
A few thoughts for July 4th

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 120

Does this generation (and the two before it) realize that laws and elected officials they disagree with can be changed by VOTING (and that VOTING IS THE ONLY mechanism devised for changes in America)?  Do they realize that U.S. citizenship is a privilege and must be earned by respect for the law, living productive lives and adherence to established American ideals (including  Capitalism / Free Enterprise)…NOT Socialism (a la obama and biden) where those who produce are forced to surrender the results of their labors to those who don’t produce anything?  
Most of the recent generations have done little to earn their freedoms.  I’ve earned mine. I enlisted to serve my country and am a combat-wounded vet.  I’ve earned my freedoms and protections.  
Don’t like the American system? Don’t want to adhere to the rules? I’ll help you pack.

Fire of Insight
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1336

PoetWarrior said:Does this generation (and the two before it) realize that laws and elected officials they disagree with can be changed by VOTING (and that VOTING IS THE ONLY mechanism devised for changes in America)?  

On the contrary, far from bringing about change, voting is part of the mechanism (superstructure) devised by the ruling class of any given country to ensure that the relations of production remain the same in that country: ie for the economic advantage of that ruling class. If you think otherwise, you're a fool.

PoetWarrior said:
... Socialism (a la obama and biden) where those who produce are forced to surrender the results of their labors to those who don’t produce anything?  

Far from being anything whatsoever to do with socialism, the above, in a nutshell, is a perfect description of capitalism.

You're fighting for the wrong side, feller. Wake up and smell the coffee. ☕

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 120

ajay said:
Far from being anything whatsoever to do with socialism, the above, in a nutshell, is a perfect description of capitalism.

You're fighting for the wrong side, feller. Wake up and smell the coffee. ☕

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 120

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