Adventures through Space or Time
Forum Posts: 2408
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408
Poetry Contest Description
Write about adventure
So, either you have gone to the future, and are traveling through space, or you have gone back in time, to any period of your choice.
Write about your time there, make it adventurous, and full of wonder.
Only two rules:
No collaborations
and only two poems per poet
Two weeks, have fun.
(Any questions can be asked in thread, commenting on other's work is encouraged but no random conversations please.)
Write about your time there, make it adventurous, and full of wonder.
Only two rules:
No collaborations
and only two poems per poet
Two weeks, have fun.

(Any questions can be asked in thread, commenting on other's work is encouraged but no random conversations please.)

I was chosen to be
One of the few to visit
That planet far away
The "blue planet" as they say
For some insane reason
My superiors decided
We would land in Area 51
In the middle of a desert
Well if these were humans
They were nuttier than my superiors
They were taking photos
When they had no idea - if we came in peace
I asked: "Take me to your leader"
They said "DUBYA", and told us how to get there
Well there was so much commotion
When we circled the White House
It was then we knew -
This was the nut house
We had a top secret meeting
With the President and his aides
The President said nothing
The dark beauty did all the speaking
They gave us information
That was totally false
For we had done our research
And this planet was near death
The seas and lakes were dying
The pollution was everywhere
Deadly mutations were arising
The President did not care
So we visited the Russians
We thought they were a clever nation
Met with Vladimir Putin
What a reputation!
Their idea of keeping peace
Was to capture and nullify
All opinions except their own
It did not matter if they were: Communists
White Russians or Closet Capitalists
They just wanted people quiet
To know their place
Finally we went across Africa
Which was a horror story all its own
The rest of the world pretended
That it did not exist
Holocausts flourished - all on their own
Never reported - to the rest of the planet
By this time the crew was sick
From something they contacted
On this dirty planet
We retreated to our spaceship
Where our doctors healed us
We headed home to give our report
Our Supreme Leader asked:
"Is the world worth saving?
If so, we will stop that meteorite,
From blasting it to bits."
The crew looked at each other
Our Superior said: "Alas, we have no good news,
With what we have projected,
People on that planet
May just be better off dead."
I was chosen to be
One of the few to visit
That planet far away
The "blue planet" as they say
For some insane reason
My superiors decided
We would land in Area 51
In the middle of a desert
Well if these were humans
They were nuttier than my superiors
They were taking photos
When they had no idea - if we came in peace
I asked: "Take me to your leader"
They said "DUBYA", and told us how to get there
Well there was so much commotion
When we circled the White House
It was then we knew -
This was the nut house
We had a top secret meeting
With the President and his aides
The President said nothing
The dark beauty did all the speaking
They gave us information
That was totally false
For we had done our research
And this planet was near death
The seas and lakes were dying
The pollution was everywhere
Deadly mutations were arising
The President did not care
So we visited the Russians
We thought they were a clever nation
Met with Vladimir Putin
What a reputation!
Their idea of keeping peace
Was to capture and nullify
All opinions except their own
It did not matter if they were: Communists
White Russians or Closet Capitalists
They just wanted people quiet
To know their place
Finally we went across Africa
Which was a horror story all its own
The rest of the world pretended
That it did not exist
Holocausts flourished - all on their own
Never reported - to the rest of the planet
By this time the crew was sick
From something they contacted
On this dirty planet
We retreated to our spaceship
Where our doctors healed us
We headed home to give our report
Our Supreme Leader asked:
"Is the world worth saving?
If so, we will stop that meteorite,
From blasting it to bits."
The crew looked at each other
Our Superior said: "Alas, we have no good news,
With what we have projected,
People on that planet
May just be better off dead."

When they no longer wanted us on earth
When we had no place to go
We settled on a space colony
Named "The Chosen People"
There we made everything biblically correct
We built our houses in the center
Radiating out from the core
Like spokes in the wheel
Each village with its Temple
Each Temple with its Rabbi
Oh what crops we grew
They were unclassifiable
But with dispensation
We ate them and were healthy
We allowed no-one to be poor
We allowed no-one who did not follow our rules
Heretics were sent back to earth
That is why I was returned
The light is that of Mark Chagall
There is a wedding in the village
For seven days they will celebrate
How far away these people are
When I left in my Amish dress
A virgin and one who could not speak
Any earthly language
I wandered into a people who were kind
Now I wonder what I left behind
A Sabbath kept strictly on the seventh day
No dancing, no fun in any way
All we do all day is pray
The husband who came back with me is my rock
On this planet they have some who are so dark
They look at me and him
His plaited hair and easy smile look like a sin
It is clear I never belonged
But it is time for the special prayers
Which haunt my dream with their exotic chant
I relive my youth, which had no care
In this enclosed space
All was provided for
All was perfect for G*D's grace
There are no worries anymore
The freedom of my life
Is it better than the prison of this paradise
Where you are told what to do
From morning until night
My children with their golden skin
Wide eyed take everything in
Cling to their Daddy, cling to me
Who are these aliens we have come to see
They are dressed in an artificial way
Modesty is the key
My mother is hugging me and her grandchildren
Crying because she knows
When we leave, the door is closed
We cannot live with them
They are grateful for peace at last
Nobody goes to this little planet
Only the chosen, only the persecuted
This is the life they chose
It did not choose me
So I must leave with my family
To fight the good fight
Against racial brutality.
When they no longer wanted us on earth
When we had no place to go
We settled on a space colony
Named "The Chosen People"
There we made everything biblically correct
We built our houses in the center
Radiating out from the core
Like spokes in the wheel
Each village with its Temple
Each Temple with its Rabbi
Oh what crops we grew
They were unclassifiable
But with dispensation
We ate them and were healthy
We allowed no-one to be poor
We allowed no-one who did not follow our rules
Heretics were sent back to earth
That is why I was returned
The light is that of Mark Chagall
There is a wedding in the village
For seven days they will celebrate
How far away these people are
When I left in my Amish dress
A virgin and one who could not speak
Any earthly language
I wandered into a people who were kind
Now I wonder what I left behind
A Sabbath kept strictly on the seventh day
No dancing, no fun in any way
All we do all day is pray
The husband who came back with me is my rock
On this planet they have some who are so dark
They look at me and him
His plaited hair and easy smile look like a sin
It is clear I never belonged
But it is time for the special prayers
Which haunt my dream with their exotic chant
I relive my youth, which had no care
In this enclosed space
All was provided for
All was perfect for G*D's grace
There are no worries anymore
The freedom of my life
Is it better than the prison of this paradise
Where you are told what to do
From morning until night
My children with their golden skin
Wide eyed take everything in
Cling to their Daddy, cling to me
Who are these aliens we have come to see
They are dressed in an artificial way
Modesty is the key
My mother is hugging me and her grandchildren
Crying because she knows
When we leave, the door is closed
We cannot live with them
They are grateful for peace at last
Nobody goes to this little planet
Only the chosen, only the persecuted
This is the life they chose
It did not choose me
So I must leave with my family
To fight the good fight
Against racial brutality.

You are good as your went and made a competition.
Thank you so much
You are good as your went and made a competition.
Thank you so much
Forum Posts: 2408
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408
Your welcome , thank you for being the first to stop by, great poems, love them both. :D
Southern Moonlight
Joined 11th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 64
Southern Moonlight
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 64
once opened now the walls have gone, all corners turned to dirt.
I craved for this, a scene of war, of Greeks and that of Turks,
where blades and spears, meet bones and ribs, leave not a man unhurt.
I laughed and cried, before me died, a Greek so known to time,
a son they say, great Herculae, the lions roar with pride.
Before me lay, a lifeless king, Leonidas at his prime,
these men who lay, beside the bay, all heroes thus I cried.
I've come too late, unto this date, the third day of attack,
where Persians great, humiliate, by warriors brave though few.
I knelt before a king whose breath, a stench of hundred whores,
a sign I may, divert this day, improve I say, avenge brave Greeks anew.
Then Xerxes came, stood right in front, a kneeling man so bare,
he smiled and sighed, asked me then whined, "Who are you savage beast?".
I grabbed a sword, a swing my lord, took Xerxes ear and hair,
he bled and swore, then knelt before, a man as if a priest.
I saw then he, the king whom we, as Greeks all hated great,
commanded not, his armies march, unto me grant his wrath.
He fled, he smiled, and then he tried, to carry all his weight,
then uttered words, I'm sure I heard, "May God forgive thy path".
Then one by one, as Persians gone, I thought of Xerxes words,
then understood, as sun went west, my act God would've stopped.
Step-by-step, by then realized, though evil in our eyes,
a God, a King, this Xerxes thing, a man still who is wise.
Then walked to Greece, a city south, of Corinth, yes I think,
to Sparta went, announced to them, the vict'ry won by death.
Though lost is he, their king poor he, these people seemed not care,
for deep inside, each every soul, a Spartan Warrior breathe.
And so it came, I armed with them, a battle oh so great,
all Greece has come, this land be won, against the Persians they all hate.
When "Charge" was cried, all forces met, the sea ate blood so late,
then hours past, immortals last, these Persians all we ate.
"Victory!", I hear, I see, the enemy undone.
Some smiles maybe, though most will be, these frowns of men who won,
for sons and fathers Hades went, left orphans, widows, cry.
My eyes once shut, now opened wide, to Greece I said goodbye.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Ambarath -
Based on a recurring dream I used to have…
Part One: Band of Knights
Across the sprawling green plains of Maldrandor,
So dismal a land in a kingdom wrought with strife…
There strode a company of knights without peer!
The green grasslands were oft scorched by war,
And hard was it in that awful kingdom, to live life.
None know what sought the knights without fear,
But seek they did, and so they made their journey.
At length they came to the mountain of Ambarath!
Where demons dwelt in darkness, spreading ruin.
It was foretold that these knights’ fabled destiny…
Would be to end the old demonic power’s wrath.
And so they found the cavern that had led within,
The darkness of the mountain, where evil reigned!
I was with them, a sword maiden of some repute.
My sword sister at my side gave me my courage…
She lit my way, torch in hand, as we all regained,
The light that the darkness robbed us of so acute!
We band of knights, squires, and a young page…
Into the dark heart of Ambarath we did so travel.
What awaited us was more terrible then any devil!
Part Two: Maw of the Dead
The cavern’s maw we left behind and for so long,
We wound our way through black tunnels of earth.
Thick the scent of soil, sod, stone and foul decay!
My sword sister sang for us a mighty battle song…
As we entered carven halls where was given birth,
New frights, for we had lost track of night or day!
The world outside was far behind, and here inside,
Stairs led down, into moldering sorcerers’ crypts…
Whose robed, skeletal forms so sought to slay us.
We knights fought them, wherever they did abide,
Yet they slew us nearly to the last, as blood drips:
Down from the corpses of those whom I did trust.
Only my sword sister and I did survive that fight…
And we fled from the crypts into the hidden mines.
Chasms of flames, molten lava and old brimstone,
Filled our vision with the splendor of a fiery light…
Conjured, from deep depths of the darkest minds.
Demons, worked the mines, working to the bone!
Gigantic pillars flanks the spiral path we ascended,
And, we penetrated the depths that evil defended.
Part Three: The Devil’s Mines
I heard mercenaries fighting the demons nearby…
And they hurried to join my sister and I, anxiously.
Two men: one an archer, and one a sword fighter!
A new band was formed, scarlet darkness to defy.
But even as we fought, more demons broke free…
Some lumbering, others scurrying as like a spider!
We struck the supports that held the mines’ roofs,
Thus behind us the tunnels collapsed into rubble…
Though we could not destroy every wicked haven.
We had to then face, that most horrid of all truths,
The admission of defeat in the face of our trouble!
Even so we fought on as perished those two men.
Through ruins of subterranean cities we did haste,
My sword sister and I, fleet in a hope to escape…
Until we found again, the spiral path that towered.
Up it wound, and we climbed it, never to waste…
Even a glance downward, at all the flaming lakes!
No victory could be gained, and none is coward,
When they realize that a battle is entirely doomed.
The path led to an opening like a coffin exhumed!
Part Four: Castle of Damnation
We emerged, unto a high ledge of the mountain…
Enclosed by the black cliffs like a secluded valley.
In the distance sat a castle surrounded by a fence,
Before which squatted a ruined, dried up fountain.
The skies above were crimson like some fiery sea,
But behind us was a defeat without any defense…
And so, my sword sister and I braved the fortress.
Within were black wraiths like shadows floating…
Who flanked a pale lady, clad in her ebony gown!
She was the Queen of Ambarath, a dark mistress.
I heard her laugher, listened to her mad gloating…
As my sword sister then strove against her crown.
The wraiths closed in on us, like shadows closing!
I lost sight of my sword sister during our struggles.
My sword glowed with a white light, so brilliant…
That the wraiths dissolved as I so stood opposing!
The Queen’s power broken, the castle crumbles…
Whilst angels descend: from the highest firmament.
My sword sister and I were carried to safer climes,
As the age of Ambarath’s dark power so declines!
Based on a recurring dream I used to have…
Part One: Band of Knights
Across the sprawling green plains of Maldrandor,
So dismal a land in a kingdom wrought with strife…
There strode a company of knights without peer!
The green grasslands were oft scorched by war,
And hard was it in that awful kingdom, to live life.
None know what sought the knights without fear,
But seek they did, and so they made their journey.
At length they came to the mountain of Ambarath!
Where demons dwelt in darkness, spreading ruin.
It was foretold that these knights’ fabled destiny…
Would be to end the old demonic power’s wrath.
And so they found the cavern that had led within,
The darkness of the mountain, where evil reigned!
I was with them, a sword maiden of some repute.
My sword sister at my side gave me my courage…
She lit my way, torch in hand, as we all regained,
The light that the darkness robbed us of so acute!
We band of knights, squires, and a young page…
Into the dark heart of Ambarath we did so travel.
What awaited us was more terrible then any devil!
Part Two: Maw of the Dead
The cavern’s maw we left behind and for so long,
We wound our way through black tunnels of earth.
Thick the scent of soil, sod, stone and foul decay!
My sword sister sang for us a mighty battle song…
As we entered carven halls where was given birth,
New frights, for we had lost track of night or day!
The world outside was far behind, and here inside,
Stairs led down, into moldering sorcerers’ crypts…
Whose robed, skeletal forms so sought to slay us.
We knights fought them, wherever they did abide,
Yet they slew us nearly to the last, as blood drips:
Down from the corpses of those whom I did trust.
Only my sword sister and I did survive that fight…
And we fled from the crypts into the hidden mines.
Chasms of flames, molten lava and old brimstone,
Filled our vision with the splendor of a fiery light…
Conjured, from deep depths of the darkest minds.
Demons, worked the mines, working to the bone!
Gigantic pillars flanks the spiral path we ascended,
And, we penetrated the depths that evil defended.
Part Three: The Devil’s Mines
I heard mercenaries fighting the demons nearby…
And they hurried to join my sister and I, anxiously.
Two men: one an archer, and one a sword fighter!
A new band was formed, scarlet darkness to defy.
But even as we fought, more demons broke free…
Some lumbering, others scurrying as like a spider!
We struck the supports that held the mines’ roofs,
Thus behind us the tunnels collapsed into rubble…
Though we could not destroy every wicked haven.
We had to then face, that most horrid of all truths,
The admission of defeat in the face of our trouble!
Even so we fought on as perished those two men.
Through ruins of subterranean cities we did haste,
My sword sister and I, fleet in a hope to escape…
Until we found again, the spiral path that towered.
Up it wound, and we climbed it, never to waste…
Even a glance downward, at all the flaming lakes!
No victory could be gained, and none is coward,
When they realize that a battle is entirely doomed.
The path led to an opening like a coffin exhumed!
Part Four: Castle of Damnation
We emerged, unto a high ledge of the mountain…
Enclosed by the black cliffs like a secluded valley.
In the distance sat a castle surrounded by a fence,
Before which squatted a ruined, dried up fountain.
The skies above were crimson like some fiery sea,
But behind us was a defeat without any defense…
And so, my sword sister and I braved the fortress.
Within were black wraiths like shadows floating…
Who flanked a pale lady, clad in her ebony gown!
She was the Queen of Ambarath, a dark mistress.
I heard her laugher, listened to her mad gloating…
As my sword sister then strove against her crown.
The wraiths closed in on us, like shadows closing!
I lost sight of my sword sister during our struggles.
My sword glowed with a white light, so brilliant…
That the wraiths dissolved as I so stood opposing!
The Queen’s power broken, the castle crumbles…
Whilst angels descend: from the highest firmament.
My sword sister and I were carried to safer climes,
As the age of Ambarath’s dark power so declines!
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
The character of Glory in this poem is supposed to be me in a previous incarnation I had.
-] Glory and the Viking Lord [-
“ Ulir ok Víkingr Freyr ”
Part I - Omens From Odin
A Viking lord of fame and repute, did sail the northern seas,
The skull of a dragon was the cup from which his lips drank.
From east to west, his vessel roamed; hard waves did tease!
All the gods of the ocean did him honor, his ship never sank.
In all of the mid-world’s vastness no port of call was a home,
To one whose love was adventure, and ever forth did roam!
Where the moon’s chariot is driven, his eyes have been led…
And where the sun’s light is drawn, his curiosity was oft fed.
Until to the wells beyond maelstroms deep, his course drew,
Nigh unto destruction, when the stormy winds violently blew.
Long he walked in places beyond the ken of moral thought…
Even unto the cold realms where the dead souls are brought,
By those who choose the slain, and render them a final fate!
Ravens twin did he oft spy, fearing it was for him far too late.
No divine shield maiden would take him, lest he fall in battle,
And it was others who, by his red ax, suffered death’s rattle.
Omens from Odin on high, for good or ill no man could say,
Save when the time of destiny, made ready to have its’ way.
But from death was he delivered, and unto a paradise found,
Somewhere west of west: on an island far above the ground.
No vessel of mortal make brought him hither, but so divine…
That the maid who steered it was a being outside of all time!
Part II - The Floating Isle
Trees grew there upon that isle, in a garden tended by giants,
As there the Viking lord walked, seeking only he knew what.
He pondered many a massive stone, in circular monuments…
Hoping they held the key, to the treasure he relentless sought.
The maid whose vessel took him hither, her name was Glory,
Who tired of waiting: for this mortal to read the stones’ story.
So wandering she took him, and they wandered that domain,
The floating isle forbidden: where no treasure, could any gain.
Not any giant would test its’ might against this human guest…
And only knowledge could they offer, for those upon a quest.
The Viking lord, to the seas of the mid-world he did return…
With but a single scroll held fast in a grip that did as iron burn.
No man living knows to where that scroll did take the Viking,
Only that nevermore was he seen, in all the lands of the living!
Save one final time, of which this tale shall tell the full account,
But first we see the maiden plagued by wanderlust and doubt.
And so the maid named Glory becomes she we must sing of,
For her journey was beginning, from the isle in the sky above.
Seeking secret magicks, she found the tall horned-skull door,
Somewhere in deepest Africa, in that ancient city called Kor.
Once they called her goddess there, by vastly older names…
Whilst her loyal high priestess, tended the sacred blue flames!
Part III - Starlight and Glory
Now only the remnants of the golden city, did Glory witness,
Finding no trace of the people who once raised her esteem…
For dusk had come unto Kor in a long-gone hour of distress.
Of the treasures laid at her feet of old, her crown did gleam…
From where it sat upon the broken altars empty of all jewels.
Naught else remained to find, and all who sought were fools!
Crown in hand, the maid left the ruins of her once-great city,
And returned to her island in the sky, and her tower of ivory.
She ruled there alone, whilst the seasons came and vanished,
Until the Viking lord returned from where he was banished…
And the two ascended to the void wherein the stars glimmer.
On a craft of blazing metal shining as silver that will shimmer!
Amidst the starlight, the goddess loved the mortal so intense,
That the man’s flesh could not withstand her naked brilliance.
There, the Viking died in the arms of Glory and was content,
When she steered the vessel into the sun, in a final sentiment.
In such an honored way, did the Viking lord pass to his rest!
Whilst Glory escaped in a smaller craft to her island so blest.
As dawn rose above the flying isle, an ivory tower did shine,
Whilst another mortal made his way: into that domain, divine.
Eternal is her vigil, and many come to her throne, all to seek,
The secrets of the universe: of which, a Viking had one peek.
-] Glory and the Viking Lord [-
“ Ulir ok Víkingr Freyr ”
Part I - Omens From Odin
A Viking lord of fame and repute, did sail the northern seas,
The skull of a dragon was the cup from which his lips drank.
From east to west, his vessel roamed; hard waves did tease!
All the gods of the ocean did him honor, his ship never sank.
In all of the mid-world’s vastness no port of call was a home,
To one whose love was adventure, and ever forth did roam!
Where the moon’s chariot is driven, his eyes have been led…
And where the sun’s light is drawn, his curiosity was oft fed.
Until to the wells beyond maelstroms deep, his course drew,
Nigh unto destruction, when the stormy winds violently blew.
Long he walked in places beyond the ken of moral thought…
Even unto the cold realms where the dead souls are brought,
By those who choose the slain, and render them a final fate!
Ravens twin did he oft spy, fearing it was for him far too late.
No divine shield maiden would take him, lest he fall in battle,
And it was others who, by his red ax, suffered death’s rattle.
Omens from Odin on high, for good or ill no man could say,
Save when the time of destiny, made ready to have its’ way.
But from death was he delivered, and unto a paradise found,
Somewhere west of west: on an island far above the ground.
No vessel of mortal make brought him hither, but so divine…
That the maid who steered it was a being outside of all time!
Part II - The Floating Isle
Trees grew there upon that isle, in a garden tended by giants,
As there the Viking lord walked, seeking only he knew what.
He pondered many a massive stone, in circular monuments…
Hoping they held the key, to the treasure he relentless sought.
The maid whose vessel took him hither, her name was Glory,
Who tired of waiting: for this mortal to read the stones’ story.
So wandering she took him, and they wandered that domain,
The floating isle forbidden: where no treasure, could any gain.
Not any giant would test its’ might against this human guest…
And only knowledge could they offer, for those upon a quest.
The Viking lord, to the seas of the mid-world he did return…
With but a single scroll held fast in a grip that did as iron burn.
No man living knows to where that scroll did take the Viking,
Only that nevermore was he seen, in all the lands of the living!
Save one final time, of which this tale shall tell the full account,
But first we see the maiden plagued by wanderlust and doubt.
And so the maid named Glory becomes she we must sing of,
For her journey was beginning, from the isle in the sky above.
Seeking secret magicks, she found the tall horned-skull door,
Somewhere in deepest Africa, in that ancient city called Kor.
Once they called her goddess there, by vastly older names…
Whilst her loyal high priestess, tended the sacred blue flames!
Part III - Starlight and Glory
Now only the remnants of the golden city, did Glory witness,
Finding no trace of the people who once raised her esteem…
For dusk had come unto Kor in a long-gone hour of distress.
Of the treasures laid at her feet of old, her crown did gleam…
From where it sat upon the broken altars empty of all jewels.
Naught else remained to find, and all who sought were fools!
Crown in hand, the maid left the ruins of her once-great city,
And returned to her island in the sky, and her tower of ivory.
She ruled there alone, whilst the seasons came and vanished,
Until the Viking lord returned from where he was banished…
And the two ascended to the void wherein the stars glimmer.
On a craft of blazing metal shining as silver that will shimmer!
Amidst the starlight, the goddess loved the mortal so intense,
That the man’s flesh could not withstand her naked brilliance.
There, the Viking died in the arms of Glory and was content,
When she steered the vessel into the sun, in a final sentiment.
In such an honored way, did the Viking lord pass to his rest!
Whilst Glory escaped in a smaller craft to her island so blest.
As dawn rose above the flying isle, an ivory tower did shine,
Whilst another mortal made his way: into that domain, divine.
Eternal is her vigil, and many come to her throne, all to seek,
The secrets of the universe: of which, a Viking had one peek.
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2374
I awoke on the floor of a tent
on a rug
made from the synthetic skin
of a cybernetic woolly mammoth
The tent was pitched
with megaladon teeth
staking down its silken fibers
and had walls of biomechanical canvas.
It was cloaked by mood engineered camoflauge
that imitated the state of its inhabitant.
Presently, it appeared as an infinite delineation
of greys
that swirled from fractals
to abstract,
yet geometric forms.
The forms resembled the letters
to the language of the lost cult
of The Promiscuous Virgin Goddess.
I had not spoken those sounds
since my initiation into
The Grand Order of the Golden Goof
but could tell by the tattoo
on my left hand that read,
"Time will tell
by then, whats it matter?",
that The Supreme Hopscotch Grid
was electrified for a game,
and that the quantum leap of absurdity
that landed me in this tent,
was in fact
my turn.
"Well enough",
I thought to myself
because backing out of the game
is a move in itself
(and a rookie mistake),
"spose, its time to go"
I remembered that my last turn
was to slip the sound of Pi
in between the intoned "U" and "M"
of the universal OM (A-U-M),
and still had many a stuck Goof
circling around the slippery tip
of a true prick
of a sound.
That was well played.
This go
would need to have
longer aims.
After I had cleansed my mind
with the child sacrifice
of ritual masturbation,
I recalled that this land
was the home
of the Simians with funnels for heads.
I figured that if i could cultivate
just the right crop of fecal matter,
and stuff the funnel-gullets full with it,
then the Goof would be abandoned altogether.
And once abandoned,
I could commit the holiest of honest robberies,
the stealing of The Last Laugh.
The closest thing to checkmate
that the game allows.
So with the plans laid out,
It was time to plant the sacred shit seeds
along the pathways of piety
all the way up to
the gateway of guilt.
After 7 months under the sun
of percieved sin,
the crop will be ready to harvest.
In the meantime,
I had to figure a way to hoarde
the shared resources,
and "lend" them back out
at an inflated interest rate.
No better way to speed up the forgetting.
And like a blessing
direct from the gods
of the not so honest robbery,
the fountain of eternal fear
sprung up in the middle of my farm,
and nourished my crop of crap
with politics
and the headless chicken discussion
of gun control.
I threw a rock.
My hop began.
*note, i am sorry that your thread is where this atrocity was left to die*
on a rug
made from the synthetic skin
of a cybernetic woolly mammoth
The tent was pitched
with megaladon teeth
staking down its silken fibers
and had walls of biomechanical canvas.
It was cloaked by mood engineered camoflauge
that imitated the state of its inhabitant.
Presently, it appeared as an infinite delineation
of greys
that swirled from fractals
to abstract,
yet geometric forms.
The forms resembled the letters
to the language of the lost cult
of The Promiscuous Virgin Goddess.
I had not spoken those sounds
since my initiation into
The Grand Order of the Golden Goof
but could tell by the tattoo
on my left hand that read,
"Time will tell
by then, whats it matter?",
that The Supreme Hopscotch Grid
was electrified for a game,
and that the quantum leap of absurdity
that landed me in this tent,
was in fact
my turn.
"Well enough",
I thought to myself
because backing out of the game
is a move in itself
(and a rookie mistake),
"spose, its time to go"
I remembered that my last turn
was to slip the sound of Pi
in between the intoned "U" and "M"
of the universal OM (A-U-M),
and still had many a stuck Goof
circling around the slippery tip
of a true prick
of a sound.
That was well played.
This go
would need to have
longer aims.
After I had cleansed my mind
with the child sacrifice
of ritual masturbation,
I recalled that this land
was the home
of the Simians with funnels for heads.
I figured that if i could cultivate
just the right crop of fecal matter,
and stuff the funnel-gullets full with it,
then the Goof would be abandoned altogether.
And once abandoned,
I could commit the holiest of honest robberies,
the stealing of The Last Laugh.
The closest thing to checkmate
that the game allows.
So with the plans laid out,
It was time to plant the sacred shit seeds
along the pathways of piety
all the way up to
the gateway of guilt.
After 7 months under the sun
of percieved sin,
the crop will be ready to harvest.
In the meantime,
I had to figure a way to hoarde
the shared resources,
and "lend" them back out
at an inflated interest rate.
No better way to speed up the forgetting.
And like a blessing
direct from the gods
of the not so honest robbery,
the fountain of eternal fear
sprung up in the middle of my farm,
and nourished my crop of crap
with politics
and the headless chicken discussion
of gun control.
I threw a rock.
My hop began.
*note, i am sorry that your thread is where this atrocity was left to die*
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
my laptop keeps double posting 

StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
Sitars And Stars
The Indian Sitar
sounds its sliding neck
the yellow star
burns the viking deck
did I somehow
remember now
that I did know
to forget .
balancing my mind
a constant rhyme
ageless in time
to mesmorise
closing of the eyes
I visualise
colour cloud sighs
Emerald inset .
In control
I balanced on a pole
high up from the earth
Violins in a church
waiting for the dearth
life the phoney show
sat upon the perch
if only you could know
more candles glow
for sure .
Sitars like stars
go up and down
musical clouds
buzz around
a cerebal recall
multiple times do fall
all big in space
is small
you dig
you retrace
your haul
this life is a race
for all
to be etched
on a floating balled
two faced
revolving wall .
The Indian Sitar
sounds its sliding neck
the yellow star
burns the viking deck
did I somehow
remember now
that I did know
to forget .
balancing my mind
a constant rhyme
ageless in time
to mesmorise
closing of the eyes
I visualise
colour cloud sighs
Emerald inset .
In control
I balanced on a pole
high up from the earth
Violins in a church
waiting for the dearth
life the phoney show
sat upon the perch
if only you could know
more candles glow
for sure .
Sitars like stars
go up and down
musical clouds
buzz around
a cerebal recall
multiple times do fall
all big in space
is small
you dig
you retrace
your haul
this life is a race
for all
to be etched
on a floating balled
two faced
revolving wall .
Forum Posts: 2408
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408
Thanks for the entries so far!
keep 'em coming!

Hell School Graduate
Atop an old brick building, an angel by my side
Looking down on the the landfill heap, known as the
the lower east side.
I'd seen enough and got the point, so off we flew to years before.
I watched a while as families lived, and strived to become more.
Again, the lesson learned, but hope had left my soul-my angel smiled and we traveled again-but this time the earth was below.
The dimensions interwoven, the times just parallel. The daily grind of of the orb called home was a school and not a hell.
Returning from the journey, no words were vocalized.
In telepathic, compassionate waves...
We laughed at all the lies.
Atop an old brick building, an angel by my side
Looking down on the the landfill heap, known as the
the lower east side.
I'd seen enough and got the point, so off we flew to years before.
I watched a while as families lived, and strived to become more.
Again, the lesson learned, but hope had left my soul-my angel smiled and we traveled again-but this time the earth was below.
The dimensions interwoven, the times just parallel. The daily grind of of the orb called home was a school and not a hell.
Returning from the journey, no words were vocalized.
In telepathic, compassionate waves...
We laughed at all the lies.
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 708
The problem with traveling to the past is...
The universe knows you're not supposed
to be there.You feel uneasy the entire
time.Sick even...It is,for sure,worth
it,if I could only save your life.
God won't let me though.He won't
undo what he has done.I'm sure he has
his reasons...And I have my selfish ones.
I'll keep trying.I will spend the rest
of my life returning to the moments
before you took your final breath.
To hold your face to my chest,and
tell you..."I would defy the laws
of time,to feel you in my arms again...
The problem with traveling to the past is...
The universe knows you're not supposed
to be there.You feel uneasy the entire
time.Sick even...It is,for sure,worth
it,if I could only save your life.
God won't let me though.He won't
undo what he has done.I'm sure he has
his reasons...And I have my selfish ones.
I'll keep trying.I will spend the rest
of my life returning to the moments
before you took your final breath.
To hold your face to my chest,and
tell you..."I would defy the laws
of time,to feel you in my arms again...
Joined 16th Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 319
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 319
Buildings' designed on an atomic level to withstand a nuclear blast
Interstellar ships that convert into energy to travel light-year's fast,
Spliced seed's planted in square line's that grow into unique fences
Recipes for making homemade fruits that sharpen the body's senses,
Learn history by re-living a random life of those so long gone
Re-live a whole life-time in just one rest from dusk till dawn,
Sickness and disease are just horror stories of long ago
Compared to us, your 'superman' is frail and slow,
Lives enhanced by living life to the fullest collectively
This is the future to be only if you come right now with me.
Interstellar ships that convert into energy to travel light-year's fast,
Spliced seed's planted in square line's that grow into unique fences
Recipes for making homemade fruits that sharpen the body's senses,
Learn history by re-living a random life of those so long gone
Re-live a whole life-time in just one rest from dusk till dawn,
Sickness and disease are just horror stories of long ago
Compared to us, your 'superman' is frail and slow,
Lives enhanced by living life to the fullest collectively
This is the future to be only if you come right now with me.