Poetry competition CLOSED 10th December 2012 8:51pm
View Profile Poems by gorryone810
RUNNERS-UP: shaunda and nellul

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Flower Petals

The White Rabbit
Twisted Dreamer
Malaysia 8awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 64

He will love me,
He will love me not,
It was so long ago,
That i almost forgot.

The days we spent,
By the great lake,
Making pinky promises,
We thought could never break.

Cooking together,
At our hated summer camp,
Sabotaging each others food,
But blaming it on the cat.

He loves me,
He loves me not,
You were cute back then,
Even when you had chicken pox.

Sneaking out at night,
To lie under the stars,
A long awaited confession,
Ruined by headlights from dad's car.

It was amazing,
It was a dream,
Until our relationship,
Kept sailing downstream.

He loved me,
He loved me not,
A horrible breakup,
But to who's fault?

I chose my career,
You chose to cheat,
With that twig with long legs,
A piece of firewood could never beat.

But we're both done,
And we've both been through a lot.
It was so long ago,
That I almost forgot.

poet Anonymous

“Good Luck Sunflower”
The change came quick,
like lightning, you were there,
so pretty and fresh, eager,
beyond anyone I could compare.
I had always prided myself as one of the boys,
had ignored the fairer, weaker sex,
was an expert on frogs, toys were passe,
I was rough and tough, and
the girls were for sissy-boys.

But, when I first saw your icy blue eyes,
your freckled cute face,
those upturned pouting  lips,
I was smitten, flipped out.
I could not hide my desire,
my heart was cliché, burning on fire.
I became an immediate yearning sissy,
I knew now it was a special club, everything
I had believed before was history,
things were different now.

My mind wandered to what was
beneath your blue jeans and flannels,
but, it did remain a mystery, no matter,
being next to you made me breathless.
I was enraptured,
captured by
your class and dignity,
never forced your feminine honor,
kept our intimacy between us only.

You reminded me of a field of tall flowers
moving gently in a summer breeze,
lean and willowy, your hair glowed,
an aura of genuine wholesomeness surrounded you.
Our voices whispered sweet nothings to each other,
the ancient meaning drifted beyond the trees,
I was so at ease, you were my precious “Sunflower”
and the name stuck, I think it brought you Good Luck.

We created magic that year in school, but
the walks on the beach at night were better,
so unforgettable, we left footprints for posterity
that did not last, the time went by way too fast.
When you moved, I was shattered, nothing seemed to matter.
In memory of our love, I visited all the places we had been together.
I swear I heard you cry when I dropped a dried sunflower
into the surf at Turtle Beach, it was the last place we kissed.
Years later, I sincerely miss the innocence of what we had,
and, when I see sunflowers,
I still think of you, and
your icy blues.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 108

great job the shattered
and Strider beautiful piece

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3007


Counting Flowers

Buttercups and daisies covered the grass
I was dressed in their beauty
strolling through as they caressed my bare legs
my sunkissed skin sighed against my flesh

I chained the daisies and hung them
in my long dark hair
as the breeze blew strawberry fragrance
through the smooth shine of shampoo and silk

He was there with me
my first kiss as I held silver eyes
I was awkwardness and shy
he picked buttercups and they lit up his face

Such innocent love as he laid me down
cupping my face in his hands I was breathless
counting the flowers in my hair in words of

~I love you's~

My heart was completely stolen away
we were the most special moment
Not even ice cream and chocolate were this good

I went from innocence to a young lady that day

The rise and fall of his chest under my palm
stopped my tears from falling down
onto this beautiful place
for the moment that will end

I hold onto those buttercup and daisy memories
always with a fond smile and thoughts of you

Marcus cooke
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 88

What The ?

Are eyes met across a crowded pub?  
Through a sea of checked shirts  
And leopardskin prints  
Disguising beer breath  
With tic tacks and breath mints  
Beer goggles at maximum strength  
I imagine myself kissing your naked flesh  
With one finger you summoned me  
I stood petrified, with a jerking knee  
I made my way over to the corner of the pub  
You were gorgeous; I could not believe my luck  
You were sexy, alone, and very single  
With these other men you did not mingle  
You said you were "horny"  
I thought you were a knockout and    
Extremely naughty  
I said    
"This sort of thing never happens"  
As we descended into realms of passion  
You wanted my body now  
You wanted to go at me like a snow plough  
We called a taxi  
Returned to your apartment  
In the back seat    
You played with my pleasure department  
We held each other in each other’s arms  
We felt safe from harm  
I felt the gentle caress of your breasts  
Gently touching my naked chest  
her hand's reaches down my pants  
Until she strikes gold  
Running her fingers down my length  
I couldn’t resist    
i was weak, I had no strength.  
Consumed by fire’s  
Of woton desire.  
Unfastened buttons and zips  
Belts and buckles  
I kissed your sexy lips  
I’m stood to attention  
Hard as a rock    
I go down....  
…Until I’m smacked  
In the face by  
A giant cock!!!  
What the????  
You’re a man?  

Just my luck!

Train Wreck
Lost Thinker
Australia 2awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 24

Brown freckles on your nose
Chestnut eyes
A bowl cut hairstyle

I grabbed a bunch of flowers
Pink, purple, white, yellow
Picked and picked the petals
Repeating the phrases

Does he love me?
Does he love me not?

Always cheating
Making it land on he does
When the final flower was no more

I had run up and said
'We are getting married'

He stopped swinging on the playset
Looked at me and smiled
Took my hand and said
'Lets get married on the swings'

So we swang side by side
Innocent, married, in love

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 23

I never used to count petals
She loves me, she loves me not
Seemed so silly for me
Young and naive
I still do cound them
It still seems silly
I am still yound and naive
The only difference is that now i know
She loves me not anymore...

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Heart beating
Mind melting
Butterflies forming
Could this be love

I may be young
I may be naive
But this
Really seems real to me

He colors inside the lines
He shares his juice box
He sits by me during rhyming time
Oh my Oh my my tummy gurgles

He stops the bullies
From pushing me down
He tells me sweet things
And he holds my hand

He laughs at my jokes
Even though they aren't funny
He tells me I'm pretty
Even though I know I'm ugly

I may be young
I may be naive
But this
Really seems real to me

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