Poetry competition CLOSED 10th April 2015 3:13pm
LordCreepy (Colten_Sorrells)
View Profile Poems by LordCreepy
RUNNER-UP: snugglebuck

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Comedic Poetry!

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 10th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 1

[left][color=Purple][center][center]I thought I was right, then I thought I was lost,
all of this thinking comes at a cost.
I thought that my head should've laid down in bed
and then all of these thoughts start me thinking again.

So I thought about sheep that should be jumping fences,
til I thought about slumber til the sheep jumping ended,

Which indeed made me think how much better a goat jumps and also the curves of a nice desert boats humps'

For those in the know a desert boat is a camel,
it moves just like Luke sky walker but unlike mark Hamill.

And for all of you boys who've not screwed for a while this next little bit it will make you smile.

How long has it been since you've had a hump? And through sandy terrains have you had your junk lumped?
And I bet that your last hump just laid on her back,
well this one allows you to lay on your nutsack

And besides all of this, she'll still carry your shit,
but unfortunately those 2 big lumps aren't her tits.
And in sandy terrains you will leave a track,
but what's the point of a beach when you're stuck in Iraq?
but if I was out that way, I know I’d have fun,
I’d visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, then I run.

Because in these parts I would not catch a plane, and in enclosed spaces my farts drive me insane.
That last little bit is a little bit bullshit, my farts are fantastic, you should try it!

But enough about farts, coz farts are just gas and here is a lesson I’ll learn on your ass.
For a fart to change state, and end up on your plate, requires 3 different forms it must transiate. From a gas to a liquid, then liquid to solid, the end resultant will be surely horrid.    
well I think that I’ve listened to you way too long,
but if you think that this monologue ends here you'd be wrong,
coz I could keep typing shit that comes to my lips,
some may make
sense[/left], the rest is just bul

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

The Bird and The Train

A robin hops around in the grass
near where I've sat down. Holds
his ear to the ground-listening
for worms I assume. What if he hears
the rumbling beneath us, plunges in
his beak, and pulls out the train?

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

Train Dreams

I had a dream that
the train seemed
important in passing,
something charged.
And I felt as if I was
easily going to have
sex w/ somebody
on the train. But, as
usual, it was someone
on the train before

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

some guy on the train asked me why I'm only eating vegetables.

When people ask me
why I am Vegan,
I tell them because
I wouldn't kill
the cow myself,
so I don't expect
anyone to do it
for me. The better
question might be
why I don't eat humans.

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

Magical Train

I am a miserable
dive of a person;
empty seats
on the train. This
sterile metal bar.
The driver behind
the curtain, like
the Wizard of Oz,
doing magical things:
going forward, stopping.
Going forward.

Maggie Santos
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 40

Train Morality

On the train,
this hot girl
stepped and

then stood
on my foot

for a while.

But I'm a
good person,
right? I wouldn't
have said anything

even if she
was ugly.

poet Anonymous

Thanks for removing that other post, Craic. Peace.

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