Poetry competition CLOSED 14th June 2013 7:25am
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNER-UP: Jestalessa

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More Free Verse

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a free verse poem using at least four, this time, of the techniques below
*patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables
*occasional internal rhyme
*occasional rhyme at the ends of lines
*patterns of assonance

These techniques are taken from this article about free verse, or open/mixed form poetry: http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/f/forms-of-verse-free-verse/ Please remember that, although you're more than welcome to use every technique presented here, your entry must be free verse, and thus can't follow an established form like a sonnet or villanelle.
The previous "free verse" contest: http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/5180/

One more rule: Feel free to post more than one poem, but please indicate which you would like to be your entry.

poet Anonymous

Showtime, Show The Tune

He's got a round about way of doing everything
gives just enough to play along, a little
then he moves on
while I hang on

awaiting his next performance
a given, with his next appearance
and I'll participate passionately
grant him center stage, too willingly

I'll polish my shoes and dust off my hat
paint up my face, to catch his act
I'll highlight my hair and oil up my skin
on opening night, I'll be entertained

he'll steal the show, win applause
hold me til I'm screaming, crying encore!
and he'll take a bow as the curtains close
and go

while I stay
with memories and an old program
believing in magic, I'll wait for him
I'll wait, for him

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

Mask you hide
Scared,screaming ,sorrow
You feel the beat
Only from the heat
I grab the hand
As you kiss me goodnight
Feeling flawless free
You run on the heart
Only to be torn apart
I found you hidden in the trees
Now we run, ran, ruined

poet Anonymous

the post
now unposted
lost, it is
eternally damned
but for an instant, it lived
existed before exiting
before the button
of all destruction
was pressed by the finger
of this very person
it was there

gone now..gone now

Ha ha Jack, I had a post, went to delete it and ended up with this..lol..not an entry of course but your comp rules inspired it so i'm leaving it :-)

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 220

I used all seven last time. What do I do this time?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3054

Standing Last Confession

It’s been so long,
time after time
our story hasn't changed
from the glory days
right back to the cave
painting, praying to
the sun, still enslaved
still standing, slaves
to the rage

How long you been here?
I've been here for years
Now if you live by the word
then you die the pen
I cut the word
here with my sword
I am poetic witness
to humanity's horrible sickness

This will be my last confession
I have little faith forgive me
freewill can leave harsh impressions,
we live and learn that history
you got to pay to play
Turn the page, written by the victor,
the rules change to suit the greed
When it rains it pours,
hunger can drive hatred
of the race sex and religion
such is life
We treat peace like
it’s a term of acceptance
I ain't afraid to die
I’m afraid life is living hell

poet Anonymous

marthard said:I used all seven last time. What do I do this time?

Use at least four.

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

[font=Verdana]Which one do you want to be your entry, Kitty?

poet Anonymous


Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

Is she stupid, or just a dick?

poet Anonymous


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14613

Better to burn out

And I've tried, tried to keep the twinkle in your eyes    
but its been so long since that first spark  
caught a wild west wind    
and was blown  into our dried up hearts    
setting them alight, burning white hot, day and night    
now, I see my own eyes have dulled    
and I'm saddened by the sight of them    
You were special though, you know?    
through the years  
the joy, the fights, the hurt, the tears    
and the passion, pure untamed passion    
kept us smiling on the inside    
and I'd never want to see you unloved    
god knows, when you put your heart into it  
you can make a man feel like a pharaoh  
or a pauper    
after finding a path to the end of a rainbow    
So go, go now to where the wind blows wildest
and the sparks burn brightest
because neither of us need to just settle

poet Anonymous

lepperochan said:Better to burn out

And I've tried, tried to keep that twinkle in your eyes
but its been so long since that first spark
caught the wild west wind
and was blown  into our dried up hearts
setting them alight, burning white hot, day and night
now, I see my own eyes have dulled
and I'm saddened by the sight of them
You were special though, you know?
through the years
the joy, the fights, the hurt, the tears
and the passion, pure untamed passion
kept us smiling on the inside
and I'd never want to see you unloved
god knows, when you put your heart into it
you can make a man feel like a pharaoh
or a pauper
after finding the path to the end of a rainbow
So go, go and live like ladies should
wake up being hugged, kissed, loved, and pampered  
neither of us need to settle for this
the world
has enough zombies infecting the place  

This poem is so good.
Thank you for competing.

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