poet Anonymous

ChemicalRose said:I'll never forget the things you have done,
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.

Remember your two kids?
The ones that they took away?
Jayden and Jasper?
Yeah, you said you loved them.

But you lied.
You broke Jasper's leg,
And blamed it on the cradle.
But we all know... You were the one to blame.

You abused those kids everyday,
And you'll abuse the one on the way.
I'm sick of you saying it's not your fault,
But we both know it clearly is because of you..

Remember your two marriages that you fucked up,
John and Michael?
Of course you probably don't,
Because your too stupid to even think.

Think before you do, dumbass.
Give me a reason why I should love you.
I hate you so much and I want you to die,
Because you have caused so much pain.

I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.

Remember when you killed my dog?
Then replaced him with two more?
Because I remember when you marked on your wrists,
And said my mother hurt you.

Remember that child molester you married,
The one you left alone with your kids?
What if he raped either of them?
Could you even live with yourself?

What is wrong with you,
We give you money for a divorce,
And you fake the papers,
And blow it all on cigarettes...

Remember that boy you hid in the closet,
The one that scared my brother and I?
Because I remember...
And I'll never forget..

Let me tell you something, Chey
Your the reason I cry everyday,
And your the reason I'm depressed.
Your the reason I hate life.

Because I have to deal with people like you,
Who are so damn stupid.
I remember when you said you loved me
And lied through your few teeth.

You say so many mean things,
Then say you don't mean it,
After that you say you meant it,
As if you words were fists..

Come here and throw a punch, bitch.
Because I'm ready to take a hit.
It's not like it will hurt anyway,
Because I can't feel pain.

I want to say I love you, Jayden
And keep rocking from the trees above.
I miss you and I want you here,
But like my Blue Jay, you need to fly...

I want to say I love you Jasper,
Your like my little musician.
Keep playing your sweet smooth jazz
And I hope you get the best.

My dad punched a window because you broke Jasper's leg,
And left it shattered.
Because of you,
We're in debt.

You blew all your money on cigarettes,
And jumped from place to place,
You can't keep a relationship.
Because your never going to be enough.

I hate you and I want you dead,
But I'll go to your funeral..
And I'll approach your coffin with a grin,
And say, "I'm glad your dead"

I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.

I want to spit on your corpse,
And walk all over your grave.
I want be the one to pull the plug,
And take your life away..

I remember when you stole all our money,
And left us poor.
While you wasted our money on cigarettes
And cheap ass phones.

Do me a favor and kill yourself
So we can be happy,
Or just say you did
It could work either way...

I remember you saying these things were all a lie,
But I know for a fact,
That you have no clue what your doing,
And these things are all true.

Give me a reason I should smile,
When I say your name..
Because I say your name only with anger,
And only frown..

I remember when you got busted for drugs,
And got arrested.
We had to bail your ass out,
Because nobody else would.

I think you deserve to rot in a cell.
And I hope you live your life in hell.
I wish you would just use your head..
I wish I had a different sister instead..

I'll never forget the things you have done,
To my friends and family.
You say that you have changed.
But I don't believe a single word of your shit.

Oops it doesn't rhyme but it's 1000 words

726 words. Google Word Counter and insert.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

HollyDove said:It didn't rhyme. and it was only 726 words.

why make rules that others follow but then break them yourself when judging winner?

I deleted my poem here for the reasons HollyDove has pointed out.  

poet Anonymous

Nine hundred ninety-nine words in my poem
Nine hundred ninety-nine words
Is drunk in some European saloon
Not just any Reba McEntire will do

* hiccup *

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