Poetry competition CLOSED 20th December 2013 10:51am
tdguand (Diana Morada)
View Profile Poems by tdguand

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Best Love Poem

poet Anonymous

No one wants love poems

Poems of steamy sex
and intrigues behind the scenes
are where it's at.
But let someone say they love
and it's put down to infatuation
and physical desire
mistaken, through need,
for love.
leave off with the questions;
have no doubt at all
When he is busy teaching
or making music
or writing with others
 to the betterment of both  
or working out
or deconstructing mountains
 to see what lies beneath
or any of the hundred million
things that occupy his days -  
 including me...
I may speak in sexual terms  
because that seems to be what is
most readily understood,
but make no mistake about it
there is nothing about  
that means nothing to me.
He dances in my heart
for all to see.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

beyond sky

The wheat is thick this time of year,
wild enough to appeal to my heart
deep enough to care.
The walk is wet; melancholic  
my hands creeping through the heads-
fingers through your hair
and the world tilts for a second.
The sky dives into the field,
holds breath, resurfaces
as those birds
sing their siren songs
toward every memory
the ground, your face
still breathing,
still breathing.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233


If I could have any future I chews these lips
Pavement cracked, cracked glass, soles worn out.
A walk so tall, I saw you everywhere.
Saw me in half. Saw you whole again.
Saw you on a rose bed, six square of garden,
Lain on a starched sheet stretched to the end
Wrestling the anger of your dead mum out of you
Delicate as deep, this pear so cool and sweet.
This dripping juice runs down my arms to the pits.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Feelings For You

It's the end of the world
It's the end of time
The past is frozen solid
The future is defrosted
Regrets are buried
Chances are resurrected
Hope is reincarnated
Came back to life as faith
I believe in your word
Darling you're my religion
I highly praise you
You grant your blessings upon me
Gave me the gift of life
That's the reason you're my present
I'm rich with desire
Abundant with laughter
Sufficient with joy
A deficit of tears
The glow of sunshine
The mystique of moonlight
The twinkle of stars
The portrait of constellations
God is the artist
Creator of all things
Creator of heaven
Creator of you

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

Stopping Time With You

If I had the power to freeze time
Id go back to the moment your lips first touched mine
Id keep you there stiff as a statue
In that happy moment when I thought I had you
And as eons pass without passing
Your lip gloss wont rub off
Ill stay where time cant find me
Ill be forever lost
Ill stop the world from spinning
Stop the sunbeams in their tracks
Time can just go on without me
I'll give all my hours back
And just stay with you in that moment
Thats all I wanna do
Whats the point in having a future
If I cannot have you?  

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Kind Of Love

Couldn't help but fall
I had to risk it all
His love made me crawl
I went through withdrawl
Bouncing off the walls
Like a rubber ball
A ball of emotions
Clashing like oceans
At high tide
I'm drowning inside
Help me, save me
It's driving me crazy
Helpless as an infant
Practice no resistance
Because in an instant
I'll choose him over anyone different
It's useless, hopeless
I'm sure people notice
I'm under his rule
A love struck fool
People are aware
I simply don't care
Yes I'm a slave that'll follow him anywhere
If he goes to hell I'll be right there
Burning, yearning
Even when I'm hurting
And he's the cause
I'll overlook his flaws
And accept him for who he is
As long as we both shall live
The pain he brings, the love he gives
I never get enough
Of all the stuff
He's put me through
The deja vu's
Swinging moods
I eat it up like food
It's delicious malnutrition
Clear my plate then break dishes
In addition
To him being an angel after being vicious
I'll never be finished
With his monkey business
What kind of love is this?

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 8th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 4


There are wonders in this world
Once you seek them, the past is irrelevant
The perfect soul is living on this earth
Blindly seek and you shall find
A similar love for yours like mine
It is a destiny to prove to others
That love is blind
Together we are unstoppable lovers
Holding our hearts beating softly
As all other feelings fly away
You shall find a love like mine someday
Count the days as they stroll by
When your together each and every time
The butterflies never fly away
The beauty of this fleeting anxious feeling
Is knowing its meaning
You have never felt one like this before
Because you have not found the one
Who treats you like your dreams
And writes a love story with you
Appreciates all you have to say
Can make any bad day flip upside down and backwards
Just to make you smile
And then tell you how beautiful you are when you cry
Once you find a love like mine,
You will begin to write, once upon a time
In a dream I have dreamt this would never be possible yet it is
Until you discover the beauty of affection
Never doubt love because it is out there in this world waiting for you
Gazing at the same star as you
Questing for a star to hold and see how brightly it shines only in their hands
Seeing the night in a different glance
The moon and stars tessellate
Out of the entire universe
You chose each other
Love is such a beautiful mystery

poet Anonymous

Full of Grace

You have had your fingers in my soul,    
Since I was a boy &      
Are the most ethereally beautiful woman      
I have ever seen.    
I have traveled this world      
In search of beauty and love    
& have never felt so moved      
By any other human face.    
I now know why all throughout my life,      
I have run from you,    
the thought of loving you,      
& being near your light.    
Your magnificent presence of being,      
a force of love and Art,      
Of a nurturing, miraculous center of Om.    
It is because    
That if I ever had or lost you:    
Ever had known the heights to which two humans    
Could experience utter and complete knowing.    
Ever had known the pleasures      
Of flesh and sweat,    
To the extent of euphoricly dangerous ecstacy.    
Ever had known such familial oneness,      
As to cease being an indivisual consumer      
Of energy & space.    
And then to have to face      
The tortuous reality of loss,      
On such a scale, that would rival armageddon.    
And be banished,    
To the profanely cold existence      
Of the lover who lost,      
But had tasted such sweet manna.    
And be damned      
To the lowest scale of existence,    
That of the architect of one's own doom.    
You see,      
Our end,      
Through my doing or yours,      
Would have been the end of me.    
I could not have afforded the risk,      
I was and am a coward,      
Afraid of my own potential to transcend.    
The obscene conditioning      
Of my profession,    
Unable to tear the black murderous thread    
I have let be woven into my soul,      
That is,      
My skill and ability,      
To kill another human.      
Why? You might ask,      
Do I share this with you,    
Decades after we were closer than now......    
It is immature and improper,      
Unfaithful and uncalled for,    
Maybe, indeed....but I am no longer afraid.    
You see Death strode near me here,      
Leaving burning footprints all around...    
And I do not ask anything of you      
Other than to read      
these words, and know previously unspoken truths.    
If for nothing more,      
Than to humor, an old coward,    
Who ran from his destiny,      
& denied his dreams.    
Who drowned the better Angels of his nature,    
In their own tears of anguish!    
After signing on with the Blue Machine,    
That drops death from the Heavens.    
Onto children in wrong clothes,      
Who go to wrong places of worship,      
Who speak wrong languages,      
& spend wrong monies.    
Whose parents heed wrong laws,      
In wrong cities,      
wear wrong clothes,      
That paid dividends to wrong stock holders.    
Who invested in wrong companies,      
Who display wrong loyalties,    
Who love in wrong ways,      
In wrong family structures.    
And now, stands,      
In the wake of his own awakening,    
At the end of his health & sanity.    
Know this hidden truth,      
Then forget it,      
The magic is only in this telling,      
The theory is stronger      
Than the practice.    
I do not wish for a new destiny,      
Mine is written &    
Does not allow for editing,      
The script is final.    
I only hope now that you may feel,      
A small flicker of heat    
From love never given,      
& a love never lost.    
You remain the bittersweet memory,      
& truly, as Buckley said:      
"a tear, that hangs inside my soul......forever"  

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 57

The Squalid Atmosphere of Intrigue and Betrayal

Oh how the lone wolf howled in the night as I listened
Oh my woman how he performed
Something so profound in his sensual temperament wild
What does he see in this lonely night born
Dark in the woods where the markings are bare
There perfumes a betrayal in an intrigued atmosphere, squalid
Perhaps it's something familiar that I fear
Reminding him of something he once knew, now breathing inside me
As the electricity ran through my heart
He felt my last breath with beauty in his critical move
And the bird that dreams as a child,
Will dream the frolic of the winds no more
A song touched his heart as he devours the qualia,
Enjoying it avidly
Never to give back her song he ever heard, and now he devours
Her most intimate words,
The beast protruded and sinks voracious teeth in my heart
Taking delight in the sensuous gratification
Oh my heart, the succulent Dove
I feel the sententious precipitous conscience
Suffering how he performs his own ravenous song
And I weep for the bird, as he gratifies the delightful night,
So full and so long

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

a girl on a bench

The girl on a bench asked
for forgiveness. I couldn't help
overhearing as she said:
"Come back and I'll say
yes again."

Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight
Singapore 6awards
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496

the state of soul
perception of whole

as stars can sparkle
when love occurs
or stars can gloom
alone in distant
amid forlorn shade

like equal tune played
on different instrument
viola's mirth on major G
cello's melancholy on major G

the deaths of a thousand
or your love
you choose
the sun over the stars
for oblivion may
you reject to dwell

beautifully bias

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Am I allowed a second entry?
I think this poem is more suitable for the competition than the one i've already posted.


When our lips reunite  
When our touches combine
When our eyes assemble,

Please ignore it, if not allowed.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 28th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198

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The Old Song / poem

I Love You
G,C, Em
Forgive me Babe, what I say, Forgive me Babe, What I might do;
And when you think of me, just remember… I love you,
Please don’t remember me, with my faults,  
Coming home late, coming home drunk,
And when you think of me, just remember I love you
I know that You’re a good looking woman,
Who deserves better than what I’m offering you,
Minimum wage, early grave, I was amazed that you said yes… To me,

D A7 Em
The cuts on my arms, and the hardness of my hands,
Steeltoes and the sweat that drips off of me,
All of these things show how hard I work, and how much that I love you,
Baby Please don’t put me down,
I know, the wants and the needs of a woman your age,
Is more that a Poor man like me can ever give or satisfy,
Please don’t remember me, with my faults
But When you think of me, Just remember that, I love you,

F C G,
D A7 Em

Yes, I never became the man that you hoped I’d be,
And letting you down it seems became just another name for me,
Over the years, my hair has thinned, and my body is slowly getting worn and beat,
But when all else fades, your image in my eyes still remain,
Everything I do, I always done for you,
But I’m still a man, Babe can’t you see what I am,
Please don’t remember me, with my faults
And when you think of me, just remember that I Love you;

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

-Tomorrow Never Comes-

A breath away,
Almost able to grasp.
But then dissolves into smoke,
Making the effort such a waste.

Longing for your touch,
For your words.
I cannot deny,
Being without you hurts.

It is like a deep hollowness,
At the center of my being.
I only wish,
You could see me.

We have always had a chemistry,
A sense of understanding.
Never had we had a problem,
Not a single qualm.

You have had me sense the first day,
We never talked.
Until a couple years ago,
You were light years from my reach.

Now you are like the visions of tomorrow,
I can see you getting closer all the time.
I am aware that you will always be there,
Just out of my reach.

You are my tomorrow,
Because Tomorrow Never Comes.

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