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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16494

Black Moon Lilith stations Direct in Libra tonight @ 6:08 PM, EDT, 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus.

Recap: Black Moon Lilith is the astrological representation of feminine exile exiting transiting into Libra, the domain of harmony, balance, and justice. Wherever you find Lilith in your chart ( sign and house ) is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged.

Somewhere along your experiences, someone overlooked your gifts or commercialized your talent for their own benefit.  Somewhere along your experiences, you were swallowed whole and spit out naked.  Lilith is here to collect.

Lilith in Libra: I've previously discussed this transit so this will basically be a reminder.

Peace-loving Libra is the social and persuasive butterfly of the zodiac representing cooperation, diplomacy, refined taste in the arts, and judicial insight. We'll be alerted if we've slipped into the dark side of this balanced sign if we demonstrate tits shadow aspects: fickle, apathetic, peace at any price, pouting, indecisiveness, and easily deterred.

With Lilith in Libra, others often act as mirrors if we opt to pay attention and recognize the reflection. Lilith is known for revealing aspects of us that we ourselves had no knowledge of. Don't suppress those aspects. On the contrary, we need to explore them with an open and nonjudgmental mind.

If your Natal BML is in Libra, you'll experience a lot of challenges in this lifetime involving due to the lack of harmony Lilith represents. You may have a fascination with relationships; however, that doesn't guarantee they will be successful ones.
They either tend to abruptly end, or we may become attracted to those who are not available to reciprocate our feelings.

Read full: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

#art Lilith by T'Cantrell

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16494


Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16494

Note: Moon has returned inbound
Venus OOB @ 4:32 PM EDT: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Oct 25, 2024, EDT: Emotional drama can be fun if we opt for a show, or present one to an audience! Karaoke, anyone? Tonight's energy provides the perfect stage for theatrics, recreation, and fun.

The only collectively challenging aspect today is early afternoon when the Moon in Leo square Mercury in Scorpio. The Leo Moon is known to be emotionally dramatic, so guard against being too incisive in all forms of communication ( tongue or pen/keyboard ).

Late afternoon/early evening the Moon in Leo trine Chiron Rx in Aries sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini: Emotional drama can be transformed into developing empathy for our healing journey through self-acceptance. Note any triggers and trace them as far back as possible. New beginnings are on the horizon.

Liberation from a discovery or realization provides clarity and relief. It's time to enjoy the potential of expanded success! Emotional drama isn't all negative! It's actually quite fun if you opt to take on a show, or present one to an audience! Tonight's energy provides the perfect stage for theatrics, recreation, and fun.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):  

Moon: 18LEO19, 8
Mercury: 19SCOR19, 11
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:41 PM

Moon: 20LEO42, 5
Chiron Rx: 20ARI42, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:42 PM

Moon: 20LEO52, 5
Jupiter: 20GEM52, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 5:42 PM

#art Andrius Kovelinas

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