Poetry competition CLOSED 19th August 2024 6:51am
View Profile Poems by Dreamer4ever1979

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Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Write anything based off of a simple word “gore”
I will pick the winner in two weeks, and only one writing piece can be submitted per writer. Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 77

E tu vivrai nel terrore!

Italian director Lucio Fulci,  
began his career during the 1950's
By the early 1970's, Giallo thrillers,
mysterious shockers, who is the killer?
A Lizard in Woman's Skin
Sette Note in Nero
Don't Torture a Duckling
Sella d'argento
1979 the maestro switched to gore,
Zombi was graphic, the audience wanted more
Paura nella città dei morti viventi
Quella villa accanto al cimitero
The Gates of Hell Trilogy
Fulci's finest hour,
executed with brilliancy
Lo squartatore di New York
Manhattan Baby
Murderock uccide a passo di danza
Multiple protest groups from the ladies
Fulci continued into the 1990's
cult status among gore hounds
Declining health from diabetes
looking frail, dropping many pounds
His memory will last through film
music, writers and artists pay tribute
Director Quentin Taratino is a huge fan
re-releasing many titles to distribute.
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

The Knife Dance

Self mutilations are so beautiful in the ballroom.
The knife dances upon my skin.
with only I as its partner -
of course with a firm grip, I lead on.
With crimson footprints following us.
Now our dance has ended.
Down the forearm to the wrist
tears of joy run thick and red.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4

Oh my god wow I love how you portray the beauty of self mutilation in this form of writing, I thought I was the only one who thought this way

Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4

I rlly like this, thanks for including the English translation as well 🙏

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 7

Erase The Misery

The night took hold,
at the full moons glow.
My claws grew long,
as my hair took form.

My muscles contracted,
as my uncontrollable rage,
went active.

Metamorphosis under way,
victims will pay,
so stay out of my way.

The innocent are my prey,
in the dark where the game,
is played.

Blood-thirsty flesh is what I crave,
before and after,
you're in the grave.

Love is what I need,
to stop the feed,
and change this curse within me.

A woman's love can tame me,
and her strength can derail me.
Her heart can restore me,
and her faith can cleanse me.

I'm a thing of mystery,
living from day to day,
night to night, prowling around,
on earthly grounds.
Struggling, with every part of me.

Someone erase the misery,
held inside of me.
Shelter it, cast it out, or stone it about.

No silver bullets please!
Just a medallion, or spell,
to the beast in me.

Someone take away the pain,
this thing in my veins.
Locked in me.
Let this crying wolf be,
one with humanity.
Written by Dreamer4ever1979
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Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 80

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

The Pistolphiles

" But Jesus said, Suffer little children,  
forbid them not, to come unto me:  
for of such is the kingdom of heaven "
not hasten their deaths with guns, can't you see,
In mass gun-death sites, of kids, to clean the gore,
they've to bring in specialised cleaning folks
to scrape the walls, ceilings, furniture and floors,
schoolrooms and malls turned into abattoirs, no joke.
Who champions such things, who lets it begin
those who allow carry and concealed carry? In my eyes
there's thousands of you, brainwashed to this sin,
shall I name you paedos, as in, Pistolphiles?
Written by Rew
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Strange Creature
Joined 25th July 2024
Forum Posts: 3

Submitted two posts by accident, the other one will do

Strange Creature
Joined 25th July 2024
Forum Posts: 3

On A Whim

Killing time suddenly becomes so exciting
As it's calling to the bottomless darkness
A rotten brain festers, ripening
Growing, flowering in the blighted malignance

It dreams beautiful things it could commit on a whim
Eating and spitting in a corpse, vomiting its worms
Splitting in half the living skull, filling it with concrete to the brim
As the decrepit cadaver heals and soothes and warms

Flesh is born anew, rugged tissue begins sipping through
Threads of reality, like hair, are rotting through endless seasons
As teeths grow soft and the skin pulls off, easier to chew
It reminds the brain of what once was gifted with reason

The treason to mankind is too beautiful, too scandalous
On a whim it could do all these awful, frightening operations
It ponders in a daily life so dull and boring, tired and ludicrous
It arms itself as dangerous thoughts become impossible weapons

Every living thing grows a corpse, every corpse a blooming flower
City streets becoming public gardens of death and devastation
Inside the mind all good things are gone, it lusts for newfound power
Dangerous things it brings to life satisfying whims of domination

Chaos and gore, forever more, occupy the frolicking mind
All that remains is evil, rampant needs never truly satisfied
Slowly wilting away, the blooming brain will forever grind
Against the crevices of the skull, ordinary evil personified.
Written by Roguenarak
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Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 80

Eleven dark musings

Wherefore unwithered
Deployment of gains
Abandoned delusions
Profound in profane

Heavy unleashing
From poise to command
Eleven dark musings
To covet thy hand

cast a presence
Whose ego is thin
He scalped him of frailty
And sealed him within

kills abandonment
By immersing the mind
A blade of deception
buried deep in the rind

leads distraction
Ill-measured with haste
Extracting the poison
With only a taste

breeds imperil
The formidable ruse
An axe and a barrel
Which is boldly infused

waits for no one
The measured decline
His wisdom lacks lustre
As he’s cinching the line

is the weakest
The tempters beguiled
The corpse in the nether
Where his bones were defiled

and handsomely fair
The noose isn’t tightened
without any flair

lines of hectic
He coffins your soul
Feathered in cryptic
Deep under the knoll

chains of umbrage
This steel tethered line
Wrapped taut in the moment
From his neck to his spine

shades of windblown
Skin leathered like jade
Some wit and a pistol
And a game that is played

Seducing the fray
Commit to Unpeople
No need to delay
Written by Everavalon
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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 28

"Of Multiple Truths"

Evanescence thy sweet decay

Sacrificial knifes tear and flay

Harbinger of Pluto's race

A sneering grin on the devil's face

A sick hunger I aim to please

Bathe in blood a cure for my disease

Virtues on death row

Let loose like arrows from Apollo's bow

I bright and seeking meat

An enochian paradise so sweet

Methodical absolution of the blade

Split flesh and in blood I wade

Of this there is no similar kind

A uniqueness of a predators mind

Seeking the augustal fruits of glory

Blood soaked laurels ever so gory

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851

Folie à Deux

Growing up Holly and Molly became the very best of friends,
They were always honest and told each other everything,
One day Molly asked her “help me kill my incestuous father”
And Holly with a smiled agreed didn’t seemed bothered.
The teenagers laid out a major plan down to the last details,
Alibis, time lines, witnesses even deceitful clues and leads,
“He hurt you and so he hurt me” Holly told her love Molly,
Picking up a hatchet “this time, it will be him the one who bleeds”.
One night when Molly’s mother went to work for her late shift,
Molly asked “can you give me a ride to Holly’s” (her alibi),
The father upset that his plans went out the door took to drink,
Oddly enough that night Molly’s father would also get high.
An hour later Molly came back home out from the freezing night,
“It’s cold out there daddy” she said in her most innocent voice,
“I’ll warm you up” he said in his typical perverted tone,
“OK, I’ll get you a beer too” she said to his heart’s rejoice.
She poured him a beer mixed with a high dosage of sleeping pills,
Serving it with a smile that was completely new to him,
“I’m going to freshen up” she said “I’ll only be a few minutes”,
“Hurry up” he told her and took a big sip with an evil grin.
Ten minutes later, Holly walked in right through the front door,
Molly’s father by now was passed out in the living room floor,
Holly had two large bags, with ropes, with tape, with many sharp objects,
So they bound and gagged him and were about to even the score.
When he came to he was naked and tied up to an armchair,
On top of large plastic bags on the floor in the their basement,
He couldn’t scream, he was choking on his dirty underwear,
As the girls had prepared themselves and were about to vent.
“Look at me” Molly said slowly stroking the edge of a cleaver,
“I want you to look into my eyes and see right into my soul”
But tears of fears now began to run her father’s face.
“We are angels of death” then the adrenaline took control
Molly brutally severed his hand at the wrist with the hatchet  
Breaking right through the bone he let out a blood curling scream,
Holly with her ax cut off the other hand just to match it,
When Molly said “I’ve always wanted to kill you in my dreams”
He began writhing and kicking in excruciating pain,
Until Molly grabbed a large hammer and smashed both his feet,
He let high pitched shrieks with muffled apologies,
“Does it hurt too daddy” Molly said “come on be discreet!”
He started to pass out from the pain then Holly hacked off a foot,
He looked up the ceiling with an agony that’s so intense,
Molly chopped off the other as the blood splattered everywhere,
“Don’t worry” Holly said “when we’re done there won’t be evidence”.
Molly turned on the old furnace and tossed in the body parts,
Making him watch as his hands and feet burned up in the fire,
All of them covered in blood with even much more to come,
“I want you watch” Holly said as both girls smiled with ire.
Molly took a pair of hedge clippers then cut off the cock and balls,
And another screech of unbearable hurt came from his throat,
“Watch it burn” Molly said as she them cast into the furnace,
With tears in his eyes seeing his body parts go up in smoke.
And as he started to fade away the girls then unbound him,  
Laying him down on the blood covered floor enclosed in plastic,
Then with wild unrestraint they cut off the arms and the legs,
As he dazed into darkness their revenge had been drastic.
Lastly Holly whispered “enjoy hell” and she opened his chest,  
Removing the heart and presenting it to her beloved friend,
“We are bound to each other” Holly told Molly with tears,
“Forever” Molly said with tears “forever until the end”.
They spent all night together getting rid of the evidence,
Making it seem as he left home and just simply disappeared,
In the early hours of the morning they showered together,
Holding each other crying, their vengeance had been so severe.
In the morning the sun began shine a light into the room,
Now in bed Molly smiled at Holly caressing her friend,
Molly tenderly then said “thank you my avenging angel”
When Holly said “I love you, I can’t wait to do it again”.
Written by wallyroo92
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 31st Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4

Love this

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