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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17118

Mercury entered Capricorn @ 5:30 AM, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus.

Mercury rules chatty Gemini and analytical Virgo, so moving into an earthy sign such as Capricorn denotes a serious preoccupation with our thoughts and feelings. Our thinking becomes more methodical and centers on solid foundations from which to build our intentions into a reality rather than ideals.

Mercury will move out-of-bounds tomorrow ( Thu Jan 09 ) but moves pretty quickly and only remains OOB between 10-14 days. Also, it only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually.

Contrary to the Moon, Mercury is never out of bounds in the fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It is only present in cardinal (initiating) and mutable (changing) signs.

An OOB Mercury maintains a balance between nocturnal and diurnal signs, as well as a balance of elements, yet it notably lacks the stabilizing presence of the fixed signs. More on Mercury OOB: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The 2nd House is a house of personal resources and possessions along with security. Some consider it the newly embodied human establishing bodily awareness and physical security. This is the realm of surviving, thriving, and our sense of self-worth.

In grounded Capricorn, we are able to detach ourselves and become the observer. This will serve us well, especially in fields where powers of concentration are required. Detailed work is much more feasible and our diplomacy and tact shine when required. We are able to laugh at ourselves in this placement, as self-doubt is highly diminished.

In the natal chart, difficult aspects to Mercury can cause one to be too ambitious, dogmatic, suspicious, and even materialistic. If you recognize these traits, you might want to slow down a bit and re-evaluate your goals. Goals are always worth working toward, but there are more honorable ways of achieving them than being competitive and overly ambitious et al.
Image: Bojan Jevtić

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17118

📍Note: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect: inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

🌔OOB Moon, Waxing Gibbous, Taurus -> Gemini @ 8:07 PM EST: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

⛔️5:50 - 8:07 PM EST: Lunar Void of Course: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Jan 09, 2025, EST: After the initial conjunction, today is a fertile opportunity for social contacts, practical matters, and artistic abilities.

Following our intuition during the Lunar conjunction with Uranus midmorning is advised.  Psychic abilities are enhanced but doubt and/or overthinking can hinder our abilities; therefore, any epiphanies should be taken seriously. Writing them down will help preserve the memory. Follow your heart when expressing yourself.

Mid/late afternoon, the OOB Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces sextile OOB Mars Rx in Cancer, ushering in the productivity mentioned above. Take advantage of social options, creative urges, and practical solutions.

Late tonight when the OOB Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius, we can't help but desire to probe the emotions of others to create a deeper connection. We're psychically protected when delving into the occult or taboo. Though with the Moon in fickle & flighty Gemini, whatever we discover may not hold our interest long.

✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:  

9:00 AM: Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus @ 23°27'
3:46 PM: Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces @ 27°26'
5:50 PM: Moon in Taurus sextile OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 28°39'
5:50 - 8:07 PM: Void of Course Moon
8:08 PM: Moon enters Gemini
10:25 PM: Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°21'

#Art Shewhois

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17118

Mercury traveled OOB today:

When Mercury, the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the gods is out-of-bounds ( OOB - beyond 23°27’ declination ), whether natal or transit, there are several things we can expect.

A transit only affects you during the duration of the transit. And because Mercury moves pretty quickly and only moves OOB up to four times a year, depending on the cycle. Mostly it's twice annually, but in 2025 it will be three OOB periods.

In 2025, Mercury will be OOB the following dates:

• Capricorn: Enters Jan 09/Leaves Jan 20
• Gemini: Enters: Jun 01/Leaves Jun 20
• Sagittarius: Enters: Oct 31/Leaves Nov 10

Mercury can only be found OOB in the solstice and solstice-bordering signs of Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.

Contrary to the Moon, Mercury is never out of bounds in the fixed signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It is only present in cardinal (initiating) and mutable (changing) signs. Mercury maintains a balance between nocturnal and diurnal signs, as well as a balance of elements, yet it notably lacks the stabilizing presence of the fixed signs.

Mercury is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine.  However, from a mythological standpoint, Mercury could also put people asleep or be a messenger of death.

OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.

Those with OOB planets, to put it simply, like coloring outside the lines. That can be considered a creative genius or dangerous liability. Whether the declination is North or South is equally important.

It's a long one, so read more at http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2025

#art Kate Smith

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