Poetry competition CLOSED 8th August 2013 1:47pm
View Profile Poems by Gg78
RUNNERS-UP: Carpe_Noctem and IzziSkyy

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don't not do it and say you did...

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

Poetry Contest

ever been so tired you become a bit delusional?
here's what i want you to do, write a poem after 24 hours no sleep.
i don't mean that in any way shape or form metaphorically, i mean literally stay up for 24 hours and write a poem on the 24th hour,
if this is a typical thing for you, then it should be easy =]

-two entries per person
-obviously must be new
-i'm giving you two weeks because i know its hard to work that into one's schedule sometimes
-title it
-anything goes really, topic, style, whatever, as long as you were up for 24 hours or longer when you wrote it

-ask if you have any questions =]

and i have no way of knowing if you really did or didn't do it, so just do it =p..

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

I have one I did after 45 hours of no sleep. Can I use it ?

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

i was kinda hoping for new ones, but if you got a really good one, or like lav said can't do it for health reasons, or time restrictions, then yeah go ahead and use an old one, it's no problem, =]

i'll mend my rules so you can add two if you'd like, so if you're able you can use and old and a new...

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 91

~I'm claiming medical restrictions on this. I'm type 1 bipolar, and sleep deprivation can trigger a manic episode. This piece was written during my most recent manic episode, after having been up for about 56 hours. For those who don't know, an arrhythmia is an irregular heart beat; more specifically, a bradycardia being too slow, and a tachycardia being too fast.~

Oh god I can’t breathe,
I tear at my throat to open it up;
I’ll take any toxic air I can
just to fill my deflated lungs.
The poison feels so damn good
when you’re used to nothing else…
how I’d love to tear apart my veins
and show you what’s inside.

Would you hold my beating heart
in the palm of your hand and feel me
with all the love in my heart for you.
Feel the bradycardia as the life
drains out of me and I slow down…
thoughts weighing down and everything is…

Then the tachycardia takes stride,
galloping through my fucking life,
bringing along with it pain in
my caved in and battered chest.
Anxiety’s little brother, tachycardia.

Wash your hands of me,
for god knows what bacteria
my faulty heart holds.
God knows how sick you could get.
My most sincere apologies.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

I stayed.

I stayed awake,
I stayed in bed.
The sun didn't wake,
But it did in my head.

I got lost, on my way,
I tripped and stumbled.
I got dreary, but was okay.
Down the stairs I tumbled.

To the computer. the room,
Oh, how it was spinning.
I sat in my gloom.
But, I think I was grinning.

I was so very tired.
I got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I think my brain got rewired.
The shadows loom.

My computer is bright,
Against the dark.
I think it should be alright,
Till, I was eaten by a shark.

Gobbled whole.
I made no sound.
I waited in the troll,
Until I could look around.

But there was no light,
Not until I met a unicorn.
Who taught me the right,
And it told me to be warn.

I think I just joined a church,
Oops, but I got out okay.
I began to search,
And I met a turtle, I begged him to stay.

He sat by my side,
And I gave him a cookie.
He became my guide,
But he was a rookie.

We got lost in a house,
That I didn't recognize.
I met a mouse,
He led me out alive.

I got in bed, and I stayed.
I played my laptop all night.
And I wasn't swayed,
By the animals trying to give me a fright.

poet Anonymous

"Confusion Caused by the Lack of Sleep"
I was really keyed up all day
last night,
and I'm still wide-awake.
Oh, here comes the sun again,
I watched her go down,
she's the same one that
rose yesterday
with the moon too.
Unless, somehow
they got switched
on the dark side
of the Earth,
then they would not be the same.
And how strange would that be?
I gotta get some sleep
I mean tonight,
'cause these thoughts
are killing me,
throwing me off my game.
I'm not making any sense,
it's confusing me
let alone others,
and the dog smiling
at me over there.

poet Anonymous


I also am claiming a medical reason like IzzySky above.
It is also a warning to get help if this happens to you.
Mine happened many years ago - surprised the Doctors did not know.

Bipolar mania not understood
Went for a week without sleep
When they already knew
Lack of sleep could make you crazy

Panic attacks secondary to seeing
People in the rooms running after me
But they were not people
They were angels

Went to emergency
Where they thought it was nothing
Gave me one sleeping pill
Went home, still was ill

Started to feel nauseous
Could not eat, could not sleep
Watched a shut down TV
Talking to me

All this time I knew
I was hallucinating
Something was askew
My brain was reverberating

Throwing up and retching
Living in the bathroom
Trying to sleep on the floor
Cannot sleep no matter what

There is another angel
He is talking to me
Only I cannot really understand
Then he sits on an outside tree

This week finally ended
Never knew what started it
Did not get a diagnosis
Until many many years went by.....


Thought Provoker
Vatican City 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 127


poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

Waiting on the rain

I've been here before  
waiting on the rain  
watching people pick at each other  
complaining about life's struggles  
and love's battles  
with their heart on their sleeves  
shown to the world  
it's free for the taking  
use it  
abuse the poor bastard  
that just wants to be in love  
it's funny how a few drops of rain  
won't wash away the feelings  
but will hide it  
the sun will set on everyone  
but the searching remains  
for trust, love, life respect  
a bunch of mice sharing a piece of cheese  
in a small hole in the wall  
with no exit  
just an entrance  
and they still find happiness  
as I sit waiting on the rain  
to heal my open scars  
baring my soul naked to the drips  
laying on the concrete  
cold without shame  
without a smile  
or a tear  
no care to enter the mouse trap  
and be forever a slave to love  
to people  
I can be my best friend  
my worse enemy  
and my own lover  
but it gets lonely  
and I should just crawl into that hole  
and die  
with the believers

It's old but I did tell someone here that I wrote this after a long shift and no sleep for more then 24 hours I think it was 35 or 45 can't remember !!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3052

Sleep Deprived With The Blood Shot Eyes

Once I smoked a shit load of crack
Crystal meth to you Yanks
Stayed up for a week no sleep
I think I ate a snag
Sausage to you Yanks
Guys can you take me home
Nah, we can drop you at the bus stop
The bus ride home...
Full of paranoia
Eyes judging me, stop looking at me
Home at last..now I can sleep
My walls are made of wispy crack smoke
Crack dragons and crack bears dance about
Fuck this I need sleep and lots of valium

Twenty four hours standing on my head
You don't mind if I abuse myself
So I can hold my head up,
Don't tell me this is paradise  

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

24 hour hours go by
without noticing
after 36 i'm wide awake again
everyone can quit
being such a bitch
it's after the third day  it's tough

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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