Poetry competition CLOSED 26th September 2014 3:18pm
View Profile Poems by BoFantastic
RUNNERS-UP: lepperochan and johnrot

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What comes next??

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3040

Poetry Contest

the next twenty years
In these chaotic times of war, famine and plague. One can not help but wonder.

So what I want for this comp  is this. Where do you see humanity in the future, do we have what it takes. There are an infinite number of possibilities, including extinction. Perhaps you see every one getting along.

Future only needs be as far as your gaze will go. So all you prophetic thinkers out there, tell me what you see.

No collabs
Any style poetry or prose
One entry
Old or new writes
Two weeks
Any questions PM me.

Thought Provoker
Wales 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 196

Technology advancing,
weapons enhancing,
welcome to the future.

bullets dancing,
survival financing,
welcome to the future.

love glancing,
then killed by lancing,
welcome to the future.

peace quietly prancing,
but war enhancing,
welcome to the future.

poet Anonymous

he askt me 4 money
but none did i have
O, lonely poor man
take my calculator and divide.

such that mercury is the next marble
soon Earth shall be such
of shooting stars as white as suns
then and then and
perhaps some new language will cum
back into vocal cords

sry picturelove
tryed 2 txt u

but these zombies are exacting
so often do i walk with them
balloon me
i float

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

A Viral Earth  

Leather feathers
and bird leaves
halo weather
mad cow disease
human's faltered
as Earth recedes
plastic castings
of trickery
the face , the mask's
all they see .

of allied nations
Kingdom's rising
regaining elevation
empirically tested
with more
invested intrerest
in our damnation
we're living

A wild stampede
all substrates
in need
all known seeds
are buried under
lands of green
they think it won't
be known
if it' can't be seen
so when the show
really blows
they can start clean.

Numerical in digits
via portals
near missed hits
feared land-fills
prophets get blitzed
they want to stamp us
with triple six.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 59

A Metropolis for Sheep

Flash of neon signs that pulse blood of glossy lies.
Veins throb and quiver as they deliver food for hungry eyes
Red, Yellow, Turquoise, Razzmatazz feed the impulse of masses
Colors plaster empty faces filling them with alien light

Inside a flame flickers barley bright.
Dying now the last of an ancient rite
Slowly grasping for one last breath
Flickers madly, soft with regret
A cavern, now dark and hollow
Echoes what had once past followed
To be filled now with some new fictive light
Guided only by false color and artificial sight
Now they have lost their light

Bright lights shine lies to eagerly empty masses
Lips contract and speak false colors of satisfaction
Cacophony of humms and buzzes spread like molasses

Eternal night has set upon this mankind

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Carpe Diem Carpe Noctem Carpe Sole

man, on his quest to renew his fire
has burned a whole in space-time
now Pandora's Box is open and we face a new threat--

man's technology has become innocuous and Pre-Pinocchio
and the dimensions of reality are being cubed and boxed
manufactured in cosmic factories by unclassified species

in the sun lies the answer to the cosmic mystery
in the sun is man's salvation and redemption into history
the future is being unwritten and time is tampered

on Earth, humanity has evolved into light emissaries
on par with God's holy angels but flawed in consciousness
people have tapped into their spirit and found Nirvana--
                          A PURPOSE WORTH FIGHTING FOR

when a man finds his purpose, he finds his power
and all clocks must bow down with respect, every hour
the universe has secrets and the sun is one of them--

poet Anonymous

Catphish nose betta den Bo

Yew axe
whut cumz next?
Lyke reely!
Whut da phuck.
Eye ain't Gawd.
Sum say eye'm da debil.
Butt whut da phuck doz
da debil no.
He ain't no forechin tella.
Catphish has a lyesince
inda state uv oregone.
Let's axe him.
Wi're awl ears.
Apokalipps now.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14582

" Commander, we're down fifty thousand liters from last night's rainfall on sector G.  we think it's fallen into the hands of the underground movement. we're tracing it now, sir. and following up reports of a mass meeting last evening around the vicinity of the brush-lands"

Tap Dancing

"pull the clouds from sector G
give it three days
and they'll be killing each other
for the last cupful of it

they think they're revolutionaries

tighten up security
and give sector B a comet scare
so everyone else
can concentrate on it
they'll soon remember their freinds
when they think the end is near"

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

quiet,too quiet

woke this morn i guess about 3 am
6 chapters through
the ol man and the sea again
stoke the wood stove
rifle scope check the smokehouse
molly ain't take a breath since yesterday
i'm still doin chest compressions
and breathing for her

i could never make the coffee as good
i gotta check traps
comb her pretty hair
gather stones
figure out
how to not just boil water
but distil
like she done since the sky fell

gonna be a lot of work
for you and me puppy
let's hope spring comes quick
i haven't seen nothin cross the sky
in months
and you ain't barked at shit
on the perimeter in a min

it'd be nice havin to kill somethin
jus so we know
we aren't the only things left


but if you ok with it

so am i...

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Nostrademus would've done better with this but I'll try...

The sun will rise again tomorrow
And the sun will set

A child will be born
Another will die

There will be cure for ebola
But another disease will surface deadlier

There will be seasons of plenty
There will also be seasons of scarcity

Periods of economic boom
Followed by global economic meltdowns

Angels will woo
Demons would persuade too

There will be summer winter spring and fall
A lot will happen but in all...

It's gonna be nothing new

Same old wars with different fighters
Same old drama but different actors

So what's next? Nothing!
Nothing we've not seen or heard before

"So it goes from year to year
From the Nothing to the All
From the cradle to the Bier
Endless rise and endless fall"

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 9

Next is subjective
Next is deceptive
When it comes, why it comes, who it is
Who am I?
Who is next?
Perceive above the lines
In between is next

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


A hundred full moons from the summer solstice
Solo flight by air would be a common sight
Aerial navigation could be done even by a novice
No more queues in the airports and delays in flights

Twenty years hence kinetic cyborgs would become a reality
Manning manufacturing lines and the battlefields
Pity the humans who’s going to be driven away by brutality
And shall be forced hard labor in their own minefields

The privileged ones will find utopia in a new planet
Where peace and love will reign as supreme
Attraction to each other would be like a magnet
Lovemaking at its heights would be at the extreme

There would be wars between cyborgs and humans
Blame it on mankind’s loathsome traits and greed
Peace could be attained through a symbolic woman
From her womb shall come a new form of breed

(This is somewhat forgotten by Nostradamus to mention in his Quatrains:
a hybrid between cyborgs and humans. ~EngrVV~ 2014)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3040

Give me a day or two to pick a winner, great stuff guys, need to perculate

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3040

thank's everyone, wasn't easy to pick

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