Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2013 1:25am
View Profile Poems by NimmieAmee
RUNNER-UP: quietconsideration

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Danielle Nicole
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 337

OOOOH! gimme til the end of today, and I'll have one for ya!!!

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

i'll extend if anyone thinks they need more time
just let me know

i absolutely love all the entries so far
but would still absolutely love more

come on guys,
it's the internet
everyone loves to rant
i know you do

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 682

Carpe Diem

haha, im writing again... pointlessly! i never thought i could feel so free, pin cushions of insanity. i hate my life. its horrible being me. but that's just me. i'll justify my misery and blindside history. relevant-irrelevant makes no difference. simply because personal satisfaction is the main concern of the self. so what if there are people dying everyday. big deal. i am a misanthropist. i am a humanitarian?! so what if i've helped 1 or two? don't call me a hypocrite and i won't kill you. i would if i could. but the LAW tells me otherwise. i wish i had less things to do. i would be an anarchist then. and have a lot to do in that line of work. changing the face of a country is most definitely hard work. manual labor, actually. my country is a piece of shit. my country is the best one there is. the freedom we have is downright ridiculous. the corruption here is awe inspiring. the death rate is awful, rape rate is phenomenal and the birth rate even more so.

pseudo-jam. sell me a new number. auctions are for sale today. i thought i had quit. turns out i didn't. stoned again. pathetic. ideas flower abundant. fat guy outside the window. fuck off. i am confused at myself. i want to stay clean for a reason so stupid that it requires self justification. if that means anything. i know it doesn't im blabbering jargon laced with meaning. quite helpful to convey the message to like minded people. i am empty again. how is this possible? i was brimming with inspiration. over flowing with words and reasons and apparitions, and now, i am a brand new blackboard. clean fucking slate. this is what happens. this is the reason i want to get rid of this madness. yes! i want to remember again. this short term business doesn't cut it. now im certain i will not make it to gym tmrw. i was supposed to go in the evening, when i started writing this, but it seems time has gotten ahead of me, considerably. i am picking up pieces of my psyche, traveling from evening to night, lazily and sloppily until i make a fool of myself and initiate loathing mode. in this mode, one doesn't like anything. they hate being told what to do. they always curse for no reason. and are angry at a random number of things for a random number of random reasons. quite entertaining i must say for someone who gets the pseudo-joke. i am half way there!

does this qualify?

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005


My loathing falls heavy
across the eyes of the unseeing
I pluck them out as they bleed
was never engaged on my part

Don't try to blink on my abstract
it is my creation not your glory
Thief of anything you can steal
often slipping on the residue of lies

Backbone crumbles underneath a stutter
just not clever enough
a tongue so twisted it lost its way
Let me pull that shabby cloth from under you
and fuck up your world

Time to unzip that coat and step outside
because I loathe the fake character you portray
and the lies that spill like a black water fall

Let me turn off the tap so you can dry up
and crack wide open
I want to see your insides fall out
just so everyone can see who you really are.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

Dear fellow members of the exclusive club of humans alive today,

We did not invent crazy. The world in not headed
to "look where the world is headed".
Outside of what we posted on facebook this morning,
we are not involved in evils, or intricacies
that the world has not vomited and re-fed itself on
for a very long time. I would be even willing to venture
that per capita this is probably the safest time in human
existence to be alive. I venture this mostly
on the exponential growth of our species.

Might even be that we are headed towards the ultimate Kumbaya  
session ever, it's just not going to be broadcast on the news.
Media is not in the business of safety, feeling secure leads
to autonomy. Autonomy leads to you driving you, and the horror
that is all around us, suggests that not only do you need a seat
belt, but it is really probably better to leave the drivng
to the professionals.

Relax your breathing, say a prayer, snort a Xanax
but chill. There are rough things out there, for sure.
Always has been, always will be, but once you get your stations
programmed right, and your seat adjusted just so, you may find
yourself terrified of the fear that use to cripple you

Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204

Cemeteries and Necrophilia

Burying the dead is a waste of space and people should get over their irrational hatred of necrophilia.

Corpses aren't people, they're inanimate objects. As soon as something dies, it stops being what it was in life. If a human dies, what's left is flesh, bone, and hair, not a person. Why would valuable land that could be used for homes, or schools, or parks, or grocery stores, be taken up by burying slowly rotting meat? Why would the living use money they could spend on mortgages, or food, or on those who are still around to appreciate it, on fancy boxes that will only be covered in dirt and never seen? I've heard the argument that graveyards are for the benefit of the living, for people to have a place to go to remember their loved ones. Really? So, without a random plot of land and a rock with their name on it, they would forget the deceased? Can't have been very close to the stiff then, can they have? How about, if a person wants to think about their dead loved ones, they go to the person's home, or the place they first met, or some other place where significantly more (as in any) memories of the person were made?

At this point people usually ask what I would like done with all the bodies, as if expecting me not to have an answer. I say put them to use. For example; can human remains be used as fertilizer? Well, grind them up! And THAT usually earns me horrified looks from anyone I mention it to, then they ask sarcastically if I would let that happen to someone I loved, expecting that to make me rethink my stance. If my nieces, who I love dearly, were to die, I would of course be very sad. If I saw their bodies afterward stripped and going down a conveyor belt to the grinder, I would feel nothing. Corpses Aren't People.

And now for the other half of the title, the part that likely got most people to click and read this; necrophilia.

I'm going to add this for clarification's sake before I begin; I myself am not a necrophiliac. I feel the need to mention that because many people, ridiculously, will refuse to listen to anything someone says if they think they're arguing for themselves.

Now that that's out of the way..  Necrophiliacs are considered horrible monsters by most people, and I ask; why? There's a hygiene issue, sure, dead bodies rot, but there are people with vomit and excrement fetishes and, while they're considered gross, they're not condemned as monstrous. Then people usually spit out the 'brilliant' insight that corpses can't give their consent. Neither can tube socks! Or, fine, if that inanimate object is too far off for an adequate comparison, how about mannequins? If a person has a fetish for /this/ inanimate object which is person shaped, are they monsters? Are they rapists? No, they're not, and to call them such would be illogical.  And of course here usually comes the point where people try to make it personal for me; they ask how I would like it if it was MY body. Well, if souls or whatnot stick around after death, I wouldn't care; my corpse wouldn't be me, my ghost would be. If souls don't stick around, then I wouldn't even have the capacity to care, now would I?

Corpses Aren't People.

poet Anonymous

“A Dose of Their Own Medicine”

Hey fellow humans,
pick up a newspaper anywhere,
have a hot morning coffee,
check out the facts.
You can read about them
in the headlines or
watch them on TV too.
A slew of
major social issues,
stupid conspiracies,
freedom-robbing injustices,
Oh, the disparity of wealth,
it’s globalization ya know,
to the victors go the spoils.
Someone got it over there,
someone got it over here,
just look at that spending.
Jet-setters taking
worldwide luxury trips,
they don’t go alone,
take their whole
goddamn entourage,
traveling with
all their friends
and family.
No mystery,
they flaunt it
right out in the open,
right in our
pretty-smiling faces.
they’re destroying you,
their destroying me,
ruining the whole fucking planet,
smell it?
It’s going up in smoke.
No joke,
they’re selling us
cheap, cheap, cheap
making them astronomically
richer creeps,
killing us.
Jeeeeeesus, they’re having
so much fun,
while telling us,
“Pay no attention to
the Man
behind the curtain.”
Well, fuck them, fuck them now.
My anger’s percolating to the top,
I’ve had enough of this silliness,
we gotta stop this corrupt shit,
cram it down their throats.
Rise up people,
get off your fat-asses,
and onto your feet,
let’s gather in the streets,
dance a retribution-dance,
take this bad boy back.
Call it a Jihad, a Crusade, anarchy,
class warfare or even lemonade,
it doesn’t really matter,
we’ll scatter them
to the four corners
of the globe.
We can be the horsemen.
Let’s make them pay
for their crazy-greedy antics.
it’s about time for these
corrupted fools and
to meet their makers,
get a dose of their
own medicine,
we’ll call it our
own brand of

“It was forced upon us.  We had to do it self-defense.  Someone had to make a stand.”

John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937)

Billionaire American industrialist (adjusted for inflation, often considered the richest man person in history).

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Today a man was killed,
it was on the news, it was in the paper, it was on the street in cold blood.
Today a man was killed
with a machete, with the screams of madmen, with false passion and justice.
Today a man was killed,
he was soldier. He was a professional at the sport he lost his life to.
Today a man was killed and we noticed. We noticed because he was "our boy", we noticed because it was on "our soil", we noticed because the world is a wicked place but our lives don't consist of machetes and blood on the street. We noticed because our sons and daughters act as part of the armed forces. We noticed because we needed to feel part of a community. We noticed because it was easy to access and well reported.

In the land of the madmen, the lads aren't noticed, when they are butchered in the street it is collateral, when the shots are fired the lad's a terrorist. When the wrong man is killed all is quiet. In the land of the madmen, there is no flat-screen in every home, social networking to spread opinion and grant fair warrant to each cause. In the land of the madmen people are tortured, quietly...


I'm not saying that it's right. I am not saying that it's fair. I am not saying that it's justice at all. I wonder whether there is a hate bubbling, from the man without shooter planes, snipers - best money can buy. I wonder whether there is something unnatural in their brains, something festering from watching, hearing, hating seeing their friends and families beat, pillaged and killed on homeland. I wonder whether the British people understand what we have done. 1948 to date. I wonder whether people know that hate breeds hate and if a person who signs up for a profession in killing was ever fully sane? We say, that's not allowed in our land but we allow ourselves to do it on theirs. Now, don't get me wrong or judge me as it is futile. I'm not saying that their choices were rational, not even that it was about an eye for an eye. These words are speculative and neither true nor untrue.

Today a man was killed with a machete.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

sorry it took me a little bit longer with reading all your entries, but thanks a million for submitting them,

really you should all consider yourselves runner ups,
hence why i didn't place a third,

you all have powerful minds
and exceed at ways of expressing them

Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204

Thanks for choosing my rant as the winner, Laceyspacey! :D

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