Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2024 5:09am
View Profile Poems by Ljdynamic
RUNNERS-UP: Vision_of_insanity and Thor_Azine

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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 199

Thank you Thor_Azine. I really am glad I came up with this competition. I do feel it was challenging and brings out the inner challenge in one to see how they can be creative and create a poem of art that they never knew they could do. I will definitely create more. Thank you for participating and loving it.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 199

Ljdynamic I'm happy to know you entered after all. You impacted my vision for the worst insects of our world lol

To my eyes it was captivating and I'm sure with time many will see how awesome it is too. Now you know what you can do and keep going. You just never know what you got hidden. It's what happened to me yesterday, I made a very unique Mexican fideo and made my own recipe with different ingredients. I took my time and lots of patience. I wanted to impress my parents with a fideo they never had nor I. Tasting as I go and remembering some things Gordan Ramsey always says. Nothing from can and that's what I did all fresh and you know I nailed a very authentic Fideo that was excellent at first bite. My 17 yr old nephew coming in with my parents says oooo that's smells good and he has a bite and was very amazed and loved it. My dad had some too and loved it as I saw his expression. My mom loved it too. I was very proud of myself cause I made something so different and it inspires me to keep cooking and writing of course. I'll make my own cookbook one day. And you should keep writing hun cause you got beautiful talent waiting to blossom that just needs a push of encouragement. Keep aspiring.

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