Poetry competition CLOSED 25th July 2013 11:15pm
PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
View Profile Poems by PsychicApocalypse

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

See Below-Inbox any questions to me

All welcome
One Week
New writes only
one entry each
no collabs

Give your work a title-please

Submit a two part poem
one half on what you want
the other half on what you need

the rest is up to you...

Nothing epic in length, please

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

thank you Theo, kicked us off nicely with that entry!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

Part 1:  The escape plan!

After I pulled the trigger the chopper was ready!!!
It hooked me into a lariat and I flew quickly over the city.

The assassination was completed and now the just rewards.
The airports plane was refueled.  But for some reason I
only wanted more.  

I grabbed my cellular while dangling bellow the chopper in the winds.  I called the people I worked for and said "Sorry but the price has gone up still further yet....."

"I want 800 Billion in various accounts World Wide.  I want my own Island with a private military and don't even lie!!  I want plenty of weapon's sky dropped there like surface to air, rpg's grenade launchers, and enough ration's for at least 40 years!"

"I also want a secret base built there using special drilling equipment.  Where I can go into deeper hiding if need be.  The base needs to be equipped with a super computer.  And a IT staff that will keep it maintained."

"I also want look alikes of myself throughout the free world to only further confuse the ones wanting me dead.  A fleet of aircraft squadrons with bombing capabilities if all else fails these demands must be met!!!!!"  

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Wishful Wants, and Hopeful Needs

I'd like a car,
so I won't have to walk anymore.
I'd want a temperpedic bed,
because the mattress I have, makes my back sore.

I wish for more money,
there's a lot of things that I'd like to pay.
I'd like to win the lottery

I need to find a job,
and start living on my own.
Expenses and expenses,
life's too hard core.

I need to further my education,
in order to better myself.
Every day I need a reality check,
so I don't go way in over my head.

Needs and wants,
such touchy little things.
In which category is sex,
is it a want or a need?
Yes. Very complicated,

We need world peace,
but that can also be a want.
We want to stop corruption,
but bribe money is needed, yet marred.

So, are you sharp enough,
to detect, and differentiate the two?
Because some times I get caught up,
and end up having not a clue.

poet Anonymous

vortex and darkerhalf, thank you both. Great stuff!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

thank you madame..great stuff :-)

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

and air pt 1

i want food, bigger boobs, the ability to only ever tell the truth,
a dinner table set for two, less burning sensation lubes
the ability to rhyme better then saying in my next line
when problems arrive always knowing what to do,



and air pt 2

i need food.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

Part 2 Their Answer,  Sorry Pal but what you really need....

Is psychological help, maybe a 4 month vacation from the work we get you into, a nice ski trip perhaps to the middle east in one of those nice indoor resorts.  Massage therapy paid for for the next couple years.  Free movie rentals from net flicks.  A newer computer to go online and stay at home so you can relax and not be so stressed out.  A newer bed maybe a temperpedic??  Take a nice extended fishing and hunting trip pre-paid.  A nice motor home with unlimited fuel travel the country......

(Working for a secret Undisclosed Gov. Organization bent on World Manipulation does have its perks......)  

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

I Want...His Want!

The feeling of him wanting me
his warm touch cascading all
around me
I want to be alone with him
so he can undress me
I want his love as I love him

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

I Need...Him To Give

I need him to communicate
his wants and needs
so his key can fit my heart
I need that moment in
between silence and thought
where I can capture all his
passion and everything else
can fade away needing only
him to give

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

maslow was full of shit

i don't need those things.
i don't even want them.

you can't want or need what you have,
or people
would be so satisfied

no shame in moving on to the next and the
next and the next and the next it's
human nature

no one wants to win, we all want
the next level of the game and the ascending dddjjjsssshhhriiing!
keyboard sound
that's a thing we want deep down in the kidney

that's what we call self actualisation:
1 more level to play
until god

poet Anonymous

thank you ALL..these are great-won't be easy picking a winner!

poet Anonymous

"Overcoming Cyber Kinetics"
I want
a way
out of
this confusion,
such complexities,
these doldrums,
my low-lows.
This electric infection
is ebbing my flow,
Lord knows,
it’s killing me.

I need
an adrenalin injection
a dose of reality,
a bit of simplicity,
to smell pine
below the lenticulars.
I’m not
any mountain will do.

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