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Trumps Indictment: Historical and Future Implications IV

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

PoetWarrior said: "the truth is still present if one is wise enough to discern it. One can only discern it through love - not fear."
THAT is a great ideal.
The majority of current  Americans have many reasons to fear. They're working hard to pay for parasitic illegal aliens who don't work at all, some of their Judeo-Christian values are being ignored, ignorant rabble makes it unsafe for students to walk across campus, law breakers aren't being indicted or even tried, our military is being laughed at by our enemies, our president has an uncle likely eaten by cannibals, cultural icons are being attacked, the media cannot be trusted to provide the truth, agitators are preaching sedition...fear is appropriate and "love" from only 1 side will not provide a solution.  The element being preyed on by the revolutionaries knows that the rule of law is required to restore society and the rights of the American family. If we are to return to civilization, we must use the anarchist's methods against them. As unfortunate as that is, it is the only realistic solution.  "Do unto others" means nothing to criminals.

I'm about to take some time off tomorrow, but I am curious about the following:

1. What Judeo-Christian values are being ignored, specifically?

2. Define "ignorant rabble".

3. Define anarchy ( seriously, I've been told three different definitions from anarchists ).

4. I'm unsure I follow you on the lawbreakers not being indicted or tried. There are multitudes from the insurrection alone. To what lawbreakers do you refer?

5. "The element being preyed on by the revolutionaries knows that the rule of law is required to restore society and the rights of the American family." Are you referring to, like, Dad, Mom, and a couple of kids plus a dog and maybe a cat and bird?

6. Fear is never appropriate in my opinion. Vigilance is - but not fear. Fear breeds craziness. Again, my opinion.

7. "Do unto others" means nothing to criminals. - So are you saying you believe in "an eye for an eye"? Or self-defense ( which falls within the definition of vigilance for me ).

8. What "cultural icons" being attacked are you referring to so I can get on the same page?

9. Is there NO media source you trust? None?

These questions are valid because how can I converse with you if I don't know how you define certain words and terms? Assuming what another means by our own definition is foolish.

As to "parasitic illegal aliens", as a former South American third-world missionary, I can totally empathize with those who flea those countries, especially women and children. However, that being said, I do agree there's a process of obtaining citizenship that should be adhered to.

Lastly, I wholeheartedly agree about the agitator's preaching sedition. Again, I'm unsure when I'll be able to respond, but I will upon return.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 95

   1. What Judeo-Christian values are being ignored, specifically?
** That’s a pretty broad question. Those values include (but aren’t limited to) belief in a supreme being,  respect for one’s self and your peers, taking personal responsibility, being industrious/ honest/ thankful/ loyal/, practicing charity and compassion (when warranted), practicing monogamy, heterosexuality, courtesy and the (now unfashionable) practice of gentlemanly behavior.
   2. Define "ignorant rabble".
**So-called “students” who are just irresponsible, anti-social narcissists and products of permissive parents; they are easily manipulated by agitators peddling lies or partial truths to gain attention to themselves. The quintessential “rebels without a clue”
   3. Define anarchy (seriously, I've been told three different definitions from anarchists ).
** The anarchist rejects any authority and is bent on creating chaos, without regard for damage to society, order, individuals or property. The anarchist’s utopia is a world without any structure (governmental or otherwise)…they readily employ chaos & destruction to achieve their goals.
   4. I'm unsure I follow you on the lawbreakers not being indicted or tried. There are multitudes from the insurrection alone. To what lawbreakers do you refer?
**In NYC, Boston, LA & other places, “students” detained for destroying college & public property, impeding commerce, criminal trespass, assaulting and/or threatening students and police….were detained and released without charges.
  5. "The element being preyed on by the revolutionaries knows that the rule of law is required to restore society and the rights of the American family." Are you referring to, like, Dad, Mom, and a couple of kids plus a dog and maybe a cat and bird?
**In a broader sense, the sociological American family is the concept of productive, law-abiding citizens who implement change by orderly means (like the vote).  Individuals or the basic family unit who aspire to civilized behavior…they have contributed to their communities and their countries and so have EARNED their rights.
 6. Fear is never appropriate in my opinion. Vigilance is - but not fear. Fear breeds craziness. Again, my opinion.
**Fear is what revolutionaries (antifa, blm, kkk, neo-nazis) use to intimidate and disrupt society to benefit their own ends.
 7. "Do unto others" means nothing to criminals. - So are you saying you believe in "an eye for an eye"? Or self-defense ( which falls within the definition of vigilance for me ).
**Criminals have no empathy for those they victimize; they must be dealt with using their own tactics…it’s all they understand.
 8. What "cultural icons" being attacked are you referring to so I can get on the same page?
**Fire- bombing public buildings, tearing down statues, throwing paint on Stonehenge….
9. Is there NO media source you trust? None?
**The term “ethical media” is an oxymoron. My education and experience have taught me that all sides of any issue are manipulated. Fact and opinion are almost always co-mingled. I half-trust certain news outlets, read the Congressional Record and watch C-Span.
10. As to "parasitic illegal aliens"…
**Wanting to flea a tyrannical government is understandable, but not to illegally enter another sovereign nation at the expense of that new destination’s tax-paying citizens and live a new life for free, with impunity. (e.g. Mariel boat lift in 1980 and the current plague of illegal aliens).
Hope that helps!  LOL.   Have a great day off!

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

PoetWarrior said:    Hope that helps!  LOL.   Have a great day off!

It does. I pretty much know where your mind is. I'll respond asap.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 95

Ahavati said:

It does. I pretty much know where your mind is. I'll respond asap.

I'm very afraid that my answers have painted my portrait in the style of your nemesis, Richard M. Nixon.  Actually, I flatter myself to be a Goldwater Conservative.  I am anxious for more insight into your thoughts/opinions; I like to know the mechanics of other considered thinking...that's how I learn.  Thanks for your conversation!  
Oh, I will admit to a certain prejudice; I can counter any objection to it, following my extensive/on-going study....I feel that most of the world's ills are caused by muslims.
Be well-   Ted

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 150

Something that obviously just happened to our entire nation...


Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

MidnightSonneteer said:Something that obviously just happened to our entire nation...


Yup. HCR wrote about that a day or so ago.

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

PoetWarrior said:

I'm very afraid that my answers have painted my portrait in the style of your nemesis, Richard M. Nixon.  Actually, I flatter myself to be a Goldwater Conservative.  I am anxious for more insight into your thoughts/opinions; I like to know the mechanics of other considered thinking...that's how I learn.  Thanks for your conversation!  
Oh, I will admit to a certain prejudice; I can counter any objection to it, following my extensive/on-going study....I feel that most of the world's ills are caused by muslims.
Be well-   Ted

I need a day or so to recalibrate. Four days of post-op w/out pain meds was not a joy ride. I'm still recovering so patience is appreciated.

Fire of Insight
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1317

Ahavati said:

I need a day or so to recalibrate. Four days of post-op w/out pain meds was not a joy ride. I'm still recovering so patience is appreciated.

Get well soon, A 💐

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

ajay said:
Get well soon, A 💐

Thank you, ajay. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

June 30, 2024
JUL 01, 2024

In addition to his comments about Russia in Ukraine, Trump said something else in Thursday’s CNN presentation that should be called out for its embrace of one of the darkest moments in U.S. history.

In response to a question about what the presidential candidates would say to a Black voter disappointed with racial progress in the United States, President Joe Biden pointed out that, while there was still far to go, more Black businesses were started under his administration than at any other time in U.S. history, that black unemployment is at a historic low, and that the administration has relieved student debt, invested in historically Black colleges and universities, and is working to provide for childcare costs, all issues that affect Black Americans.

In contrast, Trump said: “As sure as you’re sitting there, the fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border. They're taking Black jobs now and it could be 18. It could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.”

Trump was obviously falling back on the point he had prepared to rely on in this election: that immigration is destroying our country. He exaggerated the numbers of incoming migrants and warned that there is worse to come.

But what jumped out is his phrase: “They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs.”

In U.S. history it has been commonplace for political leaders to try to garner power by warning their voters that some minority group is coming for their jobs. In the 1840s, Know-Nothings in Boston warned native-born voters about Irish immigrants; in 1862 and 1864, Democrats tried to whip up support by warning Irish immigrants that after Republicans fought to end enslavement, Black Americans would move north and take their jobs. In the 1870s, Californian Denis Kearney of the Workingman’s Party drew voters to his standard by warning that Chinese immigrants were taking their jobs and insisted: “The Chinese Must Go!”

And those were just the early days.

But while they are related, there is a key difference between these racist appeals and the racism that Trump exhibited on Thursday. Politicians have often tried to get votes by warning that outsiders would draw from a pool of jobs that potential voters wanted themselves. Trump’s comments the other night drew on that racism but reached back much further to the idea that there are certain jobs that are “Black” or “Hispanic.”

This is not a new idea in the United States.

“In all social systems there must be a class to do the menial duties, to perform the drudgery of life,” South Carolina senator James Henry Hammond told his colleagues in 1858. “That is, a class requiring but a low order of intellect and but little skill. Its requisites are vigor, docility, fidelity. Such a class you must have, or you would not have that other class which leads progress, civilization, and refinement. It constitutes the very mud-sill of society and of political government; and you might as well attempt to build a house in the air, as to build either the one or the other, except on this mud-sill.”

Capital produced by the labor of mudsills would concentrate in the hands of the upper class, who would use it efficiently and intelligently to develop society. Their guidance elevated those weak-minded but strong-muscled people in the mudsill class, who were “happy, content, unaspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual weakness, ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations.”

Southern leaders were smart enough to have designated a different race as their society’s mudsills, Hammond said, but in the North the “whole hireling class of manual laborers and ‘operatives,’ as you call them, are essentially slaves.” This created a political problem for northerners, for the majority of the population made up that lower class. “If they knew the tremendous secret, that the ballot-box is stronger than ‘an army with banners,’ and could combine, where would you be?” Hammond asked his colleagues who insisted that all people were created equal. “Your society would be reconstructed, your government overthrown, your property divided.”

The only true way to look at the world was to understand that some people were better than others and had the right and maybe the duty, to rule. “I repudiate, as ridiculously absurd, that much-lauded but nowhere accredited dogma of Mr. Jefferson, that ‘all men are born equal’” Hammond wrote, and it was on this theory that some people are better than others that southern enslavers based their proposed new nation.

“Our new government is founded…upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth,” Alexander Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy, told supporters.

Not everyone agreed. For his part, rising politician Abraham Lincoln stood on the Declaration of Independence. Months after Hammond’s speech, Lincoln addressed German immigrants in Chicago. Arguments that some races are “inferior,” he said, would “rub out the sentiment of liberty in the country, and…transform this Government into a government of some other form.” The idea that it is beneficial for some people to be dominated by others, he said, is the argument “that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world…. Turn in whatever way you will—whether it come from the mouth of a King, an excuse for enslaving the people of his country, or from the mouth of men of one race as a reason for enslaving the men of another race, it is all the same old serpent.”

According to the mudsill theory, he said the following year, “a blind horse upon a tread-mill, is a perfect illustration of what a laborer should be—all the better for being blind, that he could not tread out of place, or kick understandingly. According to that theory, the education of laborers, is not only useless, but pernicious, and dangerous.” He disagreed. “[T]here is not, of necessity, any such thing as the free hired laborer being fixed to that condition for life.”

He went on to tie the mudsill theory to the larger principles of the United States. “I should like to know if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle and making exceptions to it, where will it stop,” he said. “If that declaration is not the truth, let us get the Statute book, in which we find it and tear it out!” To cries of “No, no,” he concluded to cheers: “Let us stick to it then. Let us stand firmly by it.”

One hundred and sixty-six years later, Black and Hispanic social media users have answered Trump’s statement about “Black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs” with photos of themselves in highly skilled professional positions. But while they did so with good humor, they were illustrating for the modern world the principle Lincoln articulated: in the United States there should be no such thing as “Black jobs” or “Hispanic jobs.”

Such a construction directly contradicts the principles of the Declaration of Independence and ignores the victory of the United States in the Civil War. Anyone who sees the world through such a lens is on the wrong side of history.

Notes: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-30-2024


Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

Okay I'm still foggy but let me see if I understand what you're saying:

PoetWarrior said:   1. What Judeo-Christian values are being ignored, specifically?
** That’s a pretty broad question. Those values include (but aren’t limited to) belief in a supreme being, respect for one’s self and your peers, taking personal responsibility, being industrious/ honest/ thankful/ loyal/, practicing charity and compassion (when warranted), practicing monogamy, heterosexuality, courtesy and the (now unfashionable) practice of gentlemanly behavior.

Some of the most moral and ethical individuals I know don't believe in a "supreme being"; however, that being said - I believe your response is targeting the LGBTQ+ community? I guess my question would be: How does one who is not heterosexual ignore Judeo-Christian values? And let's cut to the chase, are you for the U.S. being governed by a "Christian" dominated religion?

  2. Define "ignorant rabble".
**So-called “students” who are just irresponsible, anti-social narcissists and products of permissive parents; they are easily manipulated by agitators peddling lies or partial truths to gain attention to themselves. The quintessential “rebels without a clue”

Okay, pro-Palestinians. Gotcha. Let me ask you two things: 1) Would you give your stolen land and all you'd built on it back to the Native Americans who had first claim if the government ordered it? And 2) Do you believe in genocide?

   3. Define anarchy (seriously, I've been told three different definitions from anarchists ).
** The anarchist rejects any authority and is bent on creating chaos, without regard for damage to society, order, individuals or property. The anarchist’s utopia is a world without any structure (governmental or otherwise)…they readily employ chaos & destruction to achieve their goals.

So, no government but a *Christian* supreme being to pledge allegiance to? Thus, the bible would be absolute?

  4. I'm unsure I follow you on the lawbreakers not being indicted or tried. There are multitudes from the insurrection alone. To what lawbreakers do you refer?
**In NYC, Boston, LA & other places, “students” detained for destroying college & public property, impeding commerce, criminal trespass, assaulting and/or threatening students and police….were detained and released without charges.

Okay, so specifically pro-Palestinian. I do agree that protests should be peaceful and not include the destruction of personal property; however, is that not what the anarchist believes should happen ( or so one *anarchist* told me in his definition of anarchy ). Also, refer to my previous two questions.

  5. "The element being preyed on by the revolutionaries knows that the rule of law is required to restore society and the rights of the American family." Are you referring to, like, Dad, Mom, and a couple of kids plus a dog and maybe a cat and bird?
**In a broader sense, the sociological American family is the concept of productive, law-abiding citizens who implement change by orderly means (like the vote).  Individuals or the basic family unit who aspire to civilized behavior…they have contributed to their communities and their countries and so have EARNED their rights.

So you would consider gay families a part of that demographic? Especially those who have served our country and EARNED their rights?

 6. Fear is never appropriate in my opinion. Vigilance is - but not fear. Fear breeds craziness. Again, my opinion.
**Fear is what revolutionaries (antifa, blm, kkk, neo-nazis) use to intimidate and disrupt society to benefit their own ends.

That is why WE must not FEAR their tactics but remain vigilant regarding the means of their actions. If we fear we fall into the trap and perpetuate the cycle.

 7. "Do unto others" means nothing to criminals. - So are you saying you believe in "an eye for an eye"? Or self-defense ( which falls within the definition of vigilance for me ).
**Criminals have no empathy for those they victimize; they must be dealt with using their own tactics…it’s all they understand.

So, an eye-for-an-eye?

 8. What "cultural icons" being attacked are you referring to so I can get on the same page?
**Fire- bombing public buildings, tearing down statues, throwing paint on Stonehenge….

Yeah the Stonehenge incident made me nauseated for sure. Again, I refer back to my previous comment about the destruction of personal property associated with protests. It shouldn't happen, but it's the crux of many "anarchistic" tactics.

9. Is there NO media source you trust? None?
**The term “ethical media” is an oxymoron. My education and experience have taught me that all sides of any issue are manipulated. Fact and opinion are almost always co-mingled. I half-trust certain news outlets, read the Congressional Record and watch C-Span.

Okay. So there's that.

10. As to "parasitic illegal aliens"…
**Wanting to flea a tyrannical government is understandable, but not to illegally enter another sovereign nation at the expense of that new destination’s tax-paying citizens and live a new life for free, with impunity. (e.g. Mariel boat lift in 1980 and the current plague of illegal aliens).
Hope that helps!  LOL.   Have a great day off!

I wish it had only been a day off! Not even. Four days of post-op hell but I'm turning the corner.

I agree regarding immigration. There is a process, albeit a screwed up on, to become legal that should be adhered to. But there is a ton of exaggerated disinformation out there about what, exactly, illegal aliens receive from the government.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 150

Since Lincoln just got an HCR mention, I offer this historical note for additional emancipatory thought...


Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

MidnightSonneteer said:Since Lincoln just got an HCR mention, I offer this historical note for additional emancipatory thought...


I hadn't read that particular article yet. Thanks.

In other related news. .  .way the straddle the fence, SCOTUS.

US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court for the first time on Monday recognized that ex-presidents have immunity from prosecution for certain actions taken in office, as it threw out a judicial decision rejecting Donald Trump's bid to shield himself from criminal charges involving his efforts to undo his 2020 election loss.

The court ruled 6-3 that while former presidents enjoy immunity for actions they take within their constitutional authority, they do not for actions taken in a private capacity. The ruling marked the first time since the nation's 18th century founding that the Supreme Court has declared that former presidents may be shielded from criminal charges in any instance.


Read the concurrences and dissentions.


Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

LOL! I thought I'd peek at the Sabian symbol for today:

A clown caricaturing well-known personalities.

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15245

This woman has balls. #admiration

AOC writing up articles of impeachment against SCOTUS


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