Poetry competition CLOSED 8th January 2024 11:59am
View Profile Poems by Betty
RUNNERS-UP: ClearmindedVillain and PAR

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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 513

As a cat person

I want
to pet a dog
in a public park
under a flawless sky
on a windy day.

I want to sit
quietly on a bench
as my hair moves in the breeze
and my phone is forgotten

to be
alone with my thoughts
and unafraid to think them,
abandoned with my emotions
and unafraid to feel them,

with nothing in my mind
save the way
this dappled day
passes with ease,

and how lovely it is
to watch someone play ball
with their dog.

I want to be real
in this moment,

so real that a
shaggy retriever
I’ve never met
nudges me with
a ball in his mouth

because I’m there.

Really there.

I want to throw the ball,
and laugh at the whimsy;

lost in a moment in which
I’m not starved
for distraction
during this blip
of time I call my life,

a moment where I engage
with the
meaningful vacuum
of right now
and find it beautiful.

I want
to forgive
those who harmed me
and learn to love them
in a sustainable way,
starting with myself,
and ending there too.

Calendar pages turn
like leaves in this
breezy afternoon
as I sip coffee
under a flawless sky,
watch a dog
chase a ball,
and think

of nothing.

Written by Betty
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Thank you for such a reflective entry, Betty.

Thanks to all who entered. Give me a few days to write up my thoughts and announce the winners! Here's to 2024 being the best yet!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Hey guys, I'd hoped to have a winner today, but my internet is sketchy as all get-out. We're under a flood, wind, tornado, Godzilla, Mothra, and King Kong warning! I keep losing text so I'm going off the grid and will hopefully have a winner for you tomorrow. Now I need to get my canoe out of the shed!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

This was HELL'AH to judge. I had five SIX banes of choice in my side for placements! Three tied for second and two for third. So the two who weren't selected for 2nd fell into 3rd, knocking those who had tied for 3rd completely out. I have noted those with an “Honorable Mention” title.

Grace: Coming to GripsHONORABLE MENTION

This is such a soulful write, as though being haunted by a ghost of memory past. Fate can seem both ungentle and unkind but you are right: lessons will be learnt and [ our ] wisdom refined. Your ability to express deep suffering and sorrow balanced with the light of hope takes both experience and talent. The desire to join those who have gone is palpable as feeling blessed for the experience is. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

Jordon: An Eighty-Two-Year-Old’s Habits Die Hard-

You are so proficient at witty, unpredictable entries! I always look forward to reading yours. I don’t know how old you are, but I can tell you that this poem encapsulates what I am sure are the thoughts of an old geezer who is set in his ways! You seem to possess the ability to infiltrate the moods and/or thoughts of others from mere observation if not experience! Thank you for entering.

slipalong: Dropped Stitches-

As I read this, I could literally see you looking up at the universe while these thoughts ran through your head. I really enjoyed how you detailed each aspect of observance while relating it to your personal desires for the new year. It’s a lovely verse filled with dreamy imagery that reflects hope as stars and cosmic dust perceptively settling over us.  Thank you for sharing such an otherworldly entry.  


I’m a history buff, absolutely loved the historical aspect of this piece in relation to humankind. Death comes to us all, the great and the small. However, not before we’ve contributed in some way, be it individual or as a whole, to the history that carries our legacy. Congratulations on your second placement.

Willow: deep cleanHONORABLE MENTION

This was a delightful entry containing self-insight as to what’s important. The value in the cup lies in its emptiness, and it appears you have discovered that mysterious wisdom. I could personally relate to this astute entry, especially twice a year when I deep clean and take out the trash of clutter! Thank you for sharing it with us.

CasketSharpe: Tears of the False Brave-

The ire and resentment of this piece was palpable. And while I agree that factions are not the answer, neither is mudslinging anger. Though a good rant can cleanse the soul! I hope it made you feel better to get it all out! Thank you for honesty, entry, and for sharing with us.

Razzerleaf: 2024. . . . .Don’t Build Walls

The metaphors in this were endearing, the “concrete shoes” that keep you fixed and building more and more room to house more and more material things until they turn into tunnels. I enjoyed the unique insight of this entry and the passionately resolved ending. A damp match. Wow. Thank you for sharing with us.

da_poetic-edifier: ‘24’s At The Front Door

This was a passionate resolution to rise above dire circumstances that have affected you mentally and emotionally. I enjoyed the determined tone to stand up and not take any shit from ‘24! I’m cheering you on to rise above and conquer whatever is holding you back! Thank you for your entry.

PleasingDragon: Desires for 2024: Let it Glow

This was a lovely snapshot containing the hope of a dream of love conquering all. I do believe that dream will manifest when all is said and done. And you can say, “I knew it!” Thank you for your entry!

P.S. Next time just delete the entry and replace it with a new one. I go through them at least 3 times before selecting a winner, so I wouldn’t have missed the replacement.

wallyroo92: As Time Goes By - HONORABLE MENTION

What a testament to aging and all of us in general! I very much enjoyed the vulnerability that you put forth in this piece. The struggle created a tension between what you truly want and the reality of the situation. I am believing the ball will land in your court and you won’t just pick it up, but run ( pun intended ) like hell with it, straight to where you truly want to be! Thank you for such an honest entry! We’ll all hold you accountable!  

ClovenTongue34:On A Scale Of Breath To Ashes- Can I just say here that your style has improved greatly since you first began writing here? Amazing difference!

I really enjoyed the contrasts that you put forth in this as well as the imagery. Blood on the blueprints particularly jumped out and reminded me of a transfusion which saves a life. There was hope entwined with despair yet a silver lining of balanced perspective above it all. Thank you for such a hopeful entry.


This is minimalism at it’s best. It’s straight to the point and resolved. I really enjoyed this entry. Thank you for sharing.

ClearmindedVillain: Hit By FireTHIRD PLACE

This was one of the most unique entries. I love that you equated living to a perfect deck stemming from the choices you make. We can take no action and be hit by poison arrows, or we can take action by dodging them until the right one comes along. We can only do this by confidence of warmth in the cold and no expectations from others. What comes, comes: What goes, goes. Congratulations on your third place win.

therefinedpoet: Getting Over It

First, consider hooking up with ClearmindedVillain, he’s got the right formula to accomplish your goal! And, yes, you will certainly survive! I was very impressed with your expression of vulnerability as well as patience with yourself. Recognizing that change takes time and commitment is a form of self-care that’s desperately needed in today’s times. So many give up right on the cusp. . .here’s hoping you conquer your bane! Thank you for your entry.

Betty: As a cat person- FIRST PLACE

I have always admired ( okay, I’m lying – envied ) your style of writing. It’s like blood through arteries doing what it does without thought. I am sure that you do put thought into each poem—you definitely put heart and soul into them—but they flawlessly flow without a hiccup, as though a train of uninterrupted thought. When I try that my head likes to perform somersaults in hopes of attracting my attention.

So, the poem. . .I envision you sitting on a bench with a park as a view, and perhaps a distant beach, or smell of a beach permeating the air. The sound of gulls and life.

I am an avid animal lover, which is why I am a vegetarian: I love them. We always had cats and dogs growing up, and so did my children. I was a dog person until I lost my dog a few years back, then a cat from hell adopted me. Seriously, I named her Kali, after the Goddess of Destruction and Discord. But I love her arrogant indolence. It helps me accept the way things are without attempts to change them to suit my purpose.

Starting with myself and ending there too. Damn. That is the secret of growth. Change begins with us ( Gandhi, not me. ). It takes wisdom to recognize that.

Calendar pages turn like leaves. Damn.

I’ll shut up now because there’s just so much. Congratulations on your first place win and thank you for sharing!

Thank you all for entering. I really enjoyed your entries. The hopes, aspirations, vulnerable honesty, and humor inflicted throughout the lines.

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 312

Congratulations, Betty! Well deserved win! 🙌

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

WillowsWhimsies said:Congratulations, Betty! Well deserved win! 🙌

Yours gave it a run for the money, Willow!

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 513

Thank you. This was a fantastic contest... reflection is such a challenge some days.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

You're very welcome, Betty. It was well-deserved.

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