Poetry competition CLOSED 20th May 2013 12:46pm
View Profile Poems by MaggieG
RUNNER-UP: becsta

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Bully or Victim

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

"nobody likes you
everybody hates you
you are gonna lose
smile you fuck"

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

I like to play victim sometimes..
i could spill it
in my master rhyme
but that would be
rude of me....

and turn this thread
into an 18 and over comp... =)

Thought Provoker
Australia 9awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 186


Ginger Ninja

He probably lives at home with his mummy and dad
Writes poems about relationships he never really had

Logs on to that site it's all he has in his life
Lifts himself up by causing cyber strife

Tragic and pathetic, a waste of good air
Sadly adult bullies are everywhere

Best not to bite back when these rabid dogs bark
They will create an inferno from the smallest spark

Claims his arrogance is honesty but we know what is true
Despite all your rage the real loser is still you

Maybe one day he'll get a life and leave others alone
Real talent never sits on a self made throne

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042


So tell me how do you want it?
in the face or the stomach..
Spit stained face, crimson lips
curled up holding bruised ribs

So tell me how do you want it?
in the face or the stomach..
Bam smash, whats that
you want your teeth back

Mr Noctem we are suspending
you from school, for what?
the assault of a student..
so let me get this straight
I knocked a bully out
I am the one being punished
go figure

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831

( An old one about intellectual bullies )

Fuck you

Words she fought over/with; A fist
slamming at a world
spending too much time
staring between her legs.

Educated ladies do not not swear

The teacher stripped her bare
with his words, as eyes
redressed little girls
with a husband, children

and silence.

She ran to Grannie
with this new wardrobe
modeling the latest refined style.
The old woman snubbed it laughingly
It's our poetry, child.

He uses Shakespeare. We simply think
the ole bastard told a good story.

She went looking for this Shakespeare
finding him with his fists
raised as well . Yeah
William could've knocked this asshole out.
But she couldn't. She wasn't a poet yet.

Teacher would've dodged
her swings anyway
deeming them unfashionable
no matter how accurate the punch.
So ...

Fuck You would just have to do.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112


The Government Is The Bully,,,
And We The People,,,Are The Victims,,,
You Will Either,,,Comply With The Law,,,
Or You Will,,,Go To Jail Or Be Fined,,,
And You Will All,,,Get My Health Care,,,
And Everyone Of You Will Pay,,,In Time,,,
So You Better Get Used,,,To This Idea,,,
Every One Of You,,,Shut Up And Get In Line,,,

We Are Expanding,,,The Government By Ten,,,
And It Will Be Bigger,,,Than It's Ever Been,,,
We Have 150,000 New Employees,,,At The IRS Today,,,
They Work,,,To Steal This Money Directly From Your Pay,,,
Before You Even See A Dime,,,That's The New American Way,,,

Obamacare,,,This New Health Law,,,Is 2700 Pages Long,,,
And With 27 Thousand Regulations,,,How Can It Be Wrong,,,
And NO One Even Knows,,,What Conditions It Covers,,,
And No One Even Knows,,,The Price They Will Be Paying,,,
And Even Though,,,None Of It Makes Any Sense,,,At All,,,
There Will Be A Death Panel,,,That Will Make The Calls,,,
It's Clear To Everyone Who Can Think,,,It Will Never Work,,,
We Will Continue To Shove it Down Your Throat,,,Like We Care,,,
So Shut Your Mouth And Don't Talk Back,,,Don't Be A Jerk,,,
You All Will Line Up,,,To Stand In Line,,,To Pay Your Fair Share,,,
And If You Continue To Speak Out,,,We Will Make An Example Of You,,,
So Go Ahead And Thank Us,,,For Forcing This Health Care On You,,,
Because We Are The Democrats,,,And Only We Know,,,Whats Best For You,,,

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Crack Her Jokes:.



This small-time Bandit; that’s what he told her!
This Young Honey’s crying, had him cursin thinkin he had to reprimand her.
He couldn’t stand it. This Bandit, he was gazing with an almost paternal fixation.
This situation filled and overtaking him with self-incrimination.
The bits of whimpering, the sniveling stemming from the Young Honey
The one to the side… Some of us thinking might’ve been The Young Buck’s bride
Nevertheless, she’s thinking kidnapped, caught up in this Bandit’s issues about money.
But The Bandit, thinking this shit was more than enough…
Enough to work nerves or purge depending upon a felon’s outlook.
It ain’t like there was ever a rule book. Hard enough trying to deal with what he done took .
Chewing-up them reds, them whites and all of them blues. Doin ‘em all by the handfuls
Doing ‘em just to keep sober. The Bandit thinking, never expecting this kinda shit once he got older .
Yet in still, everybody knows shit finds a way to get colder. Wherein a lotta jokers get bolder.
Some get bigger too. That’s all true… and
can be dangerous when it ain’t!

Meanwhile to the other side…this stupid looking Dip; looking like she ‘bout to faint
She’s fanning herself!!  Looking rattled by the danger.
This one here is the Store Manager..  She looked to be one of them ass wipes.  
One of them ones who be loafing while jerking for shit wipes.
The kind living, dying for that promotion…an amateur
One filled-up with too much emotion. For her it was just too much commotion.
She’s standing still not recognizing what’s real.
Been like that, especially today. But this is what the Bandit had to say!
He told her; this could be your last day
And with that… He told her that fanning shit was enough
Chill or that prediction’s gonna be rough!! Soo…


Some of us right then & there.
We were holding it inside, laughing to ourselves.
Laughing while crouched there on our knees.
All this as this Young Buck, he out the blue then spoke up.
Him trying to be humorous, while trying to please.
Young Buck, he was beside himself cracking his Cracker Jack jokes.
Most of ‘em focused on the Store’s Manager.
Pointing out how this Manager, this Manager,
How he knew and could tell about her little coke buzz
Then the Young Buck started busting up about what she does.
Passing along a thought how she never gets caught
This was obviously to everyone present an additional source to The Manager’s irritation .
Panicky, feeling uneasy.. She now too was yelling...


The Young Buck with a comeback just as fast
Him spittin’ “Screw YOU flat ass!!!”

This was part of his routine.
Compared to the Bandit, the Young Buck was 10x as mean .
With his eyes moving from the Young Honey back to their captor
Considering the situation, Young Buck was chilled like a Raptor
Him saying, YO, cuz...me & mine don’t care bout what you after .
We just wanna do our thing like we do each spring .
Wasn’t trying to interrupt your capers. Me and the Young Honey..
We were just trying to cop some papers. I’m sure…you know, you remember?
Every time, this time of year…it's a spring fling.  
And we’re trying to get what we can get.
Indulging keeping it light & tight without any regret.
YO cuz, I’m sure you been there;
like back in the day . I’m more than sure you were knee deep in it .
You, your best girl; y’all probably got real good in it… Least I suspect.
Probably rolled like real nice folk… with or without the Tech  
Back then, y’all probably on that High-End stroke?
Like I said…Nice folk.


Once again the Bandit released a profane volley,
Wherein the Young Buck came back saying he was sorry. Sayin YO cuz,
I apologize, that’s just another bad cracker joke.
Real sorry I spoke must’ve been that last toke; but cuz
Why don’t you do us a favor?? How about you lowering that Tech!!
Sorry cuz, you know that sometimes my tongue. It’s the foremost thing I need to neglect.
So look here… no disrespect . But I do think we making my Young Honey a bit anxious .
She’s a little prone to being a bit nervous.
So we wishing you’d go ahead . Not unless you fixing to serve us.
Because you be right about them cracker jokes . They really ain’t that funny no how.

The Bandit couldn’t stand it, sayin…Look Young Buck…Why don’t YOU just


This again was the Bandit. The Bandit and what he had demanded…
right before the Young Buck’s Honey.
Right before she blew her nose…and still it was all runny .
Right before she took that good aim on the Bandit’s head.
Young Honey, she peeled it back real good…made ‘em real dead!!
Wherein Young Buck, he put his index finger to his lips
Him now saying that enough had been enough
And a damn shame how The Bandit made it rough

photo: nema' etebar

poet Anonymous

"The Lesson"
I think
about him
every now
and then,
wondering why
he allowed me
to smack him
around like that.
I was such
a small fry,
he was much bigger,
twice my size.
He cried like a baby,
took it as
I dished it out.
All the kids
laughed at him
I played
my mean
how I needed him
to make me
look tough
he needed me
to make me
feel better.
I think
about him
now and then
and wish
we could
shake hands.
I'd bear hug him,
kiss him
like a brother
thank him
the lesson.

Eugene Berry
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 59

I told you,
you would pay for that day...
Gun in my waistband,
I was just waiting for you to say,
"Shut the fuck up, Eugene. That's so fucking gay!"
You were unapproachable at first,
but someday I had to burst.
That's what you wanted James, wasn't it?
A square fucking fight with a kid you could pop like a zit.
"Throw the first punch, EUGENE!
A gun quickly withdrawn,
pulled straight under my chin, a squeeze away from being gone.
I've never seen a boy, so frozen in silence.
I sent a knee straight in his balls, the first time I've ever resorted to violence.
Quick to his hands and knees, muzzle of the 44. brushing his hair.
"I fucking swear, John.  Don't you fucking dare."
At that moment, I received an apology.
Thousands in fact, every fucking one for free.

Eugene Berry
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 59

(This isn't a real event that happened to me, but a dream.  I hope this doesn't DQ me!:-) )

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344


I hide inside my own memories,
Because they are a horror film,
Of a life I once had. The bullied.
The frightening lines echo in my ears.
Now the film is playing again;
And I've been casted yet again.
I have stared down the enemy.
The one that used to haunt me.
The one that made me scared to speak.
Now I'm the one haunting.
The one making others afraid to speak.
Now I'm the enemy. The bully.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

yeah well sorry but sorry don't cut it like I do
and you never said it anyway.
left it too late to tell a teacher,
to tell anyone
how long and dirty your fingernails were
and the fat pockets you called breasts
were only the stuff they put in chicken nuggets
and the lessons you learnt at home
and passed on to me.

you're forgiven

i'm not.

Strange Creature
Joined 2nd May 2013
Forum Posts: 4

My loving soul
my peaceful heart
as my deep blue eyes were to look into your gates to hell
my heart beat drops you broke my outer shell
that safety blanket that I always had
the feeling of safety the feeling of love
but when your words did release
it was a dirty spell
a crushing one of mighty pain
a venomous danger flowing within my veins

The soft feeling of my skin
the amount of anger and madness within me was once so thin
you thickened the danger
the spirit in me
one day I will show you
just wait and see
you make and have made a mockery of yourself
pathetic needs for attention come from your smirk
come from your laughter
it comes from your words
when you speak you think you are a queen
you make yourself seem invisible
you make yourself seem strong
but always have I known that was not true all along

I could take a hammer and crush you at your weakest point
the thought of your shivers makes me want to smirk
but then it would make me be the jerk
I will not fall to your level
Ill just sit here and laugh
I hope you wont make me ever feel the need to unleash this mighty wrath
I've held it within at times when my blood was oh so thin
when my mind was clogged
when my heart would stop
you are the weakling I finally feel as if I am not
you bully
you monster
flee while you can
run away and don't come back
don't be such a coward
don't hide how you feel
but one day you'll know how I did feel
you'll know how I did think
don't be that old bully
get yourself together
for yourself and for me
your reign as queen will not last forever

poet Anonymous

Bullies victimized

By fight number eight
at seven years of age
I'd learned how to take a punch
and dole one too
football and religion insured
there'd be daily opportunity
to practice fighting
The nuns and priests
couldn't see
in all their enlightenment
what it really meant, to be
A child
of God or anyone else
as the church, books, neighbours
politicians and every leader
plans violence to tackle violence
pass the head count on to new hands
telling us not to hit
to share, and care

We aped the asses
shouting obscenities
swinging at each other
claiming our bit of the street
for our people, our team color
ready to die for what we believed
never having lived or knowing what was real
punching and kicking the nine year old girl
like she is the problem,not just like you
some things change
some never do

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