Kitty's Korner
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Tyrant of Words
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I Want To Be Buried… No, I Want To Be Cremated, Wait, I Am Just Undecided (Introduction)
This is my introduction theories of death; however, I will be posting my findings, what are the thoughts on would like to be buried or cremated.
I had a Blog on this very same topic, and I could not believe a simple question would divide so many mentalities.
I had pastor who chimed in, and he and I went back and forth, and he could not show me any bearing the Bible about cremation, yet several parables about death, burial rites, then a sermon on the crucifixion of Jesus and his burial in tomb until he resurrected in three days following Good Friday.
I would delve farther into that theory somewhere in time and different variations from a religion perspective to debunk the truth or accept the myth.
In lieu of that above observation please take into consideration, after King Saul and his sons died, if you know your theology their bodies were cremated by the people of Jabesh Gilead, however it was only to prevent further desecration by the Philistines.
With that being stated traditional Jewish and Christian based faith have always favored burial, however, there is no biblical commanded against cremation. The Bible emphasizes that our bodies shall return to dust, and that goes without saying, whether through its natural decomposition or cremation.
Therefore, I did farther research from a philosophical angle then from a religious angle. I never knew the reasons that I received ventured on a mental flogging between the participation.
I would present the questions from my own belief. Various opinions honed down to the afterlife if you get cremated, once your spirit leaves the vessel what happens to the body as it is commenced back to ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.
The religious jargon was even more surprising concerning the rituals following death.
In my religion there is no death, it is only the evolution of the spiritual subconscious that has manifested into a sphere, you returned if you cannot understand your life lesson, the meaning of your presence, I will explain that concept more in detail
When you are the Director of Nursing of a vast geriatric population these thoughts does make you question you own mortality and are doctors playing the Creator when residents have a DNR upon their wishes in place. I will cross reference to explain that death is never the final act of living it is only the beginning.
In the meantime, what do you think, and me being an advocate for Homelessness, Child Cancer, and Breast Cancer Awareness, this question has always been presented to me…what your thoughts after you are read this...
Should we commence the body back to whence it came from uno the earth or celebrate the ashes that is spread unto the wind, poured into the water, or immortalized in a sitting Urn.
How would you like for your family to remember your presence those are the questions I will delve into.
In part to that everyone please have a safe and spiritual ending of September there is another eclipse due in October, and why does this concern me when it comes to the alliance of those planets.
October 2, 2024
Annular Solar Eclipse
Everyone please enjoy your last week of September and ladies I truly hope you have checked your breasts during this month, and gentlemen if you visited your physical during this month, I hope you have asked for your prostate to me checked during the month of September
Until our minds entwine to soul searching for the meaning of life, please take care of yourself and others, have faith, and please smile back at the world
Love and Universal Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
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Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Detoxing The Mind And The Body
I wrote this piece regarding a medical condition that effects so many people.
Being an Interim Director of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner and within my field, I have witnessed so many patients succumb to this illness or have a slew of medications in their medicine cabinet they must daily take to keep their hearts functioning properly.
Detailed medication for water retention is usually (Lasix/HCTZ), various HTN medications, and a low dosage of daily ASA (Aspirin) a regiment to reduce hypertension.
That list does exclude any medications for secondary heart problems, heart palpitations, your arrhythmias, and tachycardias.
Hypertension, if left uncontrolled can lead to several heart diseases or a CVA: Ischemic cardiomyopathy or coronary artery disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular disorders such as aortic stenosis and at times it can lead to Sleep Apnea.
We are moving into cooler months, whereas we tend to be less conscientious about what we eat. In colder months we tend to eat more consume.
Various lab studies and scientific experiments have shown these two substances can alter the body’s DNA that may in turn, increase the risk of cancer. In addition, AICR (American Institute If Cancer Research) does highly recommend limiting or just avoiding processed meat at all costs, subsequently, always choose only a limited portions of red meat because even small amounts of processed meat, when eaten regularly, will always increase risk for colorectal cancer.
This medical condition, I speak of crosses the borders of ethnic groups, genders, and does pertain to its citizens of all countries. Known as the silent killer, this is what we as medical profession refer to as Hypertension (HTN).
Let’s delve farther into what exactly is Hypertension.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.
Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries.
Please be advised most people are more attuned to hypertension, alternately, there are causes as being classified as having hypotension to causes just as many complications.
The medication(s) a physician will prescribe comes in many factors to combat high blood pressure.
Beta blockers, helps in reducing the heart rate thus decreasing the blood pressure.
Most African Americans will be prescribed beat blockers.
A diuretic, such as HCTZ/Lasix will increases urination which in turn reduces the sodium and fluid content resulting in decreasing blood pressure.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors will widen the blood vessels thereby assisting in easy blood flow and can reduce the blood pressure.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs,) will help relax the blood vessels to lower the pressure.
Calcium channel blockers, medically reduces the amount of calcium entering heart muscles thereby reducing the heart rate and controlling blood pressure.
Alpha blockers, when prescribed by your physician, will sing these types of medical the muscles of arteries and veins are relaxed thus reducing the blood pressure.
Then you have your Renin inhibitors, the sole purposes of this medication is to inhibit the enzyme that favors the production of angiotensin and regulate blood pressure which constricting blood vessels.
If you suffer from hypertension and you are taking medication(s), inquire with your physician to see what classification your medication falls under. For some unknown reason, and it occurs quote a lot.
When more than one family member is on HTN medication and if one person runs out, most will share, however that is not a wise ideal, and even if that person is on the same medication, do not share.
Most pharmacies do calibrate when you are due for your next refill, resulting in, missed dosages and you are lessening your prescription(s) to be refilled by days…
Autumn season is now here, however, trying to get your heart, mind, and body in the condition for feel your best, and by all means, exercise, it is such a beautiful benefit to anyone’s vitality.
Make sure if you are seeing a Cardiologist, you need to stay well aware of your EKGs, to get a Stress Test, and an Echocardiogram, or if you have stents, or a pacemaker, make those apportionment and please keep it!
Nutrients and Minerals to Control Blood Pressure
Food with potassium is best for high blood pressure. As per a study, potassium can reduce high blood pressure levels. You can take it through food or supplements. Potassium helps blood vessels to relax and promotes sodium excretion through urine.
Studies show that magnesium increases the production of “nitric oxide”, a molecule that helps relax blood vessels.
Vitamin D
People with hypertension lack vitamin D. Therefore, foods containing vitamin D can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
It is an amino acid supplement that improves blood vessel function. As a result, it eases blood flow and reduces hypertension.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and some supplements. People with optimum levels of vitamin C show less risk of high blood pressure.
You can generally find probiotics from yoghurt. They are beneficial bacteria that have many health benefits. For example, one of their health benefits is lowering blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure levels, you find sleeping difficult. Lack of melatonin aggravates this issue. So, supplements containing melatonin can lower blood pressure levels.
Make sure you check with your physician, before taking any vitamins supplements just in case it interferes with other medications, allergies, or for a medical condition, whereas, any nutrient supplements will most likely not be beneficial, and I expressed that moreso, with melatonin.
And that is your medical summary to the road for a healthier and vibrant you before the Autumn Grand Rising's
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, interim DON, APRN
Farther reading information
Live Saturday Night Ladies Night Out.. (Blog Shot)
Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
The Black And White Calling Of Fame And Fortunate
Have you ever looked around and asked of yourself, I wish I had more; money, fame, climb the ladder of success, faster, knowing time is not promised, and neither is the next second of life.
These were the confounding thoughts, of Professor Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati).
A powerful secret society founded on 05-01-76 which by coincidence our Declaration of Independence was drafted on 07-04-1776, signed on 08-02-1776, at the Pennsylvania State House of Philadelphia.
There were fifty-six delegates (56) who signed their signature on the Declaration of Independence and out of those forefather delegates, thirteen were Freemasons, and indirect secret society derived officials of the Illuminati.
Their outspoken and candor was an obscured catalyst to mastermind current events of the world.
Some of the wealthiest members were initiatives upon initiations included various sectors of life; political, scholars, philanthropists, and region gurus of their secular faith.
The Illuminati used unorthodox measure of its prestige to place upstanding members in society to mandates the rules of how this country is operated by manifestations of society, financial, medicine, media, telecommunications, all eh way to how Wall Street is operated.
As time invested to move forward, a more advance ideology of what the Illuminati has evolved to.
This world and is political alliance of the Bravarian Illuminati is morally classified.
Please be advised it not those rappers who profess there are members of the illuminati.
The bloodline of wealth proposers from the world and controls financial assets to conceal gains, their ideology and their connections are not known to the public. Which seem as to why, we do not know of their mysterious agendas.
The thirteen families who control the world are families like the DuPont Bloodline, the Rockefeller Bloodline, the Collins Bloodline, the Freeman Bloodline, Astor Bloodline, the Bundy Bloodline, the Kennedy Bloodline, the Li Bloodline, the Onassis Bloodline, the Russell Bloodline, the Van Duyn Bloodline, the Mmerovingian Bloodline, and the Rothschild Bloodline
Their surviving members are unknown but does have a direct bearing of events that has shaped society and has ostracized members of humanity within the wake of privacy.
My third part will go more into detail, and Hollywood quiet members and the blood sacrifices one must make in order to survive in a game of whose who, belittling consequences when spilling those hushed secrets, the degrading sacrifices, and the detrimental offerings of being a blood sacrifice are happening in front of our eyes, and if you do not know your history, you will be blind to accept its fate.
In addition, and that does consist of the falsehood of religion groups, ethnic cleansing, and the squaring to hide behind faces of what meets the eyes.
I will elaborate more on the conspiracy hidden in the rap music, escalating profits, and how we have been made puppets to adhere to the second mental enslavement of melanin skin, in addition, how religion groups play into relative history on the backs of indigent society.
As I’ve stated in my previous post, events in history have dark sides to it once upon a time, and make sure you study on your own accord, so you can speak of intelligence and not stand in the place to berate anyone’s religion, race, or creed.
Knowledge in history is a powerful tool when you present its ugly past and it speaks the true if the evidence is of an authentic nature.
Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open
I would try to breakdown the connection between Kyrie Irving and Kanye West, are they the sanctified oral dialects that must speak the truth, to awaken closed eyes, or simply the wrong words uttered at the incorrect time. They are much silent as of now.. what happened, were they silenced by the elect or higher power
Hum... Inquiring minds like me would like to know.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Take Care Of Yourself And Each Other
Grand Rising everyone, before I become to embossed in words, I would like to say this month of October brings the changing of daylight-saving time.
This is the month we all must remember to have patience the rate of depression and anxiety will begin to escalate, due in part, as the month progresses, several who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, must somehow find ways to be more productive in their decision-making skills, and if you have children to please adhere to restraint and not finding ways to withdrawal among society.
For those who are not quite educated in exactly what Seasonal Affective Disorder is, I will give you the brief definition.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically occurs during the fall and winter months when there is less natural sunlight
Clinically speaking there are several factors what are a main contributor, and with that being said, if you, or you know of anyone who suffers from this disorder, please check on them every now and them, primarily if they have small kids, I would go so far as to say, any woman who has given birth, and between Post-Partum Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorders it is a mental collision and not beneficial for those love ones who must watch it occur.
My inbox is always open and privacy is my oath of privilege, just do not ever suffer in silence we are all adults on here, and poetry should not be the only connection we have toward each other, it has to be compassion, as I type, I am trying to remind myself of my own ruling, yes, we are all human, however as a professional, I should know, no one size mentality fits all, but we must find a common ground to get someone back on a road to self-redemption, that road to mental recovery, or just giving them hope to survive just one more day, and no judgments should be given.
Now allow me to advise you what those detrimental factors of Seasonal Affective Disorder are without delving too deep.
Reduced sunlight is what a lot of patients seem to divulge, the reason is, it tends to disturb your body’s internal clock, which is known as your circadian rhythm), which does lead to those nagging feelings of depression.
Serotonin level when you have less sunlight, our serotonin will level drop and during that decrease of serotonin, I call it the wonder’s brain chemical and a lack of will that affects moods.
Melatonin levels, during your latent months (Fall/Winter) it can offset the balance of melatonin, which aids in the role of your sleep patterns.
Symptoms of SAD can include increased sleep, daytime drowsiness, social withdrawal, irritability, and decreased interest in activities.
These will be my focal points once I speak on this at a later date
Ladies, it’s a new month, give your breasts a little tender loving care and check them throughout this mouth. If it's time for your Annual Pap Smear, by all means please schedule an appointment for that, yes, make sure you are getting screened for Cervical/Ovarian cancer, those are gynecological cancers that is on the uprise, therefore, do not give your temple any excuse. It saddens me to say, subsequently, about time you are diagnosed it will have already entered its initial stages, and ladies, even if you have had a partial/complete hysterectomy yes, you can still get a Pap Smear.
Ladies, if you are of age, please include to ask for a referral to get your colon checked to rule out Colorectal Cancer.
Men, mmm... my handsome Kings and Royal Knights, make sure you are getting your prostate checked, and a colorectal screening as well, in addition that PSA blood test.
A PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) test is a blood test primarily used to screen for prostate cancer. It measures the level of PSA, a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland below the bladder in males. (Cited 10-01-24-SKC).
Men if you are lacking in your sexual conquest(s) in the bedroom, make sure you speak with your physician about could it be Erectile Dysfunctional (ED) and ask to have your testosterone level checked, and I could not stress this enough, my handsome Kings/Knights please stay away for those penile enhances from you see advertised on television, which have not been FDA approved, I state that because if you are on any other medications it could have a drug interaction.
Keep your skin hydrated, I only consume distilled water, if you live in a state that does not put Fluoride in your water, count yourself favorable.
Since I bathe in Goat Milk, my skin is always soothing to the touch, soft, and supple.
I only breezed by to wish everyone a safe October and each day going forward
Love and Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN🤎
I was out to dinner in New York... and went live...
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Tyrant of Words
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Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Oh Gaia, You Have Unleashed Your Wraith Upon Society, And We Are Asking For Mercy
I stood in awe of the beautiful roaring ocean
The elements of sea salt of its purification when skin is dipped in sacred benediction the soul rejuvenated in its harmonic motion
In the midnight hours the moon dancing off the reflection of the water to welcome my blessed naked offering to Mother Nature becoming one with the universe
Knowing there is nothing mightier than when the tide and the shores
The coldness kissing my ankles, bathing my feet
My stance firmly planted in the sand
So many footprints entwined by woman, child, and man
The foul of the air, soaring with time, humanity lessoned of their care
Erected sandcastles built by hands in haste with hopes of building a realistic perfect life
The hope of happiness comes with the benefits when of a man shall leave his mother and cleave unto his wife
Closing my eyes listening to the melodies echoed in a seashell
I heard thunder in remembrance I felt the stinging rain
I felt the hopes, wishes, no mercy of freedom dashed by the master’s pain
The revolt of clashing whips and chains
Centuries later and here I am, my history of where I came
The origin of those ghost whispers, the history books will never tell
Loss of your identity in bondage or jump ship into a watery grave hoping Heaven will receive you than Hell
Upon the calling in its depth the ocean has stories
Comprehension of nationalities and sailing to a land of demise ridden by separatism, a lost civilization of unforeseen greatness laminated by sweat, tears, and purgatory
Hearing the seagulls flying overhead
Remains to swoop where their beaks dips in a sand bed
Looking out and beyond
How many Vikings and pirates raided ships
Confiscated gold, coins, treasured gifts
My mind to times of old softly drifts
Upon the universe my existence traveling the journey, life placed in its path
Resonated with love, living, and taking the time to laugh
No one speaks for anyone’s mission, it its already ordained
No matter the intellect we are the vessel of inhale and exhales and all the marvelous rewards it contains
Detours comes with hard lessons, the donations of our mind on earth, is our cosmic weapon
Lose it, use it, or allow life to abuse it
My mind was clear, body shivering, but I felt good, from that moment ready to spread good cheer
Drying myself off
Thank goodness no sign of any cops
A Live Blog Shot (Discussing The Floods, The Hurricanes, and the Recent Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse).
Gaia, in Greek mythology, is the personification of the Earth and one of the primordial deities. She is considered the ancestral mother of all life, often depicted as a nurturing and life-giving figure. Gaia emerged at the dawn of creation, giving birth to the sky (Uranus), the sea (Pontus), and the mountains. She is also the mother of the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Giants.
Love and Universal Peace,
A Queen’s Crown Apparel™
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Tyrant of Words
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The Introduction...
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
The Whisper Of The Past (Your Temple, Your Destiny, Your Greatness)
Charge Nurse 2016-2019
ER Critical Care/ Trauma Level III
Nursing Chronicle
This narrative was written back in 2019, yet it resonates still in my heart here today.
The temple of life, it guides you, it defines you, and it grounds you. Positive energy and a soulful lifestyle will transfer into the afterlife.
As a Charge Nurse, I have seen my fair share of people when they are at their crossroads in life. Mental or a major medical crisis have brought them into my existence. Placing their livelihood at the throne of my care.
I could not stress the importance of keeping the human mind, as well as the human body in its pureness state. In reference to that statement. Love the skin you are in, take care of the skin you are in.
This world is plagued with so many adversities we must all face at some point in our life; silent addictions, sex addictions, enslaved to recreations drugs, or the stress of life and its related issues in general. The destroying mechanics, within one’s life, which has repercussions, mainly as you get older.
A typical day for a Charge Nurse depending on the floor/or unit you are assigned to assist. You will sit in and converse among other staff members to provide ultima and quality care to any patient; the LPNs, and the Patients Care Assistants make up this wonderful dynamic.
I am really amazed, at the young patients, whose life has been cut short, not by Father Time, but by bad decisions, or neglectful lifestyle choices.
Drugs, and no, I am not speaking in reference to medications prescribed by a physician. Unfortunately, I am placing emphasis on the limelight recreational drugs. From, Heroin, Crack, Cocaine, Crystal Meth, and that’s just to name a few.
So many lives have been lost for that all time high. An addiction of the mind, which becomes, more of a sickness of the heart, a spirally pain, rather than an uplifting pleasure. If you have never seen a person who has overdosed on an Opiate and rushed into the ER. You are faced with a hectic environment, overworked, and underprivileged crew; all acting on impulse and adrenaline. A staff dealing at best, with no medical history, other than the presented circumstances. In the blink of an eye, patients are given one, or sometimes another injection of, Narcan just to restart their life.
If that is your centered demoralizing world, then you have not experienced the flip side of living life for the greater good.
In this society, parents who have befallen to addictive drugs, is such a sadden occurrence within their life. For such a zombie existence, without seeking some form of counseling. You make innocent children a product of the social service system, rushed into foster care, or placing some families on the path, as someone special once upon a time, stated, the village of the Invisible People. And the last time I checked, there are no color barriers or gender preferences.
I was compelled to write this article as a reminder how blessed and fortunate I am to be accounted for. Before I went on vacation, there was an incident that came across my path. Without violating privacy. A rather frail gentleman was admitted for Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of the Liver, and Stage Four Liver Failure. He went on to explain to me, with sadden jaundiced eyes, and a heavy heart, if he had one wish at the moment, it was for him to have taken better care of himself; no excessive drinking, or IV drug usage, and regrets he never gave his life to Christ.
In these perilous days and times, we all must take care of ourselves, and surround ourselves with good people. Positive people in life who have the best interest of our heart.
That saying does ring tree, Birds of a Feather does Flock together. Therefore, make sure you soar with someone who will take your mind higher, keep you grounded in faith, or cushion your falls; mental, emotionally, and spiritually.
Someone once noted, why I am not a fan of the, I will say, the arts here; in other words, why I do not have more fans, moreso, a lover of self.
I had to really think about such an unjust statement. At the time I called it an unfounded assassination of my character, forgiven, but words never forgotten. However, my response, had I got the time to address that person privately. I would have stood proudly to say, as a Charge Nurse.
My fans are the universe, without color barriers, or the inequality of man and woman. If I had one chance to convey the meaning to be someone else’s fan, I would have to say; I am your fan, when I’m up on a transporting gurney; I’m pumping your chest with compressions, while you are being rolled into the ER Trauma Center, placing a resuscitating bag over your mouth to continue the breaths of life. I am your fan when you are bloody, and Universal Precautions has no time to matter. I am your fan when I am holding your hand; when you are struggling to breathe, your life knocking on death’s door. I am your fan when I’m holding onto a bent knee when life is pushing through into existence, cheering on your moment in time. I am your fan with comforting hands and silent tears quoting Psalm 23 over still waters, when a cherished life has quietly slipped away. I am your loudest cheering fan, patting you on the back after witnessing you take first steps with a prosthetic leg(s) due to diabetes or some form of disease. I am your sadden fan when flowing beautiful hair has fallen out your scalp; reminding you that you are still beautiful within, and to keep fighting. I am your sympathetic fan when I’m unwrapping, cleaning, and then rewrapping ulcerative wounds. I am a fan, of self. The comments signed once I get home after a day of being in nurse mode for eight hours, sometimes twelve, or a double shift until coverage is found, and only after sitting down to sigh can I appreciate my small part in society
As divinity appreciation, and its beautiful powers that be, whispers in my ear, job well done, that’s all the accolades as a fan I will ever need in this lifetime.
In remembrance to all the lives who have come under gun violence within these last two weeks. I came upon this narrative I wrote on the back of an itemized medical supply receipt when I was counting pills on a Crash Cart… wow.. those days working in a hospital setting will always be my best memories due to the challenge, the raw adrenaline, the fatigue, overstressed, and always understanding, no sleep, no time for lunches, and springing into action once that ambulance pulls up... and the relief in patient’s eyes after my team have calmed their fears, the good old days when I felt my profession really matter the most.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I posted this due in part, me and some of my staff nurses went out to dinner yesterday and we discussed about how we have derived to where we are today, and this is one of heartfelt past post, I humbly felt at the moment. Now that I sit behind a desk, during administrative duties, and overseeing a vast medical staff and counseling duties per the court system... I really do miss that ER Trauma rush, for anyone who is in the medical field, I am sure you know that feeing, of treating the unknow, but when it is all said and completed the healing of one human at a time justifies your meaning and your contribution to society.
October is Breast Awareness Month therefore, ladies please check your breasts, if you are within the age group, please get you a scheduled Mammogram, I humbly beg of you.
Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Straight Talk Live (And Whose Tending To Your Mind)
As the say in life, it is quicker to sink then attempt to swim
Nursing Chronical
This is my last in class assignment I will have until May, which is presenting an Oral Presentation in Adolescent Physiology after a PowerPoint presentation for another junior class with classmates asking questions.
Then as of next Monday, I will be doing field work... whereas, I will be participating in real time group sessions at a New York Forensic Mental Health Facility.
I expect not to find anyone from DUP as a new admitting psychiatric patient… okay that was joke.
With that being said, and on a softer note. I must admit at times, I still have the pangs of I do not know what I am doing, an appropriate phrase would be, “I do not know what I am getting into”, I am just going through the motions by the seat of my pants... if that makes sense to anyone… however, my grades tell me I got this, my preceptor tells me I got this, being a Director of Nursing, I should have this.. but by the grace of God’s will. I am totally petrified, in addition, tomorrow, several of my classmates, including myself, have to report to Human Resource and get medical clearance, a student badge, and a handbook on emergency codes. Thank goodness I am CPR trained and do not have to sit eight hours classroom training and then mouthing mannequins. I am IV certified when I was an Critical Care/Trauma ER Nurse… the glorious days.
I have to take into consideration the commute from Upper Eastside New York to Brooklyn will be a deterring factor alone, I am still learning from one end of New York to the other. This all seem too complicated… I wanted my first time in a psychiatric clinical setting to be when I begin as a Student Nurse Practitioner during my clinical rotations starting in September 2021
I am venturing into the last and please excuse the pun, final leg of my undergraduate’s studies, whereas, the textbooks, PowerPoints presentations, online test taking, and my encouraging classmates will no longer be my inspirational guide.
I now stand on my own to educationally represent countless hours of schooling and breaking my bank accounts to attend… and with my grann’s financial monthly stipends.
We were told as of last Monday we cannot even take notes during these four weeks during group therapy participation.
This is the first of many other field assignments I have to undergo; we must listen, assess, and then draw upon the right plan of care, marginalizing a profile case due to act upon the severity of mental health related needs, and refer to any other outside essential services; medical doctor or social services if needed.
Three out of these seven inhouse patients are not on any medications, as of yet… those are the easiest ones for case managements and a plan of care.
Please be advised these patients’ mentalities breaks down into several cognitive classifications and disorders. I had to admit it, but would I be cheating if I have my phone recorder on. hey, it was just a thought. It was explained to the class. Do to HIPPA, and the student grants the hospital receives to have this program incorporated. We must act as if this is our place of employment. We will have an incoming tour.
You would think after five years of attempting to earn this Master’s Degree, I will be mentally prepared. New flash, it is only getting harder and the beginning of greatness, at least I am praying.
I know I will arise to the occasion once I can clearly see what is in front of me, other than relying on my female intuition of the unknown… and then I can properly dance with the butterflies. I did make one stipulation, I prefer no males during this time, I really need to focus and see where/what my weakness are, and how to differentiate the counselor’s role from the female nurturer role, from which I am, the one I seem to cling too as my preceptor advised me.
From reading the dynamics of the human mind and all the catalyst of its behaviors, its chemical unbalances, its challenges, its darkness, and its salvage in its most beastly form to mankind. I can only say, please be true to yourself, no matter what, and never give credence or give in to the thoughts concerning abnormalities of the brain, or anyone who asks of you to participate in anything toxic to the heart the mind cannot compute or recover
In addition, if you are being bullied, or know someone who bullies, please stand up for yourself, or for them. Most adolescent from the age of six years old, mental illness begin from some form of child abuse; verbally, or physical or being the victim of being bully. I've heard the report on the news, but when you read someone's case file and realize the traumatic effect it has on a vulnerable mind; the mental scar that never heals.
If you do not have a cause, please make that one it; it is not a joking matter, and it is quite discouraging hurtful, and degrading to read the metamorphosis a young mind undertakes during development, and then subjective to a house of ruins, or society’s cruelty. Some may survive, and others, let’s just say, its not a great ending for all left behind.
And That Has Been Straight Talk Live for you
Until our souls soar as we fly in unity for the greater good, be true to yourself as you give of yourself to others
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
A Queen's Crown Apparel™
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Excuse my attire, this was supposed to be a peaceful Ladies Girls Night Out, but I am in a sighing mood and my Blogs are time slotted, so I just threw anything on, or lack of it, no makeup and my hair is all over the place. I am battling left eye conjunctivitis I got from one of my residents... and during my dilated eye exam this AM... my pupils are still dilated, and the camera lights are doing some series damage to my eyes, but I am here other than that.. I do hope everyone day is going as you have envisioned.
Love and some serious Hugs for understandings in advance
Live Blog Shot (Discussing Eye Disorders-Twenty minutes instead of the entire forty-five minutes).
Love and some serious Hugs for understandings in advance
Live Blog Shot (Discussing Eye Disorders-Twenty minutes instead of the entire forty-five minutes).
Forum Posts: 1
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Oct 2024Forum Posts: 1
I hope you get better soon
Forum Posts: 55
Tyrant of Words
Joined 19th Dec 2018Forum Posts: 55
tes it been good and I like this
Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
nutbuster said:tes it been good and I like this
Thank you, Grasshopper from the bottom of my heart.. My sight is slowly returning, whereas I can remove my sunglass they provide to you after your dilated eye exam, and my solarium windows lets in a lot on sun... not to forget my blog lights during a live blog session... so I am managing.
Enjoy the remainder of your day, and I am wishing you a restful evening.
Thank you, Grasshopper from the bottom of my heart.. My sight is slowly returning, whereas I can remove my sunglass they provide to you after your dilated eye exam, and my solarium windows lets in a lot on sun... not to forget my blog lights during a live blog session... so I am managing.
Enjoy the remainder of your day, and I am wishing you a restful evening.
Forum Posts: 2077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2077
Straight Talk Live Reboot (Grand Rising)
“Good Morning/Mourning”
There is never comfort in a good morning
It is a word derived from the translated three Books Of The Dead, I would strongly recommend everyone to read.
In this day and age, we have submitted our temple unto mankind systematically destroying through the media, technology, from the food we eat containing GMO’s, and cancer-causing agents, (Death Merchants) to his manmade pharmaceutical poison we digest for medical elements, to the propaganda spewing from the media that enables our brain cells to think on our own.
Most able bodies among the world’s vast population here today have concerns about dying when we look forward to spiritual rebirth. We worry about materialist gains in life we can never take to our resting places once our last breath is taken of this earthly life.
The greater good of humanity’s fortune is always found in the four chambers of the heart. Kindness, Courage, Love, and Spiritual Awareness once those elements are tapped into as the heart takes its circulating oxygenated beats, the dynamics of your aura will be a force to reckon with. In my line of nursing profession, time is always the crucial component to breathe, or the expiration when it no longer ceased to exist.
In still dismays me, how we find peace within ourselves when we are facing imminent death. The tears of life seeping from our eyes knowing we hated deeply in our hearts, whereas, it should have been a time to foster love, in retrospect, when animosity, loathing, spoke the true words in the absence of peace.
Incapable of reliving forsaken times, therefore, we cling on to our Bible, the Torah, and yet, we attempt to find the hidden significance of our ancestral rites of greatness in the Holy Quran. We hold tightly to a loved one’s hands as last sacraments are prayed over us, or we kneel at the altar asking why such burden one must carry alone.
Does it really take much to love and honor each other, uplift one another to our righteous glory? When one is on their deathbed, it should be a time of inner celebration, inner peace shall fill the moment when words cannot convey, or when the pain has surmounted, and the only comfort is closing one’s eyes for rest.
Unfortunately, today, society has become blinded with the throes of vanity until the point it has become the warmth of our hearts, a mainstream taboo we have physically and spiritually adopted.
As of late, it appears the only visual touches the human soul can submerge the heart and mind comes in the form of social media; Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok just to name a view.
Nothing is sacred as of old any longer, at this rate we have surpassed the days of Sodom and Gomorrah; you can get nudity, sodomy, rape, murder, racial, bigotry, peep shows, chat room, webcam masturbation sex, let’s not forget disruptive Karen’s and their fifteen-minute fame of glory by one click, and on your cellphone.
Are those the only elements life has to offer now? We are the computer chip what technology has come to reap, whatever happened to molding the younger generation’s minds, preparing them to survive once they graduate and step out into the real world.
There are so many events that are occurring around the globe, but we are not being advised. We are being blindsided by #WOKE, Donald Trump's legal woes, The Abortion Pill Right Debate, Debate of Gender Pronouns, NASA has reported Alien activity in the skies in India, digital currency, implanted brain chips, and according to the government, America is now at a debt ceiling crisis.
I am slightly perplexed here; did we just not send over billions of dollars and high-powered equipment to Ukraine in the assistance in their war against Russia. Why we are being blinded by political jargon here. China and Russia have built a stronger alliance, in addition they have incorporated several African continental countries to rebuild a once apartheid country.
More on this AI (Artificial Intelligence) Did we not see this coming, think back when we were programming our computers under our voice command, our television, our remote controls, then Seri/Alexa came along, the Artificial Intelligence voices of the future, then the installing of the doorbells that greet our visitors, surveillance camera you can see while utilizing your cellphone, your touchtone computer screens, your television apps that operate under voice command.
We have been under Artificial Intelligence for so long, however, as of late I could only assume the hardware and the purpose to incorporate it more aggressively must be important per the government. It is embedded on a corporate front very rapidly, I do wonder as time progress and AI becomes the second nature of our life, how does this correlate with employment, are we at the throne where machine replaces humanity, I am just thinking in broad terms here.
As this evolution of man verses the machine is taking place, and not just in America, please take into consideration, China technology is so far advance. They have made life-like robots. Where is this world heading to, what are we headed into.
Please make sure you take care of your mind, the world is a lot to process, and as you notice time is moving so fast, it truly is, so enjoy the moment in time before they fade into the past, drink plenty of water it keeps the body hydrated.
May the Creator always bless your forwarding steps.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
My eye is so much better... A Still Live Blog Shot
From My East Of Eden Linger Line..
The Rest You Must Go On The Dark Web To See All My Five Pieces