Poetry competition CLOSED 26th August 2013 2:11am
View Profile Poems by BloodyTears

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Buried Alive

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 10th July 2013
Forum Posts: 203

It’s so dark
   Open your eyes
They are open
   Well, shit
That’s helpful
   You’re talking to yourself
So I am.  
   [i]Turn a light on
I reach for the lamp beside the bed
My hand knocks a wall
But my bed is not against the wall
I touch it again
It is not a wall.  It’s above me.  Below me.  Beside me.  At my feet.  At my head.
What the hell?  What the hell?

How did I get here?
Where is here?

Breathe in
Breathe out
Slower, breathe slower
What the hell?

Tears begin
They fall; not down, but to the side
I have tears in my ears
My head begins to hurt
I can feel my heart against the wood surrounding me
What the hell?
Gotta get out.  Gotta get out
Breathe.  Oh, please God!  Get me out of here!

What happened?  Who did this?
My husband?
My lover?
My children?  No, they’re too little.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Oh, what the fuck?  I’ll lose air if I keep breathing
I’ll die if I lose air
Fuck, I’ll die if hold my breath!

Please God.  What did I do to die this way?
Okay, not so bad.
I can do this.
God will save me
Or let me die
Didn’t I want to die anyway?
How many times have I tried?
He’s answering my prayer
But hell, I didn’t ask to die this way
Nice one God.  Haha.  Very fucking funny
Okay, sorry God.  Didn’t mean to swear at you.  Sorry.

But really, can you get me out?  Now.  Today.
Please God.  I don’t want to die this way.
Anyway but this

Never mind.  
I close my eyes and breathe
In and out
Until my air runs out

Benjamin Derr
Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 6

Where am I
This room is small
The walls are in so close
It's padded, bedlike
closed, sealed
I dont think I'm getting out of here

I can hear them throwing the dirt on now
Each pebble echos
Cracking through my ears
The worms slowly slither through

I can imagine family outside
Hearing my screams
And thinking nothing of it
How fucking ironic

That's all I've been doing my entire life
Screaming, pleading
Searching, seeking
For an ear to be lent
Prior to laying in such a bed

I know I was breathing
I'm certain of it
How could they announce me deceased
There was so much life in me

They must have assumed
I was merely a dreamer
With no hope of waking

How am I to prove I'm alive
As memories of me are sinking

This air is thick
As my lungs recycle it
This box is now my home
And I'm its only inhabitant

Dead or alive
I better learn to find comfort in it

Because there is no escaping it

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483


*dum-dum: Sound of a heart beat

What is this?
why are they moving.
the keep getting to close
what is it seeking?


Get away!
I'm so weak,
in this small place
I fall on my knees,
and pretend to pray.

Noo! What's coming down!
Is that the roof.
I'm all alone
in this elevated room,
on floor,
unable to move!


It's coming down,
the soil!


I can't breathe!

is this my end I perceive?!


This contorting body,
       trembling on the floor


I can't control my movement
       it's the core

           dum     -     dum

and now

dum  -  dum

alone I burst

dum   -    dum

My demons,

        my curse
Then again, it's
       ashes to ashes
and from dust


   to dust...


Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"Driving along when this horrific Earth Quake came"

Engulfing my car into the bowls of the crevasse.
The car's weight as the ground opened up and sucked
me only deeper into the darker depth.  

I could then feel the ground shaking and shifting still as mud and pebbles and debris rained down on my head.  Huge rocks hitting the top of my head knocking me in and out of consciousness.

The cars engine suddenly burst into flames ignited possibly by a gas pocket and the oil leaking from within.  The blazing heat I felt scorching me as the
car continued its descents into this Earthly grave now made.  

I continued face down in the blazing car and broke through a huge wall of debris.  Where I came to rest on this ledge overlooking a giant river of fire and lava below.  

I was rocking back and forth on this ledge as if it were a teeter totter made in hell.  The blazing heat below along with the blazing heat of the car did nothing for my fear I was already crying and praying for anything..........

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14598

Should've known
the bastards wouln't check for a pulse
I'd bet my eyes were only closed a split second
'for they had me wheele to the mortuary
and laid out on a slab for dressing

won't be long now
'til all the air is gone
and after that
there's an army of skinny maggots
to make fat
I wonder if they'll score me out of ten for taste

still, I've always prefered my own company
so I'm glad it's me I get to die with

poet Anonymous

Then Marley waved and Jerry arrived...

I'd love to get buried alive, with you
laying together near the new arena
right beside the old wall of speakers

pressed together and grinning
eyes closed and feeling sickly sweet
for each-other

under 20 feet of Cannabis, ripe
and us, with matches to strike

now go ahead and start anew
I'll strike up the next one with you

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Pure White Snow

Where is Michael?
Now it's getting dark?
Last we heard, he was in his studio

Under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Bad Seeds planted, an opium addiction
Nick Cave holding the Wild Rose
Do you love me?

Is this love that I'm feeling
Three little birds sung to me
"Don't worry about a thing

People are strange, we're all mad here
Don't you love her madly?
I could be buried beneath an avalance of music
I wouldn't mind, be entertained till the end of time

poet Anonymous

This one was a very hard pick, and I can honestly say that not one entry stood out among the rest as being "the best", because I thought each and every one deserved a trophy for first place--great job everyone, you're all in first place!  Having said that, I'm giving the trophy to Bloody Tears to hold for the group, since it'll be her first, and it's always a cool thing to get your first win.   And again, I really did think that the entries were all very well done, equal, etc., and I felt bad singling any one out over the other, so consider this one a group effort!  :)

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 10th July 2013
Forum Posts: 203

Wow!  Oh, my God, I never expected to actually win!  Thank you so much, I'm so excited now

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Congrats BloodyTears!

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Congratz Bloody Tears, I enjoyed ur poem.
U earned it!


Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

good 4 u.  In honesty I figured I didn't win because they figured out I got my idea for my poem from the Superman movie when Lois Lane got killed in her car.  With a few extra added elements not in the original.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Well done, Bloody Tears, and everyone!

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