A Beautiful Death
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Poetry Contest Description
what would you say?
Are you a soldier who would lay down his life for his family and country? Even if you're not, would you do it? From a soldier's standpoint I want you to write me a letter to your loved ones, on the eve of battle, explaining what you do and why you do it. It doesn't have to be too lengthy but I want to put yourself in that soldier's shoes and try to imagine fear, dread and the ultimate bravery these people possess in the face of overwhelming odds.
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483
A Beautiful Death.
Reminds me of the movie '300' .... I like the feel.
this competition will be interesting to read.
Reminds me of the movie '300' .... I like the feel.

this competition will be interesting to read.
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
I hoping it'll be a good one. Yeah, one of the soldiers talked about it.
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 66
Unfortunate Live
Sounds of thundering ,
shivered me ,
corpses were triggering ,
jumbled me.
A nearer death ,
stopped me to take last breath ,
perhaps i was thinking ,
to donate my last step.
Horror in the eyes ,
with sinking sighs ,
again made me restless ,
to show my country's pride.
Suddenly I heard a sound ,
of my enemy's wound ,
who was a father of two ,
and took the third round.
His wife was on Her last ,
and He would be the only survivor for their grass ,
but my battalion troop ,
was in a hunt for His last.
I went closer to Him ,
as at that moment He was a human being ,
and I had a feeling to save ,
an enemy for a well-being.
So I changed my battalion uniform ,
to gave Him a life ,
as in return I need ,
a beautiful death with relief of pride.
He ran away to Live ,
but I remained there to dive ,
as death for me was a swimming pool ,
where fate flows but unfortunate Live.
Sounds of thundering ,
shivered me ,
corpses were triggering ,
jumbled me.
A nearer death ,
stopped me to take last breath ,
perhaps i was thinking ,
to donate my last step.
Horror in the eyes ,
with sinking sighs ,
again made me restless ,
to show my country's pride.
Suddenly I heard a sound ,
of my enemy's wound ,
who was a father of two ,
and took the third round.
His wife was on Her last ,
and He would be the only survivor for their grass ,
but my battalion troop ,
was in a hunt for His last.
I went closer to Him ,
as at that moment He was a human being ,
and I had a feeling to save ,
an enemy for a well-being.
So I changed my battalion uniform ,
to gave Him a life ,
as in return I need ,
a beautiful death with relief of pride.
He ran away to Live ,
but I remained there to dive ,
as death for me was a swimming pool ,
where fate flows but unfortunate Live.
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
thanks for kicking it off
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 11
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 11
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 170
(An actual letter my mom kept while i was in Afghanistan)
Hey mamma,
it sure is hot out here
I've got sand in places I didn't know where there.
Things have been calm so far, but tomorrow we roll out for a 24 hour mission and I can't lie I'm a little scared. I know I'm out here for the right reasons, but no matter what happens, know that I love you. Kiss my baby brother for me. How is everybody back home? Tell Grandma and all of them that I miss them and it won't be too long, I'll be home soon. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I know I'm a world away, but I think about y'all everyday. Things get crazy and hectic out here, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm proud to be here, I'm proud to be a soldier. I love you and I'll see you soon
Hey mamma,
it sure is hot out here
I've got sand in places I didn't know where there.
Things have been calm so far, but tomorrow we roll out for a 24 hour mission and I can't lie I'm a little scared. I know I'm out here for the right reasons, but no matter what happens, know that I love you. Kiss my baby brother for me. How is everybody back home? Tell Grandma and all of them that I miss them and it won't be too long, I'll be home soon. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I know I'm a world away, but I think about y'all everyday. Things get crazy and hectic out here, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm proud to be here, I'm proud to be a soldier. I love you and I'll see you soon
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43
Lost Thinker
Forum Posts: 43
Hey honey hey kids how are things back home. Hope the weather isn't too hot for you. I wanted to tell you how much I love you and that I miss you. Being away from you tears me apart. I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Stay strong for daddy. Mind your mother and honey don't feed my dog to many table scraps. Remember dear and remind the kid's I'll always be with you because you carry me in your memories. I've never regreted my choice to serve my county to keep you and the kids safe and free. Even still I'll be brave and we won't go down without a fight. We will stand tall till the end. We don't win this one though dear but we'll give it all we have. The enemy is headed for our camp we are out numbered
and out gunned. I only hope this letter finds you safe so you know how much I love you all. I've never been so scared and never cried so hard. I know that by the time you read this. My unit will be MIA I'll either be a POW or KIA either way I never see you guys again so know that no matter how scared I am. There is one thing feel more how much I love you all sorry I didn't make it home.
and out gunned. I only hope this letter finds you safe so you know how much I love you all. I've never been so scared and never cried so hard. I know that by the time you read this. My unit will be MIA I'll either be a POW or KIA either way I never see you guys again so know that no matter how scared I am. There is one thing feel more how much I love you all sorry I didn't make it home.
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Anyone else?
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483
Deleted. I was way off the subject lol ... gotta write another one.
Darker Half
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483
Darker Half
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1483
Dear Eric
Congratz on graduating college. It must be nice being around all those happy people, unscathed by tragedy.
While, I'm here, exploding bombs tend to be my only source of music, in this God-forsaken battle field.
I'd like to get the gang back together, if I had the chance. The army has been getting too much.
I've fought my way to the top, suffered a lot at the hands of male superiors. Not an inch of my body left un-violated, and untouched.
I write this, not because I want you to feel bad, you're the only left to tell.
I mean, now that I think about it, we've both have gone and come back from our own inner hells.
We had it tough growing up huh? I remember finding you shivering with no clothes on in cold, while looking for food in the garbage.
I've worked hard... so hard, that I've bleed tears. I hope you are proud of me too. The army has changed the savage, that I was.
Eric, today I was selected, among others, to ambush the enemy quarters. I'm being sent on such a dangerous mission.
I just thought you might wanna know, if my absence rises any attention.
I won't return. I can feel my gut twisting it knots. I feel like vomiting. I just really need to clear my mind.
I've been reminiscing, its even more nostalgic as I continue writing, each and every line.
I've got almost no regrets. Even when I set a distance between you and I. It was wrong, I admit it, but I knew you'd make it further.
You were sinking with me, I needed to push you out,
even if it all was solidify in anger.
I'm here packing, and I write, wondering if I should continue telling what I've got to tell. I just hate chickening-out.
I pushed you away .... so very far away,
I wanted to hide it, I didn't want to be hated, when you found out.
With just a pencil to write, I'll scribble the words that I've never had the courage to say.
I love you,.... I love you.... I really do love you,
I won't lie and say everything will be okay.
Because after I send this letter to you, it'll be my last.
I don't wanna be just a memory of your past.
With just a pencil I write the one thing I regret the most.
I love you... even as I die, this my curse.
I'll fight till the very end. You know me all too well.
So many other soldiers have done so and failed.
I don't regret my up coming death,
cause I'll be sparing in your name.
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Wow, guys, keep em coming
Forum Posts: 3645
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645
sgt. st. john's last skype
hey baby
been a min
i bet your belly getting big
still sexy though
sorry i haven't touched base
klicks been
shit been popping off
in alpha quadrant
i like how you
brought flowers,casserole,
and our metal chairs over there
when jimmy's wife
got that pink slip
it's been hot as fuck lately
ain't like it used to be
we don't throw no candy
in kandahar
no more
x box quit workin again
lil butter bar bitch
got picked off playin volleyball
so it's double shifts in the towers
bigger beards are standard operating procedure
so thas cool
but no liesure
there was something chemical
up in them bangers
on the british side of camp victory again
i didn't eat em
but a bunch of the other guys got sick
i wicked miss you
remember that one time
we went out on the bluffs
the surf was so much closer than last year
the edge was jus waashin away
right in front of us
i kinda feel like that now
what are we gonna do?
when you need a sitter
and i'm settin up a perimeter
had to turn in 2 deceased dude's id tags
and some i.e.d. triggers
i wanted to keep the other day
how's walmart?
but hey!!!!
can you hear me??????
tell the kids i lovem darlin
gotta go!
got incoming!!!!!!
hey baby
been a min
i bet your belly getting big
still sexy though
sorry i haven't touched base
klicks been
shit been popping off
in alpha quadrant
i like how you
brought flowers,casserole,
and our metal chairs over there
when jimmy's wife
got that pink slip
it's been hot as fuck lately
ain't like it used to be
we don't throw no candy
in kandahar
no more
x box quit workin again
lil butter bar bitch
got picked off playin volleyball
so it's double shifts in the towers
bigger beards are standard operating procedure
so thas cool
but no liesure
there was something chemical
up in them bangers
on the british side of camp victory again
i didn't eat em
but a bunch of the other guys got sick
i wicked miss you
remember that one time
we went out on the bluffs
the surf was so much closer than last year
the edge was jus waashin away
right in front of us
i kinda feel like that now
what are we gonna do?
when you need a sitter
and i'm settin up a perimeter
had to turn in 2 deceased dude's id tags
and some i.e.d. triggers
i wanted to keep the other day
how's walmart?
but hey!!!!
can you hear me??????
tell the kids i lovem darlin
gotta go!
got incoming!!!!!!

Shoot before you learn
(The affordable option)
Hey mom,
From the front line
that G.I. Bill
and sign on bonus
look lame as fuck
I'm about to kill
or die
for a country that
made me take up arms
to afford partial payment on education
Just because I don't have rich parents
(no offence intended
You never asked for cancer
or for it to eat
through your savings
and my inheritance)
I need a qualification to certify
a higher pay grade on the slave
wage scale
and assure me of health care
as I live with the burden of debt
defined by a credit score
on both sides we have good guys
Impoverished and trying to make a
difference in their lives
to better things for the masses
based on what the masters tell us
down here
we all look the same
Sunday school believers and freedom
the children of do gooders who want us
to do better
with our inherited mess
and brains programmed by propaganda and maps to heaven
lost in elitist lies
I may be the next to kill
or die
might never get back to the couch
but please, Mom
If I come home in a box
write the truth as my epitaph
I died a slave
made to think I was free
(The affordable option)
Hey mom,
From the front line
that G.I. Bill
and sign on bonus
look lame as fuck
I'm about to kill
or die
for a country that
made me take up arms
to afford partial payment on education
Just because I don't have rich parents
(no offence intended
You never asked for cancer
or for it to eat
through your savings
and my inheritance)
I need a qualification to certify
a higher pay grade on the slave
wage scale
and assure me of health care
as I live with the burden of debt
defined by a credit score
on both sides we have good guys
Impoverished and trying to make a
difference in their lives
to better things for the masses
based on what the masters tell us
down here
we all look the same
Sunday school believers and freedom
the children of do gooders who want us
to do better
with our inherited mess
and brains programmed by propaganda and maps to heaven
lost in elitist lies
I may be the next to kill
or die
might never get back to the couch
but please, Mom
If I come home in a box
write the truth as my epitaph
I died a slave
made to think I was free
Forum Posts: 333
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333
Dear Me Kins Folk,
Them is hard. Them is wrong. But them is willings to dies for whats they
beliefs. There be no ointments me can puts on me heart to makes me brave in
this darkest battle me ever cames to knews. Me drink is me demon. Me
promisesed if me lives, me turnings overs me a new leafs.
How's me gardens of barble berries and me Langoling Tree? Me misses
them sour balls of juicy barbles jumpings in me mouth and them sweet
langoling drops bathings in bliss, ticklings me tongues. But whats me
misses most is me beloved betrothed, Islara. Her face blindses me dreams.
Me cans thinks of nothings but her begolden eyes, more finers than Gandolian
gold minesed in Morshire Mountain. Me promisesed if me lives, me shalls
dos goods by her all me days. And giveds her the finest childrens ever
seens or heards in alls of MerrdyGlown Valley.
Me gots no regrets. Me gots no begrudges. Me only gots dreams that
me makes comes trues when me is dones with this dimpspicalbe war. This war
that startsed becauses the hearts of some Elfmens is colds. Lands have no
names, no owners. Them is givens freelys for alls to take cares of and
eats from. I fears if will loses this battle, we loses all of freedom
forevers. We cans nots allows this.
Me fingers shakes now, writings is not me strongest skilled. Me
is finest with a FilsBow in me hands and swingings a Shalvot Ax. There me
is gots honors and me is gets heads. Hackings to bitses and pieceses Elfmens
is me crownings achievements. But me fears not subsides with me confidenced.
Luck is atrociously fickles. Me fears me needs Her favors tomorrows.
I loveds yous alls with alls me hearts and breaths.
Fair Islana, if me shalls falls in battle. Finds me in yours dreams.
Highest Salubrations,
Brolux The Brave Wind
Them is hard. Them is wrong. But them is willings to dies for whats they
beliefs. There be no ointments me can puts on me heart to makes me brave in
this darkest battle me ever cames to knews. Me drink is me demon. Me
promisesed if me lives, me turnings overs me a new leafs.
How's me gardens of barble berries and me Langoling Tree? Me misses
them sour balls of juicy barbles jumpings in me mouth and them sweet
langoling drops bathings in bliss, ticklings me tongues. But whats me
misses most is me beloved betrothed, Islara. Her face blindses me dreams.
Me cans thinks of nothings but her begolden eyes, more finers than Gandolian
gold minesed in Morshire Mountain. Me promisesed if me lives, me shalls
dos goods by her all me days. And giveds her the finest childrens ever
seens or heards in alls of MerrdyGlown Valley.
Me gots no regrets. Me gots no begrudges. Me only gots dreams that
me makes comes trues when me is dones with this dimpspicalbe war. This war
that startsed becauses the hearts of some Elfmens is colds. Lands have no
names, no owners. Them is givens freelys for alls to take cares of and
eats from. I fears if will loses this battle, we loses all of freedom
forevers. We cans nots allows this.
Me fingers shakes now, writings is not me strongest skilled. Me
is finest with a FilsBow in me hands and swingings a Shalvot Ax. There me
is gots honors and me is gets heads. Hackings to bitses and pieceses Elfmens
is me crownings achievements. But me fears not subsides with me confidenced.
Luck is atrociously fickles. Me fears me needs Her favors tomorrows.
I loveds yous alls with alls me hearts and breaths.
Fair Islana, if me shalls falls in battle. Finds me in yours dreams.
Highest Salubrations,
Brolux The Brave Wind