Poetry competition CLOSED 16th January 2013 3:33am
Echo (xxStitchxx)
View Profile Poems by Echo
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and Mourningcloak

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poet Anonymous

Broken butterfly

Limping across the counter
Observed in abject enthrallment
Wings broken and twisted
The flame draws near

Sweltering, screaming, blazing heat
Tortured with cruel relish
Wings frayed and distorted
On a knife edge

Hissed intake of breath
Ragged, grief-stricken
Wings ripped off
Pierced by drawing pins

Enclosed in glass
Up n your pedestal
Wings chained around your neck
Love breaks the wings
Of a butterfly on a wheel

poet Anonymous

Thanks for entering Sayuri :)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 13th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 12

I'm not sure how many
butterflies I've killed,
hundreds maybe more

Dark Lepidopterist floating
down the lonesome murder roads
Passing by the many time bubbles;
blurs of faces,
never to be seen again

Ah, to be born, die, and then…
Reborn; redesigned to take flight!
Tiny Angels swaying about                                                                                                                  
The flower filled fields
Just to have the sad misfortune
of fluttering in front of my truck

Smeary paint drops
splashing my windshield,
Truck sheds a tear and
blades wipe you away

Bad luck today or
hafe-ass fate?
You tell me

poet Anonymous

So constricted
Cannot move
Locked inside this dark cocoon
Please set me free

I see cracks forming
Oh my god
Excitement intensifies
Cannot move
Please set me free

As my new world before me
Open cocoon
My wings spread wide open
Daylight looms
I am free

Oh my god where to first
I must hurry
Not much time left
I am free

I flutter about
Smelling beautiful life
Wings spread wide open
Vibrantly spectacular
I am, so alive
I am free

Faster and faster and faster I fly
I take in my whole world
As fast as I can
This world that I now know
Is dying with me
Yet I am free

Quite quickly I slow down
Haste I retreat
I want to embellish
This time I have left
To be this free
So waited for eternity

I choose my awakening
Prettiest fauna to rest
I gracefully glide and perch myself on the nest
Nest of the prettiest yellow
Yellow place of my rest

I feel all that I’ve seen
I take it all in
I thank all my passing
For this amazing life thrill
I am free

My wings they get heavy
My day has now gone
My freedom is waiting
Whisked away with my soul
Finally, I am free.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 61


poet Anonymous

Thanks all
Ach MourningCloak. The things you do to yourself. And you write so well too *sighs*

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 28

Dancing With Butterflies:

I want to dance with the butterflies
Move with them as they drift effortlessly
Their elegant wings caressing the air

Against the pale morning sky
Their paint-splashed bodies are striking
Like a beacon of utter perfection

Powerful in the daintiest of ways
Shining a beauty that’s eerily haunting
Yet entices me all the same

I want to dance with the butterflies
But my wings cut the air sharply
Beating too hard, flying too low

My unadorned body is a simple brown shade
That looks shameful when compared to
their watercolor wings

I hold too much fear to be powerful
And the brightness surrounding me
Makes it too hard to shine

I want to dance with the butterflies
But I know that I never shall
Because I am only a moth

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 61


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