Poetry competition CLOSED 7th September 2024 4:58pm
A public vote has been requested

Mental illness Poetry

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 31st Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Write a poem based off a mental illness. BPD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc etc. Don't use any of the actual mental illness names in the poem, use detailed descriptions of how it makes someone, or you, feel dealing with it.

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 182

Traumatically Windblown

Psychosis carried in the gales,
for I am surely windblown,
windward from my own psyche,
where boundaries of reality have eroded.

With concealed hands,
a nonvisual hallucination caresses
the encasement of my soul,
provoking verbal responses.

Nothingness which wreathes around me,
a curve in a state of nonexistence
meandering around my body.
The compass of my soul spins.

Following the scent of nothing,
I steer into my own deception -
into an opaque fog,
distorting my perception.

Blind to this lightless entity -
blind itself to me.
I can now see the unknown,
camouflaged into what I hallucinate.

Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Strange Creature
Joined 31st Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 1

Wow this is great. Pulls you in, felt as though I was seeing through your eyes a feeling that has no name or face. I’ve been here before. Thanks for sharing

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 263

Menthol disease

I think I’m sphrizochrenic
or will be schenizoesphrenic
parabolic paracetamol paranoicolesterol
persecushion complex
grandeurism mania
I think I think I think
phrenichozoic …
catatonic cathodic jerky
but I think I’ll keep
becoming increasingly
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Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 59

Griming the sane

Ample desire  
perusing the fire
With psychosis griming the sane
Images spent
Will never relent
We’re the tempest devoid of the rain
Nonsensical drive
In what keeps me alive
My pain, simply masked with a grin
Yesterday’s fraught
With the things I have bought
Mania: a fantastical sin
We’re up; we are down
We are longing to drown
Ideation has sampled thy visions
Plagued with ill-thought
Alive while we rot  
No sutures to close my incisions
Written by Everavalon
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 17

"Ghosts of The Mind"

In chambers dim, where shadows writhe and cling
A mind doth falter on a fragile string
With thoughts like ravens, dark and clawing near
They scratch at reason, stoke the fires of fear

The mirrors mock with cruel and shifting face
Reflections warped, devoid of saving grace
A hunger burns, yet quenched it shall not be
For demons feast on all they cannot see

The tempest stirs within the hollow breast
A storm of sorrow, ne’er to find its rest
The heart doth plunge ‘twixt joy and darkest night
A pendulum that swings ‘twixt wrong and right

In gilded halls of melancholy's keep
Where ancient phantoms lie and never sleep
The mind doth wrestle with a specter’s dance
Of fleeting bliss and suff’ring’s grim expanse

The whispers rise like serpents in the air
They wind and coil ‘round hope, a choking snare
They speak of doom, of worthlessness and woe
And drag the soul to depths no light doth know

In silvered moonlight, pale upon the bed
A figure trembles, plagued by things unsaid
The velvet night, a shroud of heavy dread
The stars bear witness to the tears unshed

The world is distant, shrouded in a mist
Of unseen horrors, ever to persist
And every breath, a battle lost or won
A war that rages till the day is done

So here in silence, ‘neath the ashen sky
The haunted heart doth yearn yet knows not why
For solace sweet, or death’s own tender call
To end the torment of this spectral thrall

Thus wear the chains of sorrow’s cruel design
The endless ache, the torment serpentine
For in this gothic woe the spirit cries
In silent hymns beneath the weeping skies

Lost Thinker
Joined 30th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 3

Dark hall ways

Dark is the hall way that Afrodites cursed
Cursed to romantisize melancholy
Melancholic was he that walked blue in the dark hall ways dressed in tombstones of broken felts
The ghost of Caesar spooks the ways whispering watch out of that Brutus
That kiss from that purple lipstick that stains forever that art from Judas its painted with nails and a crown of thorns arrayed with pain
It rains in the dark hall ways its cold any ways life is vindictive to unknown sins anyways

Only coins are equal opposites you could never jump 6 feet high but its easy to go 6 feet deep, the universe poets jokes of me as i lay down in the smallest room ever to thee
The best mirror is the reflection as you lie in a casket bought by contributions of those that struck thee, those whom i put closest to heart they broke at  luxury, as the eulogy progresses the thoughts of God with a full stop to the story without the element of a happy ending a Cinderella reversal dresssed with melancholy that you bathed with agony of those depressing memories of wars you won but didn't come out a victor, the suit you wear in the casket you never chose

Stuck at the cross roads with a soul the devil denies a bargain with
Doomed to forever walk the dark ways with immortal pain
Demons in my head they playground like its hell there is no heavenly host
Written by Nodrax_tepes (nodrax)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275

mood roller coaster

Disorder in occupation
Lovers of no expactation
Missiles with feather appearance
are ending my convenience
Get the fuck out of your comfort zone
You came alone, you'll die alone
But don't say to Death that he won't last
he's going to eat the last of us
It's strange, it's like tears are almost missed
My black and white picture list
sit speechless in the drawer's dust
and represent my holy ash
for I was burned millions of times
I wrote my blaze in fucking rhymes
I think I 've let it to be known
everything's waiting in a row
to find their place and be a part
of my deep underground kind of art

When sadness says welcome back
when my option's waiting for some luck
In sorrow like life's dead everywhere
Me and my pain hide their affair
Why is it hard to exist but don't feel
I woke up in hell and thought that was the deal
Tomorrow never meets my hopes
A wedding dress that fits my corpse
this will be my last invalid will
don't ask of why, that's how I feel
Death always whispers in my ear
I always sense that he is near
and I'm afraid that all 'll be gone
things I've been trying for so long
But I don't care let him arrive
Inside his mind I'll stay alive
and laugh with irony at his archive
declaring I will never die
for I'm not written in any book
I put myself in my own hook
Creating gods and demons way
 life is the prize I have to pay

Despite all, all thoughts walk
towards my weird conscious fog
I wish it could be crystal and clear
what is it that I'm trying to heal

Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 154

The Wasted Sacrifice of Love

      “His eyes seemed to bleed as he shook against a piss-stained wall  
As he whimpered while going through an agonizing withdrawal,  
      “His flesh felt like it was peeling as he savagely start itching  
Causing bleeding wounds in which he begin licking,  
      “Rain dripped continuously on his dirty uncombed hair  
As his sweaty ass cheeks vice-gripped his week worn underwear,  
      “His mind in panic mode wondered what was taking his girl so long  
But the answer could be heard when he begin hearing her moan,  
      “Just inside she was doggystyle on a soiled bed  
Catching a deep gut check while giving drooling head,  
       “She willingly sacrificed her pussy for his uncontrollable drug habit  
Out of twisted love, because he had to have it,  
      “Like a picnic basket the dealers constantly stuffed her real good  
While every week she was passed around in the hood,  
      “In the beginning it was the first and fifteenth of every month  
Now on a regular they was devastating her twenty-one year old cunt,    
      “Sometimes after a fuck she could not even walk  
Unknown on how many STD’s she may have caught,  
      “Always wondering deep down ‘baby why’
The thought alone usually made her emotionally cry,  
      “Or whenever she looked at her man in his condition  
Disregarding her emotions she would always focus on her sexual mission,  
      “But on this particular day he was having a serious fit  
Yelling and banging on the door-he wouldn’t quit,  
      “One of the dealers fresh from jail snatched his ass in  
And forced him to watch as he power-fucked his girl again,  
      “Afterwards he told him if he wanted to get his shit  
He would have to suck his girl’s pussy juice off his herpy-infested dick,          
      “Pleading and looking at her man as the room filled with laughter  
She begged ‘no-I’ll let you fuck me in my virgin ass you sick bastard’,  
      “But his drugged mind was gone while wiping snot on his sleeve  
And in disgust she watched her man walk over and fall to his knees”.  
Written by CasketSharpe
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Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 30th July 2014
Forum Posts: 32

I Don't Trust My Own 2 Feet Or Know what To Share About Their Steps From Here to There

Goose, moose, loose, noose        
spruce, truce, whose line is it?        
oh its mine,          
ya I'm fine        
no I don't dine          
or drink wine        
or whine except when I stub my toe        
or lose my snub nose or miss a bug grow        
One in a window, one that I know,        
a spider or spider or spider        
or a spider, one of those,        
one with lots of eyes        
and a diet that's gross        
I watch them through a haze          
of glass uncleaned,        
I watch them grip web as wind blows        
a breeze that is mean        
I watch flies dead        
they get spun up and cleaned,        
blood is dirty        
organs are dirty        
skin is dirty        
future is dirty        
happiness dirty        
dreams are dirty        
being more than poop is dirty        
them flies and their wings,        
I bet they can't even dance        
I doubt they can sing        
I doubt that they do much of anything at all        
besides see a bunch          
at a time,        
both ends of the hall,        
larvae that crawl,        
trucks and potatoes        
and trees that are tall        
Stupid fly,        
them spiders are where it's at        
them and the cats        
and making prank calls during tests        
“is your fridge running?        
wow I'm impressed,        
I can barely get mine to walk”        
then they hang up          
and I hold        
a gun to my chest        
I'm feeling perplexed, vexed        
stressed and in debt        
I chase a fly, singing        
baby you are mine        
let me be as a spider        
let me sip the wine,        
bring me to your family          
you can feed off my spine, never mind        
I'll just unwind,        
no chasing today, I'll        
just taste some hay bales, made out of clay,        
horses here, neigh          
just pretend there's a gust        
so I must sway in place        
for like, 11 hours, I'm a pony        
I touch a wall and pretend I have power        
to write a song, skip all my showers        
grab a knife and filet        
my flawless, beautiful leg        
to make bacon for cake,        
use the bones of my bone        
to spell out on top, T as in steak,        
then make tea in the lake        
go to the beach and just rake        
for hours and days        
stretch my wrist till it's sprained        
I aim guns at tourists        
who complain about my shit        
in their way, then I play        
jump rope and hopscotch        
with some kids and complain        
and then rage at poorly tied knots        
when two short ropes are wrangled together        
and I debate whether murder is earned        
or deserved over poorly drawn blocks        
with their segments severed,        
an awful display        
What dope made those?        
I'm trying to jump, 1 2 3 4 5 and 6        
I feel I've been tricked by some chump        
I really do and am liable to thump        
with the butt of a magnum        
with the flagrance of the sun          
that has fun burning me up        
Is summertime done?        
it needs to be up        
give me some winter,        
a hot coffee in cup,        
boiled eggs delivered        
by some dastardly truck        
who knows where we are        
who spies from afar          
we sleep          
he hides in fake cars        
he's a creep in the stars,        
the man on the phone,        
he hands me weird things        
when I'm alone        
sand filled scones and on the road        
he stands brandishing lobes        
with giant earrings made of earwigs        
as big as globes that you'd buy        
from a dollar store or some place        
that likes earth or something        
NOW ON TO real matters    
I don't trust the mailman        
I don't trust my doctor        
I don't trust a dog, I wish ill on sponsors       
I don't trust a log          
why'd it leave the base          
of such          
a radiant tree?        
I don't trust the fog,        
I can't really see          
I don't trust a cog        
I don't trust the face of  
man made machines        
I don't trust a pond        
and cannot swim with ease        
unless I have fins on my feet        
and arm inflatables, squeezed          
on my biceps and triceps,        
I don't trust the sea        
I don't trust wands        
magic, wizardry,      
is not for me        
I don't trust your God,        
what's he done for me        
and why don't I see        
of miracles you speak?        
I don't trust a job        
or supposed        
I don't trust a hog,        
that's bacon on it's feet        
and I don't trust a yawn        
when I don't wanna sleep        
or feel any need        
I don’t trust my lawn        
where ants creep      
and voles quietly peep,        
it's a land of sneaks,          
tiny feet and big beaks,        
nibbling up all of my green        
and I don’t trust a sheep wandering        
up hills, steep, that's a coat walking        
soon auctioned to be reaped        
I don't trust a yolk        
in a store, what a        
joke of a soul, home        
closed off in a shell        
perhaps to be cracked        
or spread thin and then fold        
over cheese that reeks        
and is borderline mold,        
be the egg, either          
scrambled or boiled        
in a cauldron,        
I don't trust a carton,        
rows full          
of life forces severed,          
feathers in coffins        
I don't trust a switch        
that's on and off too often        
I don't trust my stitches        
sitting eight inches        
atop my hip as        
I don't trust my grip        
climbing out from some        
soft angled, gradual ditch,        
smooth it out or just dip        
so I can ride flat or get air        
on my bike        
I don't care, just don't look        
so dumb          
sitting there,        
like deflated despair        
like a cradle or swathe        
bathed in green hair        
I'm impaired, swimming in flask        
give me my wishes        
let them be cast        
I don't trust a splash          
I don't trust a splish        
in every one of my sips        
I don't trust fishes          
with human looking lips        
who swim over for kisses        
I don't trust suspicious        
hooligans in mittens        
exposing rotten          
tips laced with blood glistening        
I don't trust dismissive,        
those who don't listen        
I don't trust messes or        
flies in your kitchens        
I don't trust the world        
I don't trust my eyes        
or the sky, I don't trust a pigment        
on the side of a box        
lying about phony nutrition        
I don't know superstitions        
but I coughed and threw fits          
and all of my salt spilled        
onto pages of fiction  
as soon I crashed laughing through  
myself in my mirror  
and my wig split and    
I don't trust they'll be air        
in my pigskin in the spring        
when I spring into whipping        
sick spins over picnics and        
into some twigs mitt        
I don't trust others proclaims          
of precision,        
when some, they get splayed          
by sloppy incisions        
which leave limbs, minds and spines        
injuries extensive        
which is why        
I don't trust your help        
cuz I don't trust the system        
I don't trust in my health, hearing        
my heart whisper, don't worry        
we'll get em        
I don't trust my wealth,        
that's but digital pittance        
I don't trust in stealth        
by my own admittance        
I admit that I tripped        
and crashed into fences,        
while stealing fences for fences        
I don't trust in Hell          
and it's variety of sinners        
I don't trust in hearsay,          
with no show shown,          
that is only tell and no winner,        
for me and no picture        
I find it          
like being served          
foodless plates          
that are claimed to retain        
tastes of splashes of wine        
and former          
formal dinners, where diners reclined          
to these now empty pitchers        
with residue of lime,        
the backwash of some spitter,        
your hogwash has grown thin        
and is starting to drift        
atop the swell of my inquisitive tinder        
flames tickle and blister        
I don't trust bells        
painting pictures of time        
with irritating chimes        
and finely made, shiny gold shimmer        
I don't trust wells        
water fountains with grubs        
and small worms churning        
like on the lawn, only        
deeper and dimmer        
I don't trust shells        
or the crabs within em        
I don't trust my cells        
or padded cells that pin em        
or whacky gels        
for hair not enough cemented        
I don't trust forests felled        
or bugs that yell in full sentence        
I don't trust a weld        
when I lay on metal plates        
so high up and so dented        
I don't trust a gremlin        
dry or wet, full or unfed,        
that fur is demented        
I don't trust or fuss          
with a truss        
if I can grab and bend it        
and I've no trust in hues        
easily blended,        
I like buds that bloom,        
not taking life for granted,        
sticking to their own and I've        
no trust in windows tinted        
or those who harbor resentment        
I don't trust floors patched        
or tech implemented        
I don't trust in you,        
sue me, send it, I'll        
write out your impending        
and guaranteed doom        
if you even look offended        
at how I end it, sour  
I don't trust splendid
Written by ExercisingDemons
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Oliver Cocks
Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 2

You and Your Pooch

A dog
A park
Much foliage

You pitch the ball
She zips after it

Skips back
to slobber and tail-wag

Many years since
the days

The days when
it seemed like
you couldn’t be

The days when
you pondered an end
each nanosecond

Now, you have
your pooch

Now, to find
the pooch’s
perfect partner guardian
Written by olliec (Oliver Cocks)
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 268


All is written, all is scried
All is hated that is pried
All is rotten, all is vile
All is hidden 'neath a smile
All is beckoned, all is towed
All is brought to my abode
All is loathing, all is dread
All is leaking from my head
All is murder, all is death
All is mine with every breath
All is burning, all is gore
All is fragments on the floor
All is dusty, all is drenched
All is rocks and weeds and stench
All is vacant, all is void
All is waste of the enjoyed
All is blackened, all is grey
All is one phone call away
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 293

& it still is...

this is my story
...not a human experience absolute
but it was never about food
or appetite...or lack thereof

it's imperative you understand
it was much more than that

a desperate need for the one damn thing
sorely lacking in my life
something stolen before I knew it was needed
...or that it even existed

an elusive slippery kind of concept
information...without proof
& I could not comprehend...
...something I'd never had

so I created my own version
refusing to eat what I was fed
on my terms only...you see
{& never in front of others}

as pounds dropped off my fragile frame
that sense of having...achieved...more dominant
my delicate bones becoming more prominent
I felt empowered
experiencing a facsimile
of what I imagined...
had always been denied to me

& when I became responsible for a life other than my own
I took it very seriously
feeding her...through me
putting her needs before mine

until he took over...removing all choice
deciding what I was allowed to eat
...not a nibble more
removing the frail belief...I possessed any such thing

& when I felt endangered
needing shelter...armor around my pain
I swung that focus in the other direction
building a wall with what I ingested

never about hunger...remember
have you figured it out yet
it was always...
...about control
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 178


"Oh Pennywise"
You're evilly nice
You took care of the problem I so much despise
Love your size  
Love your look  
Especially your glowing eyes
That scares like in the book.
imagining how far your laughter lies
Love your voice
Love how you can sense me
Doesn't leave me much of a choice
Yet it turns me on sooooo attentively
Seems it turns you on lasting you to belong...
"Oooohhhhh".... I could never from you runnnn....
The tunnels are so long.....
I could never never never....
That you'll always come....
"Oh Pennywise"
You're full of lies
I no care just shadow me with your creepy disguise
Love how you change
Love how you're strange
You're a clown yet a spider
at the same time
Warning all how you get stronger....
Love your voice
Love how you can sense me
Doesn't leave me much of a choice
Yet it turns me on sooooo attentively
Seems it turns you on lasting you to belong....
"Oooohhhhh".... I could never from you runnnn....
The tunnels are so long...
I could never never never
That you'll always come....
"Oh Pennywise"
In the sewers I hear Georgie's cries
Paper boat that can't escape but it tries...
Love your red balloon
Love for you to hand me one soon
You wait for that red moon
To trap me in your evil doom
I'll make it boom and become your abettor toon...
Love your voice
Love how you can sense me
Doesn't leave me much of a choice
Yet it turns me on sooooo attentively
Seems it turns you on lasting you to belong...
"Oooohhhhh".... I could never from you runnnn....
The tunnels are so long....
I could never never never.....
That you'll always always come....
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