The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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From Astrology to Tasseography ( or tasseomancy ), methods of modality divination vary per individual and are powerful ways to tap into someone’s life or your own.
With the many different types of divining tools available, it can be difficult to know which one may be best suited for you. It takes intuition and practice to discern, which can take years to hone. If one appeals to you, that is typically an indication that you are being led toward it. There are pieces of our subconscious that remembers, even if we don't consciously recall.
This place is for various modalities of divination. You can share, learn, ask questions, and express yourself.
Words of Caution: Be prepared for the message you may receive. The Cards ( in the case of Oracle or Tarot ) never lie. Therefore, if you select a card, be open to receive what comes through; take what resonates and discard what doesn’t gracefully.
There should never be disrespect. No one deserves that.
Some modalities of divination include but are not limited to:
Fortune Telling
Enjoy. Share. Learn. Grow. Love.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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artist: Karen Noles
At 3:00 PM there will be a New Moon in the sign of Taurus. This is a beautifully grounded beginning and the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves your greater good.
It’s also time to plant new intentions. This ancient blessing was created in the Nahuatl language, spoken in Mexico. It deals with forgiveness, affection, detachment, and liberation.
I release my parents from the feeling that they have failed me.
I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whisper all the time in their ears.
I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings, all the time.
I thank my grandparents and ancestors who have gathered so that I can breathe life today. I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, aware that they have done their very best to resolve their situations within the consciousness they had at that moment. I honor you, I love you and I recognize you as innocent.
I am transparent before your eyes, so they know that I do not hide or owe anything other than being true to myself and to my very existence, that walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I fulfill my life purpose, free from invisible and visible family loyalties that might disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities.
I renounce the role of savior, of being one who unites or fulfills the expectations of others.
Learning through, and only through, LOVE, I bless my essence, my way of expressing, even though somebody may not understand me.
I understand myself because I alone have lived and experienced my history; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.
I respect and approve of myself.
I honor the Divinity in me and in you.
We are free.
Namaste and Happy New Moon, friends.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Just a little alchemy. Today I spent time creating amber, lemongrass, and Thieves' room sprays from moon water infused with sage, raw quartz, and emerald from an old recipe. This water was created under last November's Full Moon in Taurus, and has been steeping for six months. Today is the New Moon in Taurus, so I thought it the perfect time to perform a little alchemy in preparation for ceremony. Sage & Salt purify, cleanse, and protect.
Emerald stones emit the green ray, a vibration that will open the heart chakra and draw love into your life. By helping you to let go of negativity, these crystals create positive actions and outcomes. The energy of nature itself is embodied within stones that carry the green ray, like green stones. Combined with a New Moon in Earthy Taurus, this is a perfect time for grounding and letting go of what no longer serves you.
Happy New Moon, everyone. 🙏💙🌑
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And so it is. 🙏💙🌑
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Daily Oracle ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Queen of the Moon oracle deck
New Moon Message:
No 34 HOT MOON, Extremes
Learn how to handle crises with calm and resilience. Seeking balance is superior to seeking extremes. There are better ways to handle conflict than rage and outrage. There may be someone who seeks to disrupt your business or life in some way: this, too, shall pass.
Mantra: I handle extremes with grace, yet I seek balance in all things."
Extended Message ( literal and channeled ):
Most of us have experienced extremes of weather: boiling hot days or freezing of snow and ice. You certainly know you are alive, because the sensation can be so overwhelming or stressful on the body. The Hot Moon appeared in the hottest time of the year, where the days were longest and the rains less frequent. Known in the south as 'Dog Days' of summer.
Similarly, we can experience extremes in life: death, losses, relationship breakdowns, true fears, big conflicts, booms and busts . . .and yet, this is life. Our situation can change quickly for better or for worse.
The Hot Moon challenges us to build our own resilience and reserves of wisdom and calm for those times where things are at their extreme. It reminds us that developing grace under pressure is worth its weight in gold and that even these extremes, in time, will pass.
The important part is to know thyself and refuse to play small. Playing small will not help you, nor others you are in contact with because you're not being your authentic self. You're acting out of fear and intimidation when playing small.
Follow YOUR path and your heart regardless of the conflict that may surround or be directed toward you. Know that you matter; know that your gifts matter and are needed in the world.
A companion stone to this moon is Sunstone. Working with it during this time would prove advantageous.
The Sunstone crystal properties are connected to the energy of the Sun. This crystal’s bright, positive energy aligns your mind, body, and spirit with its high vibrations. If you’re stuck in a rut, working with the Sunstone crystal healing properties can awaken within you a fiery energy like that of the Sun.
A Sunstone crystal has an uplifting quality that can bring passion, excitement, and creativity back into your life when you’ve lost touch with those feelings. Whether you feel like you’re living on auto-pilot or you feel overcome with darkness, Sunstone shines a light on all the opportunities for happiness and joy that surround you.
Sunstone reminds you that life is meant for living and enjoying. Although we all experience ups and downs, there are always lights at the end of the tunnel. Rushing through life or merely “getting by” makes it harder to find fulfillment and happiness. A Sunstone crystal stone teaches you to treat every day as a chance to live life to the fullest. Slow down a bit so you can savor the good times, and hold onto those happy moments in the tougher times.

^ A great message for today, especially that of the Sunstone.
Sunstone reminds you that life is meant for living and enjoying.
And even learning the above the hard way. Some people work their asses off now to enjoy a retirement later. Or attempt to live a so called spiritual existence devoid of material goods and services or wealth. Neither is living and enjoying.
Sunstone reminds you that life is meant for living and enjoying.
And even learning the above the hard way. Some people work their asses off now to enjoy a retirement later. Or attempt to live a so called spiritual existence devoid of material goods and services or wealth. Neither is living and enjoying.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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I would tend to agree unless those choosing a life devoid of material possessions do so from genuine desire, i.e. - Tibetan monks, et al. Some literally have no desire to be a part of society or possess excess materialism.
I do know what you're referencing. My grandmother was hardcore Church of God and miserable for it. She didn't believe women should wear pants, jewelry, makeup, etc., but was resentful for it. She led a life contrary to what she truly desired to appear 'religious'.
I do know what you're referencing. My grandmother was hardcore Church of God and miserable for it. She didn't believe women should wear pants, jewelry, makeup, etc., but was resentful for it. She led a life contrary to what she truly desired to appear 'religious'.

Ahavati said:I would tend to agree unless those choosing a life devoid of material possessions do so from genuine desire, i.e. - Tibetan monks, et al. Some literally have no desire to be a part of society or possess excess materialism.
I do know what you're referencing. My grandmother was hardcore Church of God and miserable for it. She didn't believe women should wear pants, jewelry, makeup, etc., but was resentful for it. She led a life contrary to what she truly desired to appear 'religious'.
Give me Netflix and Hulu to watch, a laptop to write with, a quiet house to think in, and a yard with a fire pit to chill by. Vow of silence? No problem. I spend most of my time typing. Not wanting to be a part of society? I can live in flannel pajama pants 24/7. Interacting with 1 person offline for every 9 online . . .
That's a monkish lifestyle I could live with. 😌
I do know what you're referencing. My grandmother was hardcore Church of God and miserable for it. She didn't believe women should wear pants, jewelry, makeup, etc., but was resentful for it. She led a life contrary to what she truly desired to appear 'religious'.
Give me Netflix and Hulu to watch, a laptop to write with, a quiet house to think in, and a yard with a fire pit to chill by. Vow of silence? No problem. I spend most of my time typing. Not wanting to be a part of society? I can live in flannel pajama pants 24/7. Interacting with 1 person offline for every 9 online . . .
That's a monkish lifestyle I could live with. 😌
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Who loved that grounded, earthy, Taurean energy during the recent New Moon? Divine, wasn't it?! Hope everyone's affirmations and attachments/cords that no longer serve your greater good were released! In two weeks we'll not only experience a SUPER FULL BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE in Sagittarius, as this New Moon ushered in eclipse season!

Today she's waxing in playful Gemini! It's a great day to burn Myrrh and wear green! It's also the Portugese Pilgrimage to Fatima.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Daily Oracle ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Today's deck is White Light Oracle by Alana Fairchild, and one of my favorites.
No. 15. SPIRIT BEAR of 396Hz
You are being healed from guilt and fear. Such emotions will no longer steal your personal power or dissuade you from confidence, happiness and realizing your own worth. No matter how unlikely it may seem you are going to emerge from a spiritual winter into light and life. The divinely ordained tie for your liberation, healing and emergence is much closer than you realize. Abundant blessings are also stirring and shall soon manifest.
396Hz frequency of deeply nurturing and protective. It is the heart frequency of the Universal Mother protecting her young, deflecting negativity and refusing to overly condition the youthful mind. She looks out for them and provides warnings lest they wander too far from their authentic path. But she also encourages the child to learn who they are, to courageously explore their world and to enjoy their freedom.
Irrespective of our personal experience with our biological mother, the divine mother energy in the soul is loving, protective, available, and kind. This inner other love enables us to develop our own sense of personal value, belonging and home. In connection with the inner divine mother, we feel loved, wanted, and held. We know ourselves well enough to understand what we need and we value ourselves enough to live in such a way that our needs are met. WE recognize that we matter—not more than any other, but enough to feel self-love and self-respect. we can connect to our authentic life path because we feel worthy of it. This nurturing frequency heals the heart and softens the walls which keep love out, due to past abandonment and betrayal.
The guidance that may arise could be a "no", or a "not right now", or a "yes" and "go for it"! When we are in the heart, we will clearly sense such guidance and take comfort in it, rather than fight against it. As we let go of our defense systems, disabling fear and guilt from running our lives, and instead deal with them as occasional interlopers that need to be cleared and healed, we stop fearing we will never have what we genuinely want and need. We realize we are loved, know how to love, and are naturally, innately beings of Love.
This frequency will help your mind settle into your body rather than constantly flitting from one possibility to the next, which creates excitement but also an excess of nervous energy. The mind and heart are meant to work in unison together—not as opposing forces. If you feel tired, unhappy, stressed, nervous, anxious, angry, or rebellious, these are clear indicators that your mind is sitting in opposition to your heart. 396Hz will sooth and assist in the reconciliation between the push/pull of competing interests, integrating awareness into the heart and providing a clear pathway to a transcendent resolution where all is working for the one higher purpose—which is always, ALWAYS for your greater good.
Namaste and beautiful day all! Never give up your dreams nor cease your calling; the Universe has your back in all things to those who believe. xo

A Super Full Blood Moon Eclipse?! Yikes. Sounds intense. I need to read up on that.
Oooooh I do like the symbology of the Bear coming out of hibernation into a new season of growth. And Winter is FINALLY over up here in Wisconsin, having undergone the last overnight frost, so that coincides perfectly with today's draw.
Oooooh I do like the symbology of the Bear coming out of hibernation into a new season of growth. And Winter is FINALLY over up here in Wisconsin, having undergone the last overnight frost, so that coincides perfectly with today's draw.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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JohnnyBlaze said:A Super Full Blood Moon Eclipse?! Yikes. Sounds intense. I need to read up on that.
Oooooh I do like the symbology of the Bear coming out of hibernation into a new season of growth. And Winter is FINALLY over up here in Wisconsin, having undergone the last overnight frost, so that coincides perfectly with today's draw.
Total Lunar eclipse ( which is what causes the Moon to appear red ) May 26th @ 7:14 AM EDT!
Happy Eclipse Season! 
Oooooh I do like the symbology of the Bear coming out of hibernation into a new season of growth. And Winter is FINALLY over up here in Wisconsin, having undergone the last overnight frost, so that coincides perfectly with today's draw.
Total Lunar eclipse ( which is what causes the Moon to appear red ) May 26th @ 7:14 AM EDT!

Ahavati said:
Total Lunar eclipse ( which is what causes the Moon to appear red ) May 26th @ 7:14 AM EDT!
Happy Eclipse Season!
Durn it! According to this ( it factors in your device's location) I will only get to see the beginning of it . . .
unless I jump really high in the air!!!
Total Lunar eclipse ( which is what causes the Moon to appear red ) May 26th @ 7:14 AM EDT!
Durn it! According to this ( it factors in your device's location) I will only get to see the beginning of it . . .
unless I jump really high in the air!!!

Joined 11th Apr 2015
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JohnnyBlaze said:
Durn it! According to this ( it factors in your device's location) I will only get to see the beginning of it . . .
unless I jump really high in the air!!!
You can do eeet!
Durn it! According to this ( it factors in your device's location) I will only get to see the beginning of it . . .
unless I jump really high in the air!!!

You can do eeet!

Joined 11th Apr 2015
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Since we're approaching that Super Blood Moon, I thought we'd walk the cycle daily until she arrives! Remember, in Moonology, the card is applicable regardless of what cycle the Moon is actually in.
For example, today the Moon is first quarter waxing in the playfully dual sign of Gemini! However, she will be transitioning into emotional Cancer at 9:30 PM EDT. If you're not already, you should begin to feel a shift in your emotions, as the Moon rules Cancer.
With this shift brings emotional rapport between people. It also pinpoints needs and supports growth and nurturance, particularly regarding domestic concerns. Being it's Friday, which is ruled by Venus, you have a BEAUTIFUL combination tonight of Love, friendship, reconciliation, and beauty! ENJOY!
It's a lovely day to wear pink and burn Cypress!
Despite the above actual Moon cycle, the card presenting itself today is:
No 30: Snow Moon • PURITY
"I know why I do what I do"
This is a beautiful card to draw for the day, and symbolizes, just as Justice does, a blindness from judgement. This card urges you to look inside yourself to understand why you take the actions you take. What are your motives for doing what you do? Are they pure? Are they born of Love? Are they for the greater good of humanity, or will they create discord?
While the word Purity seems to have a kind of loaded moral quality associated with religions or morals, that is not what this card symbolizes. On the contrary, this card reflects the purity of nature, such as the undisturbed snow, or the clean water in a mountain stream; or the purity of one purpose.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines this kind of purity as 'being clean or free from harmful substances', and I guess in our world, so full of pollution and damage to the environment, that may well be hard to find. However, the ancients looked at the cycles that brought ice and snow as a sort of rest button, a time when everything lay fallow for a while and brought with it a kind of simplicity. These times were hard, but if we were prepared for them we would survive.
There are good reasons to strive for purity in our lives. It creates positivity and unity. It celebrates balance and harmony, even in the roughest of times. We are all here for each other.
What are the reasons for your actions? What are your decisions based on? Are they pure? Or, do they harbor lower vibrational energy? What are you sowing? What will you reap come the Full Super Blood Moon?
Only you can answer that!
Companion stone: Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is the "supreme gift of Mother Earth." and amplifies positivity. All earthly elements are at the heart of clear quartz meaning. You can wear/work with it alone, or pair with another crystal, such as Moon Stone ( new beginnings ) or Rose Quartz ( Love ) to amplify their properties.
It's a GREAT day all around! Focus on what makes you happy and enjoy life!
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