Poetry competition CLOSED 20th March 2012 8:34pm
Whispered_Words (DRooney)
View Profile Poems by Whispered_Words
RUNNERS-UP: mitchryan549 and grasshopper

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im starving for...

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 355

Open your arms for me.
Steal me from this place.
Tear my flesh from me,
Drink of my blood and taste my soul.
I am yours my love.
Let me be yours, my own Oblivion.
Suck up my soul
Into your arms.
Sink your teeth into my neck
And take me from this horrible place.
Take me to your beautiful Hell.
I will be your accomplice
Your whore, who will steal souls
Eat up hearts for your pleasure.
My own Oblivion, I am yours.
Let me be your bad little whore,,
Drinking of your blood
And sharing mine.
My flesh shall burn for you
Blackening and smoldering
In the heat of your embrace.
Bury your hands into my chest
Rip my heart out
Feast of my flesh
Drink of my blood

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