Poetry competition CLOSED 1st August 2012 9:09am
View Profile Poems by lightbaron
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and JimmBGrace

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The Meaning to You

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

Poetry Contest

Our names mean something. What about yours?
Write a poem on your name (it can be a silly acrynim to if ya want) And if your doing just a poem, you don't have to say you actual name unless you want.

What's its mean? Has it shaped you and the person you are. (names often do)
What about your name is you?

Or maybe, you are nothing like your name! :O whats the difference?


500 words max (please)

2 poems per poet

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

I am pure as a crystal rock,
That which sun shines.
Creating rainbows to dazzle the eye.
Pure as the bells,
That church rings so well,
With the clean blue sky above.
I have not been touched,
So intimately close to love-
And waiting all the while.
In a hopeful sense of life.
I'm a clean naive child,
Clean as a sheet of white.

Paulina Dionne
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1141


That lonely girl
she looks so frail
wild brunette
skin so pale

timid and small
like the meaning of your latin name
so rare
but might have fame

so creative
but missunderstood
like the french - canadian
in your blood

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- My Name is Jessica -

My name is Jessica, and it means: “God Beholds”.
I do feel often, as if some higher power looks on…
Protecting me, cherishing me, and never it scolds!
My spirit shines brightly, as radiant as the hot sun.
Passionate is my fire, and divine is my spirit’s flame,
Yet human is my heart, and deep is my tenderness.
I am compassionate and caring, thinking not of gain,
As I try to help others, and to ease all their distress.
I have known much of sorrows, and of horrid loss,
But I have risen above it all, on wings of pale light!
In my passion’s fire, what need have I for the frost?
My eyes see beyond it, gifted with a keener sight…
And so I see the fitting nature of the name I do bear.
It is a gift, and I have received it with a willing heart!
If the body is raiment, then a name too we do wear.
And names are created, with meaning and with art.

Like the springtime blossom all filled with promise,
Such is my sense of wonder and my zeal for living.
I seek after love, happiness, and every: good bliss,
As I do try to remain humble, gracious, and giving.
If God beholds all that I do, then I think He smiles!
For although I am not perfect, I continue to strive…
Pure are my intentions, and purer still are my wiles.
I cannot be other than I am and what I am is alive!
I am a lady both of class and too of noble bearing,
And yet, I look down not upon those around me…
Whilst of myself I am both considerate and sharing.
The beauty of my name is ever visible for all to see,
For it lies in all I am, all I do, and all as I ever was!
This is more than just my nature, it is: my essence…
And I embrace it with gladness, without one pause.
In am more than the sum; I am a true quintessence!

To look for the meaning in name, deed, and soul…
Is itself, a quest for enlightenment that cannot end!
For the greater universe, is beyond all our control.
So I look to my rocks: each loved one and friend,
Which grounds me to what is important and vital…
A warm hand, a gentle embrace, a laugh or a kiss!
It is tragic that so many souls are selfish or spiteful,
Because the things I enjoy are what they will miss.

My name is Jessica, and let God behold my voice,
Singing with glory, these things that must be said…
Coupled with praises, of the most celestial choice!
We only stop singing when we are gone and dead.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

Paulina, Rex, thanks very much for posting and I enjoyed the read :)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101


our beloved one
king of man
with a devilish smile
handsome,seductive,and caring you may say

selfless lover
to me the world is mine
react without mercy
anger me is to incur a wrath
instill fear in hearts of thousands
with compassion
a true man i become

David's falls in march as we conquer the world
killer whale i know what i want
what i want is for you to know my name
feel my presence
i am david

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

thanks for the read:)

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

this is who i am
this is what ive made myself into
this is what i go by
this is what you call me

Fiend above all else
Insignifigant being
Selfish and rude
Hurtful and mean

Crazy and purely twisted
Apathedic and frozen cold
Knightly, not even a bit
Emotionless and completely dull

this is what it means
every time you call my name
can you please stop calling
it hurts every time i hear it

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344


one duckling
so many swans
dont you
feel ugly
you little

pecked at
it hurts
doesnt it
but thats
your fault
for being a

one ugly
amist swans
feeling down
feeling blue
because you
are just a

that cant fly
that cant make a sound
all alone
one ugly

i am a
a very ugly

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

I have a name.

I have a name
and it isn't really mine
or it just really shouldn't belong to me.
I have a name
it means the
the smallest protector
of god.
I'm no protector
I bring pain with words
i guard no one.
i hate it when you use
my name.
It tells me i have work to do
something to live up to.
I had a name,
it is no longer mine
i threw it away
disregard it
it's trash.
I had a name
and it wasn't me
i don't even pray
so who am i to say
that i have that name
and it's mine.
I have a name
this title,
a curse
partly because
I'm not religious
not even a little bit
not even a lot.
I have a name
and yes it belongs to me
but i guess
that i could,
with time
become half its meaning.
I have a name
and its not very right
for someone like me.
but its written legally
nothing i can do about it now.
I have a name
and it means lion of god.
i guess i like animals
and i could be brave.
I have a name
and it's spelled really weird
but here it goes.
I have a name
and it's Arielle.

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

Roses are red,
and white
and pink and yellow.
Roses are beautiful
to look at.
Their scent is pure
and sweet makes you
want keep it
in a little glass jar
for always.
Their colors like i said before
are many different ones
but each is quite vibrant
against dull green stems.
Roses are a flower
with thorns,
touch one and you'll bleed
they deceive with their beauty
and lure you in
then prick you twenty
to hear scream with
shock and some pain.
My name is Rose and
i am just like my
Nice to look at,
but painful when touched.

poet Anonymous

For name Kitty

K is for kittens, cats and felines
   My favourite animals, strong, independent loners who survive
I is for idealistic, for that has always been my goal
   Heal the planet, help the sick, be a servant to the Lord
T is for tolerance, for all peoples of all races, colours, creed
   Can we agree to disagree and then sue for peace
T is for teller...for I tend to give advice, tell the truth
   Even when it is not asked for, nevertheless I feel the need to help
Y is for yes...a word that is positive, on the long road of life no is not an option
   Yes, I can do it and so can you, I will be your friend and stand behind you

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

Duckling, Littlemogirl, and somelikeithot, thanks very much for the reads :)

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 25th July 2012
Forum Posts: 27

i joke
so others will see me
i joke
so others will laugh
i joke
so others will not always run away
im not scary
im just sad
i joke
to pretend
i joke
to lie to myself
i joke
to keep the pain away
im not happy
im misrible
i joke
to save myself
i joke
to draw others near
i joke
so im not so lonely
i am a Joker
because i hurt

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 12

I'm fleshofdanny.
I'm fleshofdanny because I'm an anti-theist, and there is truly only flesh.

Even in dreams, there is flesh.
And in ruin too?

I'm fleshofdanny.
And I'm fleshofdanny because even a brutal truth must be heard.

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