Poetry competition CLOSED 25th May 2013 8:56am
View Profile Poems by lightbaron
RUNNER-UP: clio13

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BEST DU POET ;) !!!!!

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

lightbaron said:wow, seems like a unified rebellion against you huh? haha

and as much as I like rebellion, and these wide net praise poems, I think we are giving this kid a hard time. Yeah the title says "DU best" and we all hate that, and it's subjective, and all that jazz.. but, he does detail that he just wants a poem about your favorite poet... there has been a million comps like this, just phrased differently. Maybe since he is newerish, he just wants to know which poets we are into here, so he can check them out, or he is a fascist prick, dunno

edit: plus he put the goddamned squinty-eye-semicolon thing in the title... C'MON now

Come on then LB.. Lets see it.. Your most favourite bestest poet poem.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

haha...fair enough, this is an older write

"too private to post"

she sent me murder  
a psychopath, of a poem  
in a message entitled  
"too private to post"  
a written confession  
same as  
collapsed mass  
she explained  
are accessories  
only as much as magnets  
are of pull  
she assures me  
can be severe  
with its liberties in love  
is much more dangerous  
these are the times secrets  
are most honest  
and i'll obey  
the only mode of honor  
amongst outlaws  
I'll die, denying  
that poetry even exists

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

lightbaron said:wow, seems like a unified rebellion against you huh? haha

and as much as I like rebellion, and these wide net praise poems, I think we are giving this kid a hard time. Yeah the title says "DU best" and we all hate that, and it's subjective, and all that jazz.. but, he does detail that he just wants a poem about your favorite poet... there has been a million comps like this, just phrased differently. Maybe since he is newerish, he just wants to know which poets we are into here, so he can check them out, or he is a fascist prick, dunno

edit: plus he put the goddamned squinty-eye-semicolon thing in the title... C'MON now

I am not having a hard time but enjoying the cool poems posted here bro.  All the poems published have but one message, a great poet creates a cordial environment for an improvement of the literary society and it cannot be accomplished by someone alone.


I'm not sure if it is a rebellion or we just have too many "bests" to single any particular poet out...pondering!

Ha ha.

Strider [/quote]

And as strider said that there are too many bests round here, HE IS RIGHT !!! Sorry if I have missed a 's' in the title. ;)

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

no I know...I wasn't being that serious... and I also have been enjoying the poems, and also feel that there are a number of bestest poets here. I had thought it funny that not one poem was written about someone, but rather the community... not funny bad, funny ha

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

lightbaron said:haha...fair enough, this is an older write

"too private to post"

she sent me murder  
a psychopath, of a poem  
in a message entitled  
"too private to post"  
a written confession  
same as  
collapsed mass  
she explained  
are accessories  
only as much as magnets  
are of pull  
she assures me  
can be severe  
with its liberties in love  
is much more dangerous  
these are the times secrets  
are most honest  
and i'll obey  
the only mode of honor  
amongst outlaws  
I'll die, denying  
that poetry even exists

Haha.  Nicely met LB, good one.

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

lightbaron said:no I know...I wasn't being that serious... and I also have been enjoying the poems, and also feel that there are a number of bestest poets here. I had thought it funny that not one poem was written about someone, but rather the community... not funny bad, funny ha
I expected something like this.

poet Anonymous

[font=Verdana]I have a lot of favourites so this poem is really about just one among several:

The rareness of that voice
makes it like a meal
you can only enjoy on feast days.

A quiet urban mermaid,
a bright, primal revelation
seeping through concrete.
That voice was not made for
preaching, screaming,
propaganda, but whispers
in a dark night when
all but your fingers and toes
have abandoned you.

No-one is devoid of Ego's face,
but if anyone could feign a lack
it'd be this poet, young and damaged
like an instrument which nonetheless
plays glorious music, its dents forging
a new sound, a re-translation of pain.

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66

As I am a new comer,
so its difficult to regard... one as the best,
B' coz to know the best....
One has to go through....without taking any rest.

And Here.....Hundreds are the Masters,
Who are writing from its soul,
and Hundreds are the Readers,
Who Regard them as "Whole".

"Poetry" is not a competition,
In which one Enter to WIN,
In fact "Poetry" is the Thought,
In which Poet wishes to make others "Grin".

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 1028

i'd just like to say anyone that pours there heart and soul into there words is the best to me
not just because someone writes a good read
its about expression
dought you meant it as an insult but remember the people who put in the effort
i just don't like saying someone is the best
i take that as an insult to others who just can't craft words as well but put more into it

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

I'd just like to say that Magdalena has got some pretty spiffy stems. hey now

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Separate the best
From the rest
Is a difficult test
But I think the best
Is in all
And all is in the best
Or how else?
Cause I can't guess
Some made me tear
Others made me cheer
Some arouse a dark feeling
Others a feeling of happiness
Yet In all...
They make me glad I'm here
The erotica
The heartbreaks
The observations
The anger
And the spiritual
I see talent
Raw and refined
Smooth and coarse
They all make meaning to me
If I am asked
For nothing is big
Except it is compared to another
And none is super in itself
When treated in isolation in a vacuum
Thus my tribute goes
To all of you here
Who make me laugh
Who make me sad
Who make me ponder
On the good and bad
Well you can select the best
But as for me
I take off my hat
For all DU poets

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86

The best poet knows how it feels to lye in a bottomless pit and still know how to love.
Thee that accepts reality and the mediums of all fortunes.
The best poet that can shape-shift through writers block.
Thee that writes for those who have no voice.
The best poet teaches the art to those who are deaf
Thee knows that life imitates poetry and its pulchritude only yields young,
  I rather give my wrist for thee, poetry, pen and paper than the trivial of a fat gold watch.

The best poet KNOWS what it's like to succumb into a goose spread of words.

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