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The Establishments treasonous actions from 2020 to 2024

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

lepperochan said:Noted, and thank you. simple is always best. I feel much better now 😌

I would tell you to require the anti Trump forums to critique the Democrats but we both know that is an exercise in futility...

I do hope your political leaders are helping your citizens. It is a shame that, in my country, both Rino supporters and Democrat supporters continue to elect people that, in fact, despise their constituency.

Good day to you

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 158

At the executive level, both sides are objectively terrible. We the (little) People are going to be the last consideration no matter which party takes power. We are what makes this "Beast System" that has to fall, and we have to live through those times. In the abstract, we should be grateful for the things we will witness.
My preference is never voting (and still feeling free to criticize every rancid, stinking part of it. Both sides lol). For years I've strived and trained my mind for a calm demeanor in the face of these stressful acceptances and still find myself regularly tested by the general hassle of day-to-day interaction with life in modern daze. My perception is that this a spiritual conflict that could never be won by voting. (There is no real concept of "winning" here, actually, but that's discussion for another time.... the Beast System must die, it just so happens all the creature comforts we enjoy, like a wide variety of available food, fresh water, heating and AC at the push of a button, etc, all brought to us by this Beast who exploits the earth for these gains of convenience. Just by using tech made by exploited populations (kind way of saying 'slave labor') to communicate makes all of us here participants thus culpable).

I've been trying to improve diet, exercise on the reg, harden myself to the forces of nature, and also make time for dopamine-free "boredom" sessions, where nothing and nothing is going on simultaneously, just sit there and stare off into space and hear the crickets chirp for a bit. (Careful with that, people may believe you to be insane of they happen to notice you doing it...they are usually too distracted with their phones, though lol. Or Tranq). That's the only advice I could give anyone with the information I have right now. Maybe get used to fasting every once in a while. Make some of the more austere lifestyle changes, adopt a little Stoicism here and there 'cause things about to get rough and rougher & dumb n' dumber.

As usual I get my news from sources that might be considered a bit....tinfoil hat-ty.

Truthstream Media with a new vid on the Helene situation in NC. Sus....very sus...ALL of it. I like this one because it's put into one nice little easy-to-digest package that might appeal to both sides.


Remember in They Live, the guy that was on the fuzzy pirate TV station that was playing in the background of the rebel group in the church? Matt's been playing that role for me going on for years now, I think haha   his Quantum of Conscience channel:


Paul over at PotF always does a great job of entertaining, informing, talking about the spiritual component to all this, and never taking any political side, of course.


I like to think I am completely objective on these things, but I'm sure I have my own shortsighted prejudices and incorrect assumptions about other humans...I am certainly not immune. I'm not a total shit-tard or anything but I find myself toeing that line from time to time!

Anyway....fun discussions on all the political threads here....look at the "discussions" out there in savage Internetville where there ain't no poets! There's no dummies on these threads so keep 'em coming! Some of the comments I see on FB and YT makes my brain blubber. I don't even look at X or Twatter or MyFace or Poopchute or whatever they are. FB really infuriates me how they (the bots that run the site) won't remove videos of animal abuse yet get their knickers in a twist when someone engages in the faintest hint of cOnSTHpiraTHy THeriETH!! That ain't good, folks. Not good for the animals after upcoming generations become desensitized to that. I am still putting tremendous effort into sympathizing with the human race but man oh man what happens to the animals really burns my rudders! NotrighttobethiswayIknowI'mworkin'onit!!

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

SonderNinja said:At the executive level, both sides are objectively terrible. We the (little) People are going to be the last consideration no matter which party takes power. We are what makes this "Beast System" that has to fall, and we have to live through those times. In the abstract, we should be grateful for the things we will witness.
My preference is never voting (and still feeling free to criticize every rancid, stinking part of it. Both sides lol). For years I've strived and trained my mind for a calm demeanor in the face of these stressful acceptances and still find myself regularly tested by the general hassle of day-to-day interaction with life in modern daze. My perception is that this a spiritual conflict that could never be won by voting. (There is no real concept of "winning" here, actually, but that's discussion for another time.... the Beast System must die, it just so happens all the creature comforts we enjoy, like a wide variety of available food, fresh water, heating and AC at the push of a button, etc, all brought to us by this Beast who exploits the earth for these gains of convenience. Just by using tech made by exploited populations (kind way of saying 'slave labor') to communicate makes all of us here participants thus culpable).

I've been trying to improve diet, exercise on the reg, harden myself to the forces of nature, and also make time for dopamine-free "boredom" sessions, where nothing and nothing is going on simultaneously, just sit there and stare off into space and hear the crickets chirp for a bit. (Careful with that, people may believe you to be insane of they happen to notice you doing it...they are usually too distracted with their phones, though lol. Or Tranq). That's the only advice I could give anyone with the information I have right now. Maybe get used to fasting every once in a while. Make some of the more austere lifestyle changes, adopt a little Stoicism here and there 'cause things about to get rough and rougher & dumb n' dumber.

As usual I get my news from sources that might be considered a bit....tinfoil hat-ty.

Truthstream Media with a new vid on the Helene situation in NC. Sus....very sus...ALL of it. I like this one because it's put into one nice little easy-to-digest package that might appeal to both sides.


Remember in They Live, the guy that was on the fuzzy pirate TV station that was playing in the background of the rebel group in the church? Matt's been playing that role for me going on for years now, I think haha   his Quantum of Conscience channel:


Paul over at PotF always does a great job of entertaining, informing, talking about the spiritual component to all this, and never taking any political side, of course.


I like to think I am completely objective on these things, but I'm sure I have my own shortsighted prejudices and incorrect assumptions about other humans...I am certainly not immune. I'm not a total shit-tard or anything but I find myself toeing that line from time to time!

Anyway....fun discussions on all the political threads here....look at the "discussions" out there in savage Internetville where there ain't no poets! There's no dummies on these threads so keep 'em coming! Some of the comments I see on FB and YT makes my brain blubber. I don't even look at X or Twatter or MyFace or Poopchute or whatever they are. FB really infuriates me how they (the bots that run the site) won't remove videos of animal abuse yet get their knickers in a twist when someone engages in the faintest hint of cOnSTHpiraTHy THeriETH!! That ain't good, folks. Not good for the animals after upcoming generations become desensitized to that. I am still putting tremendous effort into sympathizing with the human race but man oh man what happens to the animals really burns my rudders! NotrighttobethiswayIknowI'mworkin'onit!!

I hate FB and have never even been to the Twitter/X website. I was lied to for years by mainstream media and now get Info from independent sources, mostly from sites that Google blocks in searches .. If the establishment is trying to stop me from seeing a site, then that site probably have some truth...

I suggest Enigmachannel.com...for additional historical info. 1000s of documentaries that would be deleted if posted on public sites. It is a pay site but cheap and worth the 29 dollars a year.


This site is so dangerous to the elites at Google blocks the sign in so you have to click on your receipt to open the home page...That should tell a thing or two about the information inside...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

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