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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Jul 20, 2024: The first step to any healing is awareness of what needs healed.

Prenotes: OOB Moon in its Capricorn detriment: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Full Moon in Capricorn early Sunday Morning: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Late morning Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces and the OOB Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn Rx in Pisces: High harmonic opportunity for attraction and self-expression. . .

Mid/late afternoon the OOB Moon sextile Pallas in Scorpio; Mercury in Leo trine Eris; and [b]Venus in Gemini inconjunct Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Deep and intense self-revelation precedes a realization and creative inclination which has the potential to solve discord through communication. . .

Tonight, the OOB Moon square Chiron in Aries trine Juno in Virgo: Potential to end or transform a relation/partnership through awareness that also brings healing to an old system of belief or wound.

Full message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Tomasz Alen Kopera

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A rare second Full OOB Buck Moon in Capricorn perfects early in the morning @ 6:17 AM, 8th, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Mars and Pluto.  

The full Solstice Strawberry OOB Moon in Capricorn on June 21 perfected in the first House, sweeping in spring energy and new beginnings. This lunation, perfecting in the 8th, symbolizes endings and transformation.

We're in the Dog Days of Summer, 40 days beginning traditionally July 3 thru August 11, when water can become scarce, and death of plants and grass becomes commonplace. This time is associated with the rising of the Dog Star, Sirius.

In ancient Greece and Rome, the Dog Days were believed to be a time of drought, bad luck, and unrest when dogs and men alike would be driven mad by the extreme heat. In modern times they are associated with the time of summer’s peak temperatures and humidity.

Capricorn Moons are about reality checks, whether beginnings or ending, and the fullness of the phase sheds light into the darkness, revealing what may not have been previously seen.

As with the Strawberry Moon, the Buck Moon is inundated with Cardinal energy, the OOB Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer. A sextile between Mars in Taurus and Neptune Rx in Pisces enhances the opportune time to take advantage of restructuring a goal or dream to bring it to the forefront.

The OOB Moon will enter Aquarius early morning and square Hygeia in Pisces. If we've been experiencing health issues, then contemplate a change in diet or physical activity to improve physical and emotional health.

Venus in Gemini will form a sextile with Jupiter in Pisces. Working with a partner toward a goal or dream can manifest it much faster than going it alone.  But the square between Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Taurus portends potential conflict between dreams and obligations.

Honoring commitments will sustain values and credibility for future projects. This may mean releasing someone from an obligation or requesting to be released. Our voice is required in a firm but loving manner in order to break a cycle and call forth what we want or need.

#art Johann Peter Hasenclever

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Something to think about.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Jul 21, 2024:

OOB Moon:  http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

2nd Rare Full Moon in Capricorn: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Moon enters Aquarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Late morning we're going to experience a sextile between Mars in Taurus and Neptune Rx in Pisces: This is an opportune time to take advantage of restructuring a goal or dream to bring it to the forefront.

Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Aquarius square Hygeia in Pisces: If we've been experiencing health issues, then a creative change in eating habits or physical activity can regenerate our interest and improve our emotional as well as physical health.

Late afternoon the OOB Moon in Aquarius semisquare Saturn Rx in Pisces; Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Pisces: A snag in plans or a project may require our consideration or compromise to move forward. . .

This evening Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: Potential conflict between dreams and obligations. Guard against harsh reactions through communication, verbal or otherwise.

Full message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http:inspiritualservice.com

#art Beverly Ash Gilbert

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Moon entered Aquarius early this morning @ 7:44 AM EDT, 7th, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus • V/c time: 7:26 - 7:43 AM EDT.

If you're unfamiliar with a v/c ( void-of-course ) Moon, you can read an article here: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The last lunar cycle we discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

Aquarius is known as the free-spirited souls who live in a progressive world of ideas. Their innate quirkiness is easily recognizable, and they walk to the beat of their own drum. These humanitarian-centered individuals are aware of the strengths, weaknesses, joys and sorrows of the collective.

Because their imaginings are overflowing with radical, forward-thinking beliefs of how to heal humankind, they love to transmute their social perceptions into Utopian ideas.

Entering Aquarius on a Sunday, ruled by the Sun, portends healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection. The Full Moon is the IDEALIST time to manifest magic! Bring it!

The constellations associated with Aquarius' decans are:

Jan 20 - Jan 29: Delphinus, the Dolphin, ancient savior of the shipwrecked. The Dolphin symbolizes spirituality. Planetary sub-ruler is Uranus.

Jan 30 - Feb 08: Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish that symbolizes knowledge and fertility of mind. The Fish drinks from the Fountain of Wisdom. Planetary sub-ruler: Mercury.

Feb 09 - Feb 18: Equuleus, the Little Horse, brother of Pagasus. The Little Horse symbolizes loyalty and the harnessing of strength. Planetary sub-ruler: Venus.

Do you know where Aquarius resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Aquarius, the house it resides in influences your imagination.

For more information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Aquarius, visit: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

Image: Pisces Austrinus

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#CollectiveCasting #Oracle Card of the Week: July 21 - 27 July, 2024: MERLIN THE DRAGON - CONNECTOR

Merlin energy is rising to meet the needs of many humans & dragons.

He says,

“Although I have been around for many, many centuries, I am many things to many people.”

Dear Soul,

I am able to connect you to many. You know me as your connector, though you may see me as Merlin the Wizard; you may also see me as Merlin the Dragon.

I connect you to other being, energies or dragons.

I support you as you connect to their knowledge and memories of being ancient and the memories of being a Dragon.

Also, to the memories of the past, present, and future you. Come ride with me- I will take you there.

Deck: Ancient Intergalactic Guardians: Dragons of the Multiverse by Barbara Worsley

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US Sibly chart today: Anaretic ( 29° ) Full Moon in Capricorn lands on the US progressed Pluto Rx 00° ( Reveiw/Transformation ). Transiting Saturn (Taskmaster/Teacher/OLD father time) sits on the US progressed Sun (Presidential symbol ).

As above so below.

Because Astrology.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Jul 22, 2024: The most difficult challenges also present the greatest opportunity for growth.

Moon has returned inbounds.

Sun anchoring in Leo: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-signs

Late afternoon, the Moon in Aquarius square Pallas in Scorpio: We have an opportunity to utilize wisdom in the face of a potential partnership dissolution or reorganization.

Guard against appearing cold or distant. This situation presents immense growth potential, especially the evening sextile between the Moon in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries bringing and additional opportunity for healing emotional wounds centering around our self-worth.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Ruth McDonald Nightfall

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God bless you, Mr. President. Candles are lit for you, and I wish you love, peace, and joy for the rest of your days. Thank you for serving.

#fullmoon #fullmooninCapricorn #fullmoonritual

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Sun enters Leo @ 3:45 AM EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury.

The mighty Lion stimulates ambition, romance, generosity, optimism, and self-assurance among many other positive traits!

🌕Entering Leo on a Monday, ruled by the Moon, indicates peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

🌒♒️The Waning Crescent Moon in Aquarius is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work ( except magic designed to banish harmful energies ).

Focusing on studies will help temper the rebellious energy associated with the Aquarius Moon. While it's a good time to break habits and make changes, make certain that for now they aren't showy or flamboyant.

Focus instead on potential avenues of personal freedom and expressions of individuality.

Some information about Leo:

SYMBOL: The Lion 🦁
MODE + ELEMENT: Fixed, Fire 🔥
RULING PLANET: Sun – self-expressive, dignity ☀️
HOUSE: Fifth – Creativity and Life 🏠
MANTRA: “I will” 💪
Keyword: Magnetism 🧲
BODY PART: Heart, sides, upper back ❤️
COLORS: orange, yellow, gold, purple, and red ❤️💛💜
Archangels: Michael & Raziel 🪶🪶
God: Apollo ☀️

🪶🪶ARCHANGELS: Archangel Michael, who governs the Sun, and rules over Sunday. Archangel Michael is linked to the star sign Leo and oversees the South. He assists in communication and protection, and he inspires individuals to seek higher truths and hidden knowledge.

🪶Secondly, as Leos are associated with drama and showmanship, Archangel Raziel is equally flamboyant. Raziel is also a very mysterious Archangel - ask for help if you have an issue you just can’t fathom. He’s said to have the right answer!

🪶Leo energy is fun and magnanimous and generous but can go over the top. Appeal to Raziel if your confidence or ego is spiraling out of control.

☀️GOD: Apollo, God of the Sun. Apollo is the god of the sun but he’s also connected with various forms of art, archery, oracles, and medicine. Like Leos, his passions are connected with warmth and creativity, though they’re not without a dangerous edge.

🔥As a Fixed Fire sign, Leos are powerful, courageous, and eager to conquer everything they set their minds to. Compassion and big-heartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership are the four main characteristics of the Lion.

Augusts Birthstones

Wear Sardonyx, or for thee
No conjugal felicity;
The August-born without this stone
'Tis said must live unloved, and lone

Modern: Peridot
Zodiac ( Leo ): Onyx

🎂Happy Birthday, my Leo friends! May your month be blessed with much love and happiness!

#art Tammy Cantrell

*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )

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Leo Cusps: Now that the Sun is firmly rooting itself in Leo, let's discuss the destinated cusps.  A cusp is the point at which a new astrological sign begins. Thus, the cusp of Aries means the point at which Aries begins. The word comes from the Latin word cuspis, meaning point.

When someone speaks of being born on the cusp, he or she is referring to a birth time at or near the beginning or the end of an astrological sign.

Astrologers differ about when a person is born on the cusp. Some astrologers claim it means only within the first two days or the last two days of a sign. Others say it can be as much as within the 1st 10 days or the last 10 days of the sign. The consensus, however, is that if you were born on the cusp, if your birthday is within the first five. Or the last five days of a sign.

July 23 - 27:

Those, however, who are Leo sun with Cancer style are risk-taking free Spirit people with a thirst of dreams to fly but a jugged ability to do so tempered by the desire to be ‘right’ and to be accurate and orderly. Scrambling to be on top of things, surprising twists they’re not that keen on, with the exception of the pleasant ones.

Such people find all mental tasks stimulating, and have a large stock of attention and fluent expression. Their liveliness and good humour attract many friends. Love of beauty can lead to extravagance. Romantic relationships display firmness and a possessive tendency.

Aug 18 - Aug 22:

A Leo with Virgo streak, their distinctive personality and flair easily grab your attention. During the Ride to Conquer Cancer, I learned that determination is one of their key traits; without it, they could not overcome formidable odds to reach their destination or short term goals, or to get what they passionately desire. Determination also helps them rise from the ashes of failure to begin again. Also, they yearn to travel in style, and appreciate all forms of elegance.

Despite this coolness and irony of scrutiny, the novelist never forgets that his characters, underneath it all, are a mass of feeling, whose actions stem more from the heart than from the head and are later rationalized by the head.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Jul 23, 2024: We end a karmic cycle by nurturing a desire to serve through mutual cooperation in our relationships so that we can move toward our hopes and dreams.

Late morning/early the Sun in Leo inconjunct the Moon in Pisces indicating that an adjustment is needed between our identity and emotions to better serve the collective as a whole through our respective gifts

Early afternoon the Moon in Pisces square Mars in Gemini followed by Venus in Leo sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces: A challenging situation involving our emotional sensitivity and aggressive energy. We end a karmic cycle by nurturing a desire to serve through mutual cooperation in our relationships so that we can move toward our hopes and dreams.

Tonight, Venus in Leo conjunct Vesta in Leo representing fanning our inner spark of inspiration so that through intimate relation/friendships we can grow together toward a greater tomorrow.  Wonderful night for intimate or social gatherings.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://Inspiritualservice.com

#art Anna Silivonchik

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Moon entered Pisces this morning @ 9:24 AM EDT, 7th, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus • V/c time: 5:58 - 9:23 AM EDT.

If you're unfamiliar with a v/c ( void-of-course ) Moon, you can read an article here: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The last lunar cycle we discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

Pisces sits at the edge of the zodiac, where the journeying soul dissolves into the ethers from which it came. At home in the spiritual planes, Pisces is tapped into the collective and the Divine.

Neptune-ruled, it feels the collective longing, which comes through as inspiration and is expressed through creativity. These are artists, healers, and gentle beings.

Softened spiritual and emotional boundaries make them empathic and even psychic, which also gives them a need for solitude, to identify what's theirs and what isn't. Compassion is their gift and being of service is their highest expression.

Entering Pisces on a Tuesday, ruled by Mars, portends passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection. The Waning Gibbous Moon is a time to focus on studies, meditation, and very little magical work with the exception of that designed to banish harmful energies.

The constellations associated with Pisces' decans are:

Feb 19 - 29: Pegasus the Winged Horse who bears the rider of good fortune. Planetary sub-ruler Neptune.

Mar 01 - 10: Cygnus, the Swan, also called the Northern Cross. The Swan is the celestial symbol of grace and beauty. Planetary sub-ruler is Moon.

Mar 11 - 20: Cepheus, the Monarch who rests one foot on the Pole Star. He symbolizes constancy. Planetary sub-ruler is Pluto, the God of the Underworld.

Do you know where Pisces resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Pisces, the house it resides in influences your intense emotions.

For more information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Pisces, visit: inspiritualservice.the-moons-promenade

#art : Astro backyard

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The Sun is firmly rooted in Leo now and we've discussed its two cusps. Now it's time to address the Decanates ( Decans ) of the zodiac sign:

FIRST DECAN: July 23 - Aug 01

The Sun both rules and sub-rules for them: the Sun shines doubly well on them. They are shiners who flaunt and are fond of glittering play; they fill the role of the mockingly inventive flimflammer. Their style of speech and the way they present themselves appeals to those who harbor a liking for glittering artifice.

They instinctively throw themselves into leadership positions in anonymous crowds, for they know how to fire up others in the group as well as how to motivate them. They are transparent. Their bliss can be felt, and their despond is openly communicated.

They express themselves by ‘throwing their head back’ and like to lead by making quick decisions based on impulse, not calculation. Their love life is a rollercoaster ride, led more by emotion than reason. One tendency is for them to be inflexible when it comes to how things should be done: they want it ‘their way’.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Jul 24, 2024: Evaluating where we want to go, and how to get there may be a as simple as changing the flat tire of a belief or the oil of an attitude or order to move forward.

Late morning the Moon in Pisces inconjunct Vesta in Leo inconjunct Venus in Leo: All of these planets are stationed on the 15th degree, which implies a critical turning point. The Sabian symbol for 15the degree is Circular Paths. . .

Late afternoon the Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces in the 4th. . .

Tonight, the Moon in Pisces trine Pallas in Scorpio: We can become aware of how our paths with the assistance of others coupled with heeding the compass of our intuitional wisdom. . .

Full Message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Anna Silivonchik

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