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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Aug 07, 2024 EDT: Refocus, dedication, and commitment to a goal can put an end to performance doubts.

Midmorning the Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini: Excellent opportunity to expand our goals or career. Those who are self-employed should experience and uptick in ideas and avenues to implement them.

Mid/late afternoon the Moon in Virgo sextile Pallas in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries: Emotional and wise insight to initiate our goals can lay the foundation of a dream. An adjustment in our emotional outlook can put an end to performance doubts.

Late tonight Mercury Rx in Virgo conjunct Venus in Virgo in the 6th, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury: Expect concentrated focus that can ensure success. Communication can be affectionate as it is sincere despite the retrograde if we deliberately intend that outcome.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Daniela Wernick

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Moon enters Libra early Thursday morning @ 5:32 AM EDT • V/c time: 4:40 AM - 5:31 AM EDT.

Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis.

However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.  

In this case, the polarity for Libra is Aries ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Aries ). Libra is the sign of harmony and balance.  

Libras possess a captivating charm, elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, they have the gift of making others feel important due to their superb listening skills and instincts on how to draw others out of themselves.

Conversely, Aries represents self and activity.
They are pioneering, competitive, and eager. As the first sign of the zodiac and astrological new year, Aries represents new beginnings.

Its life is marked by arriving at a certain place and then being turned in a new direction just as quickly as it arrived. They do not lack for adventure as there is a dynamic restlessness to their character and if a project takes their interest, they have no issue diving right in.

So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: When Aries is the remedy for Libra, courage, directness, and the right use of force heal co-dependency, dithering, and compromise.

What this means is that Libra needs to step up its game and stop playing small to please others. They tend to pay too high a price for peace at the expense of their own hopes and dreams.

This is not selfless, but selfish, as it denies the collective their unique voice and talent. Learning to use the voice to express their own desires and set healthy boundaries enables them to step independently into the world.

While we have been conditioned to believe that self-sacrifice is "Christlike", it depends on the circumstance as to whether or not there's truth within the sacrifice itself. To sacrifice a portion of one's meal or clothing to feed or clothe a homeless person would be "Christlike".

To play small and sequester our voice, effectively denying the collective the bounty of our gifts is not "Christlike". We are here for a reason - we all have a destiny to fulfill that contributes to the greater good of all.

Denying that gift because we fear angering someone is the opposite of Christlike, and thus Love because it caters to Love's opposite: fear.

#art A Balancing Act by Kerri Blades

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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When the Universe has your back against the claws of negativity.


Tyrant of Words
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NOTE: Mercury currently Retrograde: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Aug 08, 2024: In life there are things given; however, under Saturn they must be earned. Dedication and commitment to whatever cause is upon our heart is the answer.  

Lion's Gate Portal: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024
Moon enters Libra: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Tonight, the Moon in Libra oppose the North Node in Aries conjunct the South Node in Libra in the 8th House followed shortly by the Moon in Libra conjunct Lilith in Libra in the 8th House. Here is an opportunity to reconcile a polarity within us to obtain balance between past karma and future destiny. Pay particular attention to triggers tonight.

Then, when tracking their source, remain open to receive reconciliation guidance.

Thirty minutes later the Moon in Libra square Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Nothing is going to be given to us. We must work to earn it. This work includes recognizing cycles and patterns of our actions that keep us imbalanced. Dedication and commitment produce results.  

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Muha Zekotuha

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Tyrant of Words
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Welcome to the Lion's Gate Portal Activation Day

In numerology, 8 is the number of infinity and manifestation. It's like benevolent Jupiter and amplifies whatever it touches.

The star of abundance, Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, provides one hint of the changing season by becoming the brightest star in our predawn sky. It will move closer to the Earth and align with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Many ancients believed that new levels of consciousness would become infused into the planet and also into each of us individually.

In addition to abundance, Sirius is also the star of creativity and devotion because it's in the sign of its namesake, Leo the Lion, the 'Creator' archtype who rules the sun ( and thus the heart ). The manifestation and transformational energy of this portal is increased exponentially.

Devotion ( Sirius ) and Love ( Leo ) unite to produce an awakening intensity of the Divine within our hearts. It's a wonderful time to recognize and give rise to our intentions.

That doesn't mean it's going to feel like a bed of roses! On the contrary, change can feel quite uncomfortable; however, it's also quite necessary for growth.

The waxing New Moon in Leo coupled with Venus entering earthy Virgo moved us from fiery Lunar energy to a more grounded emotional state of mind.

Whatever our New Moon ritual entailed, hopefully an emptying to be refilled as suggested when the gate opened July 28th, we can capitalize on that energy during this activation period.

Open to love, empowerment, and who you were truly meant to be. Numerically speaking, 8/8 is also an infinite day of balance, reflecting the endless possibilities available to us all.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Press on and stay the course of your heart - against any and all advise to the contrary. It's not that many don't want to see you rise, it's that they fear being left behind so hold on tight.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Note: Mercury is currently retrograde: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Aug 09, 2024: Hard conversations illuminate the relationship or dissolve it. Therein lies the truth of it.  

Juno enters Libra: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early afternoon the Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini: Regeneration and expansion is possible but only if we're willing to release or alter something or someone we innately know is holding us back. This can be accomplished through honest dialogue.

Late afternoon the Sun in Leo sextile the Moon in Libra: We learn more about ourselves when we are free of the intense emotional constraints which have bound us. With our inner and outer consciousness balanced, the path to our goals becomes clear. Hard work will pay double-dividends.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Naomi Fuks

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Tyrant of Words
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Heads up all my Librans! Your relationships are about to get a boost from Juno.

Juno enters Libra this afternoon @ 12:36 PM EDT, 12th House, the natural home of Pisces ruled by Neptune. This is a house of limitations, frustrations, and self-undoing; however, it's also the house where we can ascend to spiritual heights.

“The lover energy awakens within. I am the soil; Christ, the vine. In our hieros gamos, holy alchemy occurs." - Margaret Starbird

Both Juno and Libra encompass our profound, committed, and face-to-face relationships.

As a Cardinal Air Sign, Libra is all about balance and cooperation. A Libran's Cardinal nature wants to begin things; thus, entertaining and socialization are both very important to this sign. Under the auspices of Venus, Librans are known as people-pleasing hosts with excellent manners, courtesy, and small talk.

The shadow-aspect of these lovers of beauty is that they will sell out their own desires, or even the truth, for the gift of peace and companionship. As a matter of fact, maintaining balance through honesty by weighing both sides of the coin may be a Libran's most difficult task.

Juno is known as the goddess of marriage and commitment. Its placement can show us how we feel about marriage, what marriage means to us, what we do or do not desire in our marriage relationship, or if we even want to get married in the first place. Astrologically, a common-law relationship or a civil partnership also constitutes a marriage, as does any long-term living arrangement.

Juno in Libra partnerships are characterized by qualities of equality and mutuality whose foundation is built upon respect so that both feel valued and empowered to contribute equally. Relationships that are equally entwined with a give and take philosophy are bound by compromise and will thrive.

However, if imbalanced, and one takes more than they give and are unwilling to compromise, then the relationship will suffer, particularly for the one who is compromising their own needs for the sake of companionship and peace.

Equilibrium can only be achieved and maintained by using one's voice in a loving but firm manner that expresses their own individual and personal needs to the other. This requires honest communication ( something Librans find difficult at times ) to address any imbalance before it crucially affects the foundation of the relationship.

Equally important is the environment the truth is professed, as both parties need to feel safe in order to express how they feel. Avoid raising the voice and any demands and/or ultimatums during the discourse, as this will tip the scales even further out of balance.

#art: Hieros Gamos ( The Divine Union ) by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman She Who Is

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Note: #MercuryRetrograde is in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Aug 10, 2024: Reaching for a higher thought can liberate us from emotional weight.

Black Moon Lilith stations retrograde in Libra: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Moon enters Scorpio: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the Moon in Libra oppose Eris Rx in Aries: Intense emotional imbalance and insecurity due to disruptions. Sometimes when we fail to move in any direction, the Universe evicts us from our complacency to prevent us from stagnating.

Early afternoon the Moon in Libra inconjunct Uranus in Taurus: The previous energy expands into relationships involving freedom or lack thereof. When we adjust our outlook to the greater collective rather than just ourselves our own foundation shifts.

Late afternoon the Moon in Libra inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces: The anaretic degree ( 29° ) can usher in a sense of urgency and desire to move forward; however, take care that we not leave anything undone that could haunt our future. Be responsible and complete what needs done before moving forward.

This evening the Moon in Scorpio square Pluto Rx in Aquarius and Pluto Rx in Aquarius trine Juno in Virgo: Intense emotional challenges, particularly in the relation/partnership arena. Rising above or reaching for a higher thought can liberate us from the weight.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art William Henry Margetson

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Black Moon Lilith stations Retrograde in Libra tonight @ 11:17 PM, 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus. This retrograde will be inclusive of our intimate and face-to-face relationships.

Recap: Black Moon Lilith is the astrological representation of feminine exile exiting earthy Virgo, the domain of analytics and practicality, for Libra, the domain of harmony, balance, and justice.

Wherever you find Lilith in your chart ( sign and house ) is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged. Somewhere along your experiences, someone overlooked your gifts or commercialized your talent for their own benefit.  Somewhere along your experiences, you were swallowed whole and spit out naked.  Lilith is here to collect.

Peace-loving Libra is the social and persuasive butterfly of the zodiac representing cooperation, diplomacy, refined taste in the arts, and judicial insight. We'll be alerted if we've slipped into the dark side of this balanced sign if we demonstrate tits shadow aspects: fickle, apathetic, peace at any price, pouting, indecisiveness, and easily deterred.

As mentioned above, Libra's natural home is the 7th house, a house of profound and face-to-face relationships, representing our business and marital partnerships, including divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, and any dealings with the public and the public's response.

It also reveals our open enemies, cooperation ( or lack thereof ) with others, and indicates what we most lack in ourselves. That is because this house is opposite the 1st House, a house highlighting our strongest personality traits.

Libra is ruled by Venus, so appreciation of beauty and the finer things in life are a natural balm to this native; however, when Lilith enters the picture, your appetite for love intensifies, yet can't be satisfied. You may not easily trust others; therefore, it's difficult to maintain balance and harmony, especially in an intimate relationship.

When stationed in Libra, Lilith uses others to act as mirrors. She is known for revealing aspects of us that we ourselves had no knowledge of but have a habit of turning away from what we don't wish to see. We need to explore these reflections with an open and nonjudgmental mind.

This retrograde provides an opportunity to review all our relationships. Pay particular attention to the energy between us and others. How do they make us feel? Is it our own distrust arising, or is their behavior indicative of someone who controls and manipulates others?

We must not to define ourselves by the expectations of others or view our self as an extension of those relationships in hopes of filling a deep-seated hole of insecurity in our heart.

Lilith is rebellious, independent, and refuses to conform to expectations or demands. This position reveals what has been repressed within you, and Lilith's presence can have a destructive effect if we're not fully aware of her influence.

However, if we can face and manage to integrate Lilith's qualities, we're guaranteed to discover a feral power we've never known. Negative people can have a detrimental effect in this position, so make sure we surround ourselves with positive individuals who genuinely care about us.

This means forgoing a desire for attention from those whose actions and treatment of others are less desirable regardless of how we feel about them.

Despite what we may crave, we need a partner who is patient, kind, and loving in our life. Only this type of mate can provide the safety and security that we need to open up and trust someone.  

When we realize that our choices make all the difference in outcomes, we're enabled to recognize a pattern that may have kept us locked in a loop from childhood experiences. For example, if our parents fought or argued a lot.  It's important to recognize what makes us uncomfortable in this life, i.e. - drama or discord, and not make the same mistakes.

This retrograde provides the opportunity to course-correct any relationship that we have played small or not used our voice just to keep the peace and maintain the relationship. Do not be afraid of being alone. The right one can't enter our lives until the out-of-balanced ones are corrected to make room.

#art: Morgan Weistling

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Moon enters Scorpio this evening @ 8:34 PM EDT • V/c time: 5:45 - 6:34 PM EDT

The last lunar cycle I discussed the constellations and sub ruling planets of each zodiac sign as the Moon transited them. This month I'm going to discuss polarities ( opposites ) and how to reconcile them.  

Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis.

However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.  

In this case, the polarity for Scorpio is Taurus ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Taurus ).

Scorpio is the sign of inheritance and legacies. Its natives are given a sense of purpose and destiny and find truest happiness in dispensing their life-force to others.

Taurus is the sign of possessions and owning, and people born under this sign want to possess, collect, and have. They will not easily let of what belongs to them.

Scorpios are described as variously powerful & weak, independent & clinging, passionate & cold. What do you expect from a conflicting water sign represented by a land animal?

Scorpios are a walking contradiction among the other water signs represented by aquatic animals. That's because Scorpio can traverse both the depths and shallows of water plus the heights of mountains in its quest for truth.  

They are magnetic, emotional, and capable of exerting tremendous force from strength hidden in the depths of their fixed sign suggesting an iceberg or a bottomless well.

Conversely, Taurus is the person others count on because it's the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside.

Because perseverance is a quality most needed for success, Taurus is often successful. They are not the pioneer who first strikes out for new territory, but the determined settler who follows and builds houses and towns and cultivates the soil for planting.

So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: When Taurus is the remedy for Scorpio, calm, simplicity, and that which arises naturally heal complexity and mistrust.

What this means is that Scorpio needs to ground more through meditation and the healing arts in order to gain clarity on situations as they arise rather than being suspicious of the motives behind them.

While those suspicions are justified in many cases, there are those which warrant trust to manifest on the part of Scorpio.

While blindly trusting others is not wise, mistrusting others with no given experience can prevent the incurrence of blessings.

#art Francois Fressinier

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Aug 11, 2024: Emotional healing can be initiated by believing in ourselves and that our contribution to the world is important. For so a man thinks he is. Here is the choice for is to make.

Midmorning the Moon in Scorpio inconjunct the North Node in Aries sextile Venus in Virgo sextile Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Abrasive karmic atmosphere coupled intense emotions regarding our value and self-worth. Repeating the mantra "I am worthy and deserving" creates self-affection and recognition of thought-cycles we need to break.

Early afternoon Venus in Virgo trine Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Virgo's analytical nature and Venus' sense of value provide us with an opportunity to realign our thoughts in accordance with our dreams and goals. Engage with friends or associates for reinforcement.

Early evening Venus in Virgo sesquiquadrate Chiron Rx in Aries: Emotional healing can be initiated by believing in ourselves and that our contribution to the world is important. For so a man thinks he is. Here is the choice for is to make.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):   http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Duy Huynh

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Aug 11 - 17, 2024: JUSTICE

With both Lilith and Juno now in Libra, this is a significant presentation.

Libra represents face-to-face relationships, balance, and justice. Lilith represents the feminine exile. Wherever we find Lilith in your chart is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged.

Somewhere our gifts were either overlooked or commercialized for another's benefit.  At some time, we were swallowed whole and spit out naked.  Lilith is here to collect and known for revealing a surprising aspect of our self that needs explored from a non-judgmental perspective.

Lastly, Juno is the goddess of committed relationships, such as marriage and partnerships, civil unions, or common law relationships. This domain also falls under the rulership of the seventh house, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus.

The significance of this card at this time is paramount, as we are apt to be challenged to use our voice in a difficult, yet just and wise way. Standing for what we believe or setting boundaries can be scary at times, especially when we feel alone; however, the Universe always has our back when we stand on such principles of justice, love, and truth.

Even if we can't see it at the time.

Message: Channeled
Deck: Spellcasting
Art: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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