Poetry competition CLOSED 16th March 2012 1:36pm
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Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2011
Forum Posts: 1958

She's talking about me bruh. It's all cool.

poet Anonymous

Bitch had it her way-for the last time today!
Time to let out the truth!
Tell 'em your foul mouthed, mixed up thoughts
Tell 'em your sick motives and moods!
Tell 'em all the things you said in the dark..
All the ways that you forced me to move..

Give me a moment in this fight for a life-
admit I'm not telling a lie-
think for a second- sick one, if you can;
admit it before we both die!

I walked away, head bowed; all alone
you said I was rebellious and bad-
I hid from the world- went so far away
Solace the only love I would have..

I found a little antidote for
the sickness that you spread
found all the answers just-
swimming in my head!
I realized to have you, I would have to succeed-
be the best, the shiniest- would have to take the lead!

So off I went to learning- demonstrating
my own worth!
(seems a reason for being here should be guaranteed by birth)
Seems a smart mouthed bitch-
was only half the story! Smart mind too, it seems-
but still, I had NO glory!

Pissed at my own pathetic ass-
I passed a few years drinking-
but got too old for that so
just sat a few years thinking...

I woke up on a Sunday-3 months ago today-
realized I had found myself-
while I had been away!
I would call you on the phone-
but what could I say?
I am happy at last----
so stay the fuck away!

I have come into my own!!!

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

I can feel it,
my own fucking cowardice
brewing in my throat
ready to apologize.
Ten fucking times a day I feel it
'I'm sorry.'
'I'm terribly sorry.'
'I'm awfully sorry.'
What bollocks is this?
Answer me!
You know, you sit there with your conscience
and you get knocked about, bullied around
and you're the one, when backed into a corner,
who apologizes.
Why can't I 'man up'?
Why can't I handle five minutes in my own company?
That's just pathetic
so yeah,
here we are.
Cheers for the vent,
really boosted my ego.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 28th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 21

Thanks Best Friend

We were really close ya know
I helped you till the end
Fucked up you used me

Always smiled and very kind
Turned around and heard your lies
My friend now hates me

For your love you blamed me
As "the boyfriend stealer"
Cause I was single

You know my love of my life
But tried to hook me up with other guys
Insecure twit

Now your love is in your life
Just had to rip him from mine
Wasn't even close to him like that

Walked him to your guy friends house
Only 3 in the morning waited for four
Miles away from home alone

You told him that I was the problem
That I was after him
You two weren't even together

Fucked up my friend
Great use of my trust
Today we messaged

Told me I was liar and everything bad
Then brought in my little sister

No balls to say it to her face
So dont say it to mine
Just wanted to be friends

Well now looks like you should block me
Do it right now
No excuses

Well you never want me to be around ya'll
Ok I understand but one thing
We sword fight together every week now

If you see me don't get mad
Cause I'll be having fun
In front of you

You can hate me but your just lien to yourself
Hope you trust him
Though he tried to bang me and my sister

Have a good life :]

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91

What do you Seek?

Go ahead, go hang with your friends,
Keep on as you are, keep playing pretend,
That I'll be here when you get back,
Your a fool, cause I'll leave no tracks.

I'm tired of being treated like I'm expendable,
And yet you expect me to be dependable.
Well this may come as a shock to you,
But I'm tired, I'm done, I'm through,

My walls are back up, solid and strong,
And you made realize behind them is where I belong.
When you find my absence, you have only yourself to blame,
'Cause I've grown tired of playing your game.

You should have known I could see through that lie,
But because you chose to be ignorant, your faced with goodbye.
Don't come looking if you don't want what you seek,
And stop making promises you don't intent to keep

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690


My life is misery, crude and cold,
Pain is all that makes it whole;
Stripped of my vanity, insanity prevails,
How can I belong when everything fails?;
One moment of peace, forever in gloom,
Dreams are broken, where nightmares bloom;

Struggling through, strong and true,
Betrayed at last, by some, by few;
Ignorance is bliss, something that I miss,
Tired and pissed, emptiness is this;
Spread the word, I'm going to die,
Lets see how many tears you cry;

To live another day, I lie to my mirror,
And bleed out my hate so I see clearer
Poison is my life, the cure is a curse,
To become a slave, I am not the first;
But vanity dies hard, I will not fail,
Bring the torture, this soul isn't frail.

Until the day I die, I suffer,
I am death, life is much tougher.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:This is Never Fun:.

“Trust Me"
That's what I said
Sayin I know I’m going to be home right directly”
That was the last thing I said before the call dropped
Right then...My heart stopped.
It was that Bang; that Boom…and
I’m again weak at the knees.
I’m yelling to myself, just one more week Oh God…Please
I’m again inside another moment of not knowing. Exactly.
Guess it’s what kept me from getting done
This shit is never fun
But Oh God...This is the shit we're in.
This the thought as I’m amped, running through goat dung
One foot churning in front of the other;
Thinkin both feet were there and
That was something good
Felt like I swam, then I ran;
And I'm running through swarms of busy bees
Up to my knees in worker ants
And I kept running,
I ran past…Right through those
Prickly pickpockets of peace
Along the way running
I saw my own vivid imagination
To stop wasn’t a thing that I envisioned

Because I was, could be, most assuredly…I am the mission

What I felt then grew;
Growing as large as that change
That revolution;
The one taking place all around me
Yet I still can’t see
Wondering how did we even get here?
Why couldn’t we have all left earlier? Much sooner?
My lack of understanding
It had me gripped up
All this shit around me... The rumors
The hidden beauty escaping me
It was just too hard to breathe…these
Attempts to hem me in
Hell…I didn’t belong.
Didn’t know that as well as I could

That I was and could be, most assuredly…I am the mission

But for sure
I knew right then
this shit wasn’t any good
Yet I'm still moving;
But at the same time still stuck. Mucked.
Like this air…this grit filled air; the dust of shrapnel
Floating, sitting in these bullet riddled hallways
These funny, yet always suspicious looking doorways
The windows without panes
framing those faces of pain
Looking for an opening to shut & close death
Seldom seen are those hands
The ones under those dark colored burkas
Hands squeezing prayer beads and small fingers
Rarely are any waving hands for my invitation

I am & was the mission with some saying part of an invasion

But those hands; they’re cloaked in distain
Fearful of everything...Everything except the small hands,
hands which squeeze tightly to their mother
As I run; trying to join with "My Others"

Still wondering
Why were we all here? Why?
Am I still here?
Living separated by our views and
Our culture differences
Posturing; so diametrically opposed to each other
But I’m still on my mission...and occasionally

I am and probably always will be the mission

Closed in on all sides...and
It’s the only thing that I surely get.
While knowing at this moment why I’m still rushing out.
Rushing out for one more time.
Wanting to be like that super hero with my team
On someone else’s mission
Living a dream; their nightmare
Wondering who belongs in this affair.
Shit, I really don’t care
But again I'm swooping down;
Going in for that rescue...for closure
And after it’s all over
Going home...going home for closure
This as I respond to a small child’s hand...waving
With my own hand...and
My rifle’s point of view…both
Now g[size=3]one


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983


Ugh, just go choke.
I don't wanna deal with you
Seriously, you take my secrets -
throw my secrets into another person's mouth -
and then ask me for more trust.
Fuck you,
ain't worth my time you're
to act like you are.
Claim to love me and
say you care?
You piss me off -
should be happy I haven't
punched your ass -
and you're not worth my attention anymore.
Some friend you turned out to be
now I'm the 'slut' of the school
for my most
painful memories
that I finally trusted someone enough to
tell them to.
And you made them a joke.
My heart is full of pain -
it's bleeding because of you
and how you're so vain -
just go rot in a fucking hole.
I can't take you anymore
and your voice
it's annoying.
You're fake as a porcelain doll
an inch away from
so you tear the butterfly's wings
away from her so she can't fly.
You laugh,
and smile,
because it makes you feel better about
but soon you'll fall
fall off your shelf
and shatter like the
worthless mug you are.

Bailee Matthews
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 115

As I sit talking to this strink
Each second he makes more money.
He just sits there and he judges me
And he makes money.
Why should I give a damn what he thinks
He just feeds me the same bullshit we have all heard.
I wish he would just be real
Without his plastic smile
Is this shit suppose to
Give me hope.
Make me happy.
Make me smile.
Well it's not f**king working.
All I need is a reason to smile.

poet Anonymous

Suck it.

This one's a hate anthem for the word stealer
the descent of God to the straight edge believer,
an ode to the vein that bulges around my eye
when I see you've composed another bullshit lie

I mean... really?
You might have expected us to fold,
you might have expected us to not be quite so bold
and in your face and on the money
every time you post a picture of a well ridden honey

Here's the truth sweetie... You can't write
and you sure as hell can't rap
I mean i'm no expert, but, let me guess...
You googled it while having a philosophical crap?
and scouring pages for words that rhyme with 'Lepperochan'
Well... There can't be much else left to do
now she's left and you're jacking off to bad porn

Oh, but you're such a fucking stud though, right?
Even though dear wifey has disappeared into the night
with some other brother with a bigger cock
because this 'God' has gone floppier
than a freshly washed sock. 

So come on, throw your best at me. 
We all know you like a bitch fuelled scurry
but in the end it'll be your name i burn across the land
You idiot...
Never fuck with a girl with a whip in her hand!

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Miss_Sub said:Suck it.

This one's a hate anthem for the word stealer
the descent of God to the straight edge believer,
an ode to the vein that bulges around my eye
when I see you've composed another bullshit lie

I mean... really?
You might have expected us to fold,
you might have expected us to not be quite so bold
and in your face and on the money
every time you post a picture of a well ridden honey

Here's the truth sweetie... You can't write
and you sure as hell can't rap
I mean i'm no expert, but, let me guess...
You googled it while having a philosophical crap?
and scouring pages for words that rhyme with 'Lepperochan'
Well... There can't be much else left to do
now she's left and you're jacking off to bad porn

Oh, but you're such a fucking stud though, right?
Even though dear wifey has disappeared into the night
with some other brother with a bigger cock
because this 'God' has gone floppier
than a freshly washed sock. 

So come on, throw your best at me. 
We all know you like a bitch fuelled scurry
but in the end it'll be your name i burn across the land
You idiot...
Never fuck with a girl with a whip in her hand!

Wow Missy , that was something else ha ha ha excellent

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

13 said:Fallen

My life is misery, crude and cold,
Pain is all that makes it whole;
Stripped of my vanity, insanity prevails,
How can I belong when everything fails?;
One moment of peace, forever in gloom,
Dreams are broken, where nightmares bloom;

Struggling through, strong and true,
Betrayed at last, by some, by few;
Ignorance is bliss, something that I miss,
Tired and pissed, emptiness is this;
Spread the word, I'm going to die,
Lets see how many tears you cry;

To live another day, I lie to my mirror,
And bleed out my hate so I see clearer
Poison is my life, the cure is a curse,
To become a slave, I am not the first;
But vanity dies hard, I will not fail,
Bring the torture, this soul isn't frail.

Until the day I die, I suffer,
I am death, life is much tougher.

i really like this.. its deep >.< i can relate

Twisted Dreamer
Romania 4awards
Joined 1st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 74

whoa i liked that one

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

my only problem is tomorrow.
as with every collection of electrons,
    i will
    awake again,
please understand,
    this is not suicide speak,
    or a darkened dabble
       with self awareness,
its in fact a confession of weariness
ive gambled the farm on this,
    particular moment
    and won
    and lost,
       but even losing itself is lost
       in the burning of being here now
    and despite the total immersion
       and nightly bred forever,
         these endeavours sink
         to sappy memories
       every time the sun shows face.
i am a hero now
strong and charismatic,
    and even if i dont have
    just the right
    my enthusiasm will carry the weight of the world
    and i will hide behind poetry and feel
    so very, very
until of course,
i awaken to another


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