Poetry competition CLOSED 14th December 2012 4:15am
View Profile Poems by 13
RUNNER-UP: armandbloodstone

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The 7 Deadly sins

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

Sloth Days

Instead of work I sleep nicely
like the lazy peasent of wheat
strolling the streets of apathy
without a care of what my peers

would think in this senseless alley,
knowing emotionally I'm
inactive just like my physic.

Wasting away my days of youth
without a real skill to call my
own, yet i continue to breathe
a workaholic's holy air

as an example of equal
status in this overworked world
made of stress and high maintenance.

Thank God religion I never
followed or a sinner I am.

Satan knows me not. Never will,
so slowly I walk worriless
through this lazy street I helped build
while waving a shovel at life

Idle time is my best of friends
but happy some will not let be
for I am destined to be great
say so those who care for me most

Falling into dejection,
loosing my interest in life?
No such thing, I rather live,
to happiness I now shout.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 695

:O thank you :)

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