Poetry competition CLOSED 19th March 2012 6:13pm
View Profile Poems by ThePoisonRose
RUNNER-UP: firedaughter


SomeThing Scary

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 27th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Poetry Contest

What is scary to you?
write something scary.
It can be a funny scary but something that scares you lol.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

They hide in the closet
They hide under the bed
It creeps through the door
It creeps inside my head

My sanity
thats what I fear most
It tries to overtake me
but a demon is my host.

The fire breathing kind
The ones I so adore
so I think nothing of that sanity
as I lie hear on the floor..

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Cadaver  Re_animate    

Church bells
and pitched roof of slate
in silence after they rang
a train went through a burial gate
a bird broke forth and sang.
tombstones anticipate
the rising of dead man
a rumbling underground  
of shake
the drum begins to pound
cadaver  re-animate
with a snapping , gristle sound
empty socket skulls awake
boney hands claw the ground
they scratch and scrape
the damp streets late
with gutteral , corpse , throat sound
looking for a life to take
with dragging steps unbound .

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 263

it is always behind me
waiting for me to turn around
the fear of what can't be seen
is heightened by the fear of abrupt sounds

I turn on all the lights
and huddle in a corner
shadows jump out and then out of sight
no wonder I'm such a loner

laughter rings in my ears
I jump and scream
I plug them, I don't want to hear
or see what lies next to me

I feel her close to my face
I dare not look her in the eye
my heart begins to race
I will not cry

A barbed tongue rakes my face
I shudder in disgust
at the demon's disgrace
I finally look at her with distrust

"I did what you told me"
she stares intently
"please set me free"
she twitches her head ever so slightly

pain in my gut
pain in my chest
It is both sharp and blunt
I wonder, "Who will clean up this mess?"

She smiles happily
I see my intestines on the floor
she licks up the blood sloppily
before picking up my still beating heart in the gore

I am to weak to scream
she punctures my still beating heart
"I'm only setting you free"
she says before tearing it apart

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Mr. Razor

I take away beauty
I take away lives
I tear apart families
You’ll live in my lies

You’ll cover me up,
with sleeves
I’ll isolate you-
or at least that’s what it seems

you’ll feel so deserted
you’ll feel so alone
I’ll drive you insane
I’ll make you feel numb
yet you welcome the pain

the pleasure the pain
the release that you feel
maybe you’ll need stitches
just so "it" will heal

the more you use me
the deeper you slide in
the more blood you see;
the deeper your drawing begins

I’ll help you draw the lines
I’ll help you pain stars
and the more you abuse me
the more I’ll leave scars

but if I cause you death
you blame me
you took me in hand
this I know you can see

I’m caused by depression
Mr. Razor's my name
you can try to cover me up
but I’ll still leave an emotional stain

so don’t dare forget me
remember my name
you’ll be thinking it later
as you cry out in pain

poet Anonymous

little Ms. Thing-
whose shit don't stink-
I know better-LOL, (wink-wink)
Sit there spinning your sticky web
Acting like this shit is
is in my head.
You wanna look clean-
appear whole- but I know.
YOU are the reason-
so many let go!
You define the word
BITCH....set the standards-
all the rules-but I know what
would blow that
fake- ass cool.
If you want to keep
buried-that sick shit
that is you-
Take the option provided
when I said-Bye-
and screw you.

Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 171

i   cry  when  i  see   her  beautiful  face
because  i  love   her  but i  dont  have  words  to   say
im  scared   when  she  says   hi
i   tremble  with  sweat  all  over  my  head   starting  from  my  mind.

her  sweet   voice   is  like   a  lion
its   dangerous  and  commands  like   a  Zion
her  sexiness  and  her   beautiful   smile
can  make  me  loose  everything  in  my  life.

she  is   sweet  and   delicious
its   so   expensive  to   have  her   she  is  recoups
her    tenderness   her   kiss  is  scary
when   she   does  it   i  pray   like  Catholics,VIRGIN  MARY.

i  heard   about  what  she  did  to  my  fellas
who  still  hate  her   but  then  they  were   jealous
she  is   good   but    also  bad  and  dangerous
that's  why  im  scared  at her  fellas.

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

A Break IN Tempo
Drip, Drip, Drip
What is that I hear, that rhythm sound
Drip, Drip, Drip
Do you hear it, that pitter, patter sound
Drip, Drip, Drip
It’s like a beacon from a Lighthouse.
Drip, Drip, Drip
Flashing a warning of danger of some kind
Drip, Drip, Drip
Its getting louder, can you hear it?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Wonder what that is?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Can you make it stop?  
Drip, Drip, Drip
It’s frightening me
Drip, Drip, Drip
I’m closing my eyes
Drip, Drip, Drip
I can’t stand that sound
Drip, Drip, Drip
I’m covering my ears
Drip, Drip, Drip
Someone make it stop!
Drip, Drip, Drip
Drip, Drip, Drip
Why are you just looking at me?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Can’t you hear it?  
Drip, Drip, Drip
Can you stop it?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Don’t you care?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Doesn’t it hurt your ears?  
Drip, Drip, Drip
How can you stand it, it’s so loud?
Drip, Drip, Drip
Don’t look at me like that
Drip, Drip, Drip
I know what I hear
Drip, Drip, Drip
Please stop it!  
Drip, Drip, Drip
Please someone make it stop!
Drip, Drip, Drip
It’s driving me crazy that sound!
A Break In Tempo
Drip, Drip, Drip
Stop it!  Stop it!  Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!  
Shush now it’s alright.  
The big orderly wheeled the gurney down the hall to room 409.  

Thought Provoker
Joined 17th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 232

i hope at night i won't be awakened
by a family member beating me sensless
i hope that i'll see tommorrow
and death not hinder my bright future
(for i'm tormainted by my sick dreams
though i'm to tormainted by reality)
i hear the silnced scream
and i see her inercent eyes
starring at me
im human ,so i interprited her look
which asked me telapathecly:
'what are you doing to me'

only here have i admitted many crimes
i'm sorry little susie for taken your dignity

Strange Creature
Joined 20th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 10

Call me what you wish,
You shallow little liar.
You can reminisce,
As l set your pants on fire.
Haha, oh what pain!
Are tears lurking in your eyes?
I told you I was insane.
I screamed it through my eyes.

Did it hurt your feelings,
Aww poor little boo!
I remember emotions,
Long ago l had them too.

I once felt joy,regret and sorrow.
There was even times,
When I looked forward to tomorrow.
But no longer do I have those.
Oh well- that's just too bad!
But it's kinda how it goes.
Now that I've gone mad.

Wipe your tears,
Why are you crying?
It's such a jubilant day,
In which to be dying.

No need for fear,
Since this day is your last.
There's something l want to know.
I have one thing to ask,
Before l smash in your skull.
Is my knife too sharp,
Or your resistance too dull?

Why are you screaming?
You silly boy!
Your hopeless dreaming,
Won't bring down my ploy.
You cries won't bring anyone near,
The FBI is afraid:
They know I am here.

God is silent too,
Of his fallen angels sin,
He just watches what l put you through.
How l tear off your skin

I leave your corpse in shambles,
Strewn against the willow tree.
With a note among the roots,
Addressed to society.
In adolescent scrawl it reads:
"You created me."

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Frozen in place
I stood frozen in place with my eyes closed
My heart beating so fast that I shock
My blood rushed through my vein so hard
That I can hear it in my ears

Fright, pure and simple held my feet

I stood only ten feet from my car
And can hear the people walking, talking and
laughing as they pass by me,
but I don’t care.
Fright held me paralyzed.

They don’t know my fear, they don’t know
my dread, all they know is that I’m scared.

Just ten feet and I’ll be safe, ten feet and I’ll be free
but those ten feet, that short expanse, held me prisoner.

For within that plain stood the creature of my dread.
A creature so frightning so horrible
that I wet my pants.

This creatures you ask
that could cause such a reactions?

Is a fuzz white rabbit name Fred.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Dark Maiden Denied -

I hear the call of wolves in the far, far distance…
Ravenous in their hunger, so feral in intelligence!
Their hunger pales before a hunger in my soul…
A hunger for love that is growing out of control.
So long am I now, without light of love’s breath,
That in spirit I am far nearer unto lonely death…
For naught frustrates hope, more vile and severe,
Then having no comforting arms to hold me dear.
I long for the embrace of just one gentle maid…
But the maid who comes for me makes me afraid!
Her arms may be the gentlest of all we may know,
But her kiss is oblivion; it causes no life to grow.
I do not want to go with her, but how she calls…
I can hear her singing even through stucco walls.
And I become defiant, refusing to hear her music,
For the walls of my heart can become more: thick.

So long has it been since a tender hand I did hold,
And I am afraid to go on, fearful of getting old…
I want to live for eternity so that I have all of time,
To find a sweet maiden, and to know love sublime.
But where is the love, in this world of cruel hatred?
I was not made to be hurt or to live in constant dread.
And somewhere in the darkness, the maid in black,
The one I do fear, her song keeps calling me back!
Back to the end of things, where the cycle turns…
Only to begin anew, after the last inner fire burns.
All souls must make that journey when time is up,
And the will of the dark maiden, not one can stop!
Does she not know I am young and still so strong?
My time is not yet nigh and I have done no wrong.
Destiny shall stop her, for I am fated to love anew,
And even death cannot stop fate from coming true.

I cannot pass beyond that barrier again, not again,
Until I hold in my arms, one more than a friend…
Even death shall not have me, until love has won;
I have sworn this oath beneath the moon and sun.
So away with you dark maid, dreaded by mortals!
Go back to the shadows through your pale portals.
Let the goddess of love and what angels do serve,
Bring me their blessings, and so steady my nerve.
Life has more to offer me, and I must stand firm,
And for love’s sake, stay the course of the storm.
But the dark maiden can only be denied so much!
Before my time is over I must know love’s touch.
We cannot wait for love until age robs us blind…
If you seek a truer love, I am here for you to find.
Not one soul is truer, than one who is by love moved!
And by my heart, let my good soul be so proved.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Three Fates in Xibalba -
Based on a dream I had on June 17, 2010

Prologue: City of the Dead…

In a dreamlike state so far removed from waking toils…
I found myself in some alien world’s cold, snaking coils.
Within a bazaar, amidst a large renaissance-style city…
I was sitting at a table chatting with people I know not.
Yet familiar were they to me, and so quick to feel pity,
That it seemed as if we had some kinship in our thought.
A woman walked up to me, she most strangely attired,
In a gold metallic looking jumpsuit and jet-black beret.
She was captain of an airship, and with me conspired,
To seek entry into a floating palace on that special day!
Down a dark tunnel she led me to the airship’s docks,
Past places where people were being hung on stocks.
Shadowy beings punished them with sharp scourges…
And from such torments no soul ever wholly emerges!
Ignoring this sight, I followed the lady captain along…
Whilst she began to whistle: a hauntingly familiar song.

Part One: The Floating Palace…

Through the sky we sailed above the domes far below,
Seeing old buildings, with their high and pointed spires.
Before us was a palace floating as the winds will blow,
The object of our quest, its’ torches bright as hot fires.
We landed the ship on a balcony plated all with gold…
I went ahead into the building, where the air was cold.
Within: were glass display cases from wall unto wall…
Decorating the most large and grandly ceremonial hall.
Each case held treasures from various ages and times,
As from the ceiling hung ancient-looking wind chimes.
Serpent-like designs on pillars that rose to the arches,
That formed the supports of the domed ceiling so tall…
Reminded me of vines as clinging to old dying larches,
Which seemed to remind me of one’s capacity to fall.
The residents of the palace seems utterly enthralled…
By: their own treasures, making me entirely appalled.

The residents of the palace tried to bribe me so well,
That lesser men: would be tempted by the fine things.
I, however, knew that greed was a pathway to Hell…
And so I refused them, and all the treasures of kings.
Finally, three old women wearing masks finely gilded,
Designed like sunbursts with women’s faces etched…
Came into the chamber in ragged robes, like wilted,
Withered and dying flowers with long arms stretched.
They opened a chest shaped like a big black dragon,
Removing a crystal ball that resembled a tiger’s eye.
Holding it before them, they seemed at last to see…
Blind they were just before, to my nearby company.
“You, son of a goddess and sister to the living dawn!
To spurn the finery of ages, you are an insane soul…
You who prefer fleeting love, to gold we can spawn!
What you seek is not here, for the Fates to control.”

And so they chased me through the ancient palace…
Their wicked claws slashing, at the flesh of my arms!
Hulking, misshapen creatures, masks on each face…
Were summoned up from Hell, by sorcery’s charms.
I ran back to the balcony, as the airship was leaving,
Forcing me to jump off, unto the craft’s high balloon.
I climbed an attached robe down to the ship railing…
And I finally was safe, but perhaps did rest too soon!
For from the floating palace came blasts of hot flame,
Which crashed into the airship, each blast the same…
Like meteors of fire, causing the ship to plummet fast.
The captain jumped first, and I foolishly jumped last.
We landed in a river that split part of the city ground,
As I struck out on my own: seeking the way around.
I was lost in streets and alleys that had no real end…
Until I emerged into a plaza where I met not a friend.

Part Two: The River of Death…

The demons of the Three Fates had come down here,
Endless in number, they possessed an aura of fear…
I ran to escape them, and left the city through a gate,
Coming swiftly to a cavern near a deep, frozen lake.
Three little girls all familiar to me made me feel worry,
For they wanted to pass through the cave in a hurry!
They each asked me to escort them thus in their turn,
Whilst behind us the demons made the old city burn.
I heard the Three Fates mocking me as they arrived…
“Do you not know, those girls are facets of yourself?
Parts of your soul long buried, that always so strived,
For you to accept them, not leave them on the shelf.
Like old books that contain knowledge, long forgot,
They beg to be remembered, now they are caught!”
And so, one by one, I escorted my buried halves…
Through that dark watery cavern: on wooden rafts.

The first child I led through the pale, frozen tunnel…
Was from a bygone time in looks as well as manner.
I beheld images on the crystalline walls in a huddle…
From past lives that I lived that struck like a hammer,
Upon my memory, until we got over to the other side.
The girl vanished, and I had to go back for the next…
Who wore clothing of this era in which she did abide.
The walls showed me images of the present context,
Which bothered me the least, of the visions I beheld.
This girl too vanished, and I returned for the last one,
Who was pale white: dressed in silver gown and belt.
The walls showed images of angels, in blue fire spun,
As they fell from the heavens, having lost their battle.
I was amongst them, and tried to block out the sight,
As helpless before old suffering and terror, as cattle…
But I could not: thusly I fell to my knees out of fright!

Suddenly, the airship captain came back to help out,
She grabbed my arm and led me from fear and doubt.
I led the final child to her destination and she vanished,
But now the demons were behind me, never banished!
The Three Fates were with them, cackling ever loudly…
Longing to take me away to some dark hellish eternity,
Yet unable to harm me, and so I heard them cry aloud:
“Before you is the river of Xibalba in the underworld…
The living cannot ever cross it so do not be so proud!”
But on the wooden raft, down the river I was hurtled,
The airship captain paddled the raft, speeding us along,
Singing at the top of her lungs, the same familiar song.
Never had it been so welcome as now it had seemed,
Causing the roof of the cavern to crumble just ahead…
So that sunlight shone down and so warmly it beamed,
That I awoke in safety from that domain of pure dread.

Tri Fortuna, Tri Semita...
Preteritus, Tendo, Infinitio!
Quis exspecto in posterus?
Scisco Tri Fortuna, scisco Hecate.

Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 171

my  old   age   when   i  will  be   weak  and  sick
when    they    will  erase   me  out   of the  picture  still
Whe   little  kids   will   joke  to  me  as  if  i  was a  kid.

when   a  lady  says  she  loves  me
im  too  scared   to  tell   her  she  is  worthy
IM   scared   of  her   because  she  is lovely.

IM scared   of the  fame  and  power
when   everbody   will  be  looking  at me  like  a  tower
its   too  sterssful  to  shine  at  all  hoyurs
hunted  by  fearles  gangsterss.

wait   are  u  scared  like  me
when  u  are  in  this   competition  and  dont  know  u  will  loose  or  win
for  me  im  scared  to  use  the  words  that  will  make  me  sink

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