Poetry competition CLOSED 9th May 2018 9:17pm
RUNNER-UP: eswaller

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The Conquerors

Fire of Insight
Canada 2awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397

Please read each entry before casting your vote . Your sincere attention will be appreciated <3

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 763

Thank you to our wonderful host. A huge congratulations to AEMelia564 for winning. It was an honor to participate in this great competition!!

Fire of Insight
Canada 2awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397

Congratulations Amelia for winning the competition and eswaller as the runner up . Both your entries were amazing and I had a great time reading them .
Also , thank you to everyone else that took the time to write such fantastic poems and to whoever else that casted their votes .

I look forward to holding another in the near future and hope you all join me here again

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