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Is the World Safe for Conversation Anymore?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

EdibleWords said:

If their intent is to make conversation feel unsafe, that’s what this thread is addressing. That’s my whole beef. And it discourages people on opposite ends of society from attempting dialogue. Which is unhealthy to nations who want peace, obviously.

I was about to reply to you when I read this 👇

runaway-mindtrain said:

Listening to what? I see no content from you on the subject of this thread. Just the normal snide remarks. Do you do anything else? Perhaps you should return to your Jim Crow Biden 100 days of dictatorship echo chamber and let this conversation about free speech continue here. This condescending attitude and personal attacks only muddy up a legitimate exchange of ideas. If you have something to offer to the subject then add it. Otherwise everyone can see you are just a troll feeding your ego.

Attacking someone directly and not their view shows lack of tolerance if not a whole lot of self confidence.
The attack above is evidence itself from our fellow peer from the right side of political leanings , the misdeeds which the whole moderate, liberal and the left is accused of by both of you.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

So far I've only got some partial answers to some very straight and simple questions.
Am happy to talk and converse so long as it is done in a manner that is expected from any calm and objective minded adult. Attack me or anyone directly instead of their views, you've lost me. The debate/discussion/exchange is over.

poet Anonymous

Is the World Safe for Conservatives Anymore?

'I'm very fortunate': Capitol officer saved Sen. Mitt Romney from the mob


Eugene Goodman, the U.S. Capitol Police officer who drew rioters away from the Senate chamber during the Jan. 6 attack, had redirected Sen. Mitt Romney away from the mob just minutes earlier, newly released security video played at Donald Trump's impeachment trial showed.

"I was very fortunate indeed that Officer Goodman was there to get me in the right direction," Romney, R-Utah, told reporters Wednesday after the video demonstrated how close he came to the pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol.

To disagree with Trump is to risk being injured and possibly killed by his most staunchest supporters who are not only convinced that the election was stolen from him, but also according to their testimonies after the Capitol insurrection, were acting on his orders.

You can't have a conversation with crazee that won't accept repeatedly counted votes or the conclusions of thousands of legal proffessionals, most of Congress Democrat AND Republican, and court judges - all who are apparently, insidiously siding with Joe Biden because . . .

* crickets cherping *

You also can't have a conversation with people dancing around this glaring discrepency neener neener style because they are attention starved or too busy stroking their own bloviated egos about what independent thinkers they are despite their copy-pasted-from-social-media-feed uproars.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

cold_fusion said:what's the point of debate when at least one  of the two parties/groups of adults come to the occasion with not an inch space to accept what's being presented beyond doubt.

Do not pretend you're debating when in reality you are fully committed to not accept anything that the other side is bringing to the 'discussion'.

Debating I say automatically stops when one party  attacks the person and not their views. Ego feeding and keyboard warring is all what it achieves. The so called silent majority may be silent but certainly ain't blind.
Those who are open to what's fair and true are seen by all. Those that are never going to accept whatever, however undeniable the truth, the other party is presenting are seen for what they're doing.
Emotional responses do not help when it comes to fairness. Yes it is safe to converse. Safe if you're  dealing with it in the spirit of fairness towards ALL.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

cold_fusion said:

Attacking someone directly and not their view shows lack of tolerance if not a whole lot of self confidence.
The attack above is evidence itself from our fellow peer from the right side of political leanings , the misdeeds which the whole moderate, liberal and the left is accused of by both of you.

You didn’t quote what he actually responded to. It was a trolling comment but I haven’t told anyone they can’t troll. I don’t recommend it, but show yourself in whatever form you like, within reason. 👍

I’m not interested in doing anything but discussing freedom of speech, though. 👍

Remember, they even lump libertarianism into “extremism” despite their rather palatable, non-invasive politics.


Maybe you missed all the crazy media articles....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:

To disagree with Trump is to risk being injured and possibly killed by his most staunchest supporters

Madonna thinks about blowing up the white house, but hey no big. BLM influencer, pardoned after blowing up the senate, trying to kill a senator, again, no reaction.

Just a mixed group including ANTIFA - now woah!

Rosenberg is on the board of directors for a nonprofit that sponsored the BLM Global Network Project from 2016 to 2020.


who are not only convinced that the election was stolen from him, but also according to their testimonies after the Capitol insurrection, were acting on his orders.

You mean his call to the protest? To make their voices “peacefully and patriotically heard?”

You can't have a conversation with crazee that won't accept repeatedly counted votes or the conclusions of thousands of legal proffessionals, most of Congress Democrat AND Republican, and court judges - all who are apparently, insidiously siding with Joe Biden because . . .


* crickets cherping *

You also can't have a conversation with people dancing around this glaring discrepency neener neener style because they are attention starved or too busy stroking their own bloviated egos about what independent thinkers they are despite their copy-pasted-from-social-media-feed uproars.


Tell that to the Democrats on Capitol Hill. They have no mirrors.

poet Anonymous

See what I mean?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:See what I mean?

You don’t have a mirror, either???


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Tampered evidence at the trial:

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

if it’s not a game to you edible why don’t you stop ducking and weaving?

man you’re just not a serious person are you. how do you expect me to take you seriously? if that makes me a troll, go off

fee fie fo fum
i smell the blood of Qanon

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:if it’s not a game to you edible why don’t you stop ducking and weaving?

man you’re just not a serious person are you. how do you expect me to take you seriously? if that makes me a troll, go off

fee fie fo fum
i smell the blood of Qanon

Never take yourself too seriously. My whole issue is it’s a little too scary and serious these days.

It’s actually increasing our collective struggle against demoralization and isolation induced depression.

However, if you want an answer to something and i missed it, this thread would be a fine place to get my attention. 👍

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1871

Means and ends are "one-thing".
"A violent war begets a violent peace" (Gandhi)
a corrupt authority system begets a corrupt populace, who can no longer debate or think straight.
Divide-and-rule is being taken to its logical conclusion which is confusion and finally civil war.
But who knows, maybe "these things must be" (Matt 24:6) ??

The better route is to empower one's inner world through creative endeavours

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

nah im good

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Josh said:Means and ends are "one-thing".
"A violent war begets a violent peace" (Gandhi)
a corrupt authority system begets a corrupt populace, who can no longer debate or think straight.
Divide-and-rule is being taken to its logical conclusion which is confusion and finally civil war.
But who knows, maybe "these things must be" (Matt 24:6) ??

The better route is to empower one's inner world through creative endeavours

Nineveh gives me hope to this day.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

cold_fusion said:So far I've only got some partial answers to some very straight and simple questions.

Fill me in on what is missing. If your questions don’t answer themselves, maybe I have something to add.

Am happy to talk and converse so long as it is done in a manner that is expected from any calm and objective minded adult.

Here’s where we have playful and cranky adults mingling. Plenty of teasing, too.

But the topic is serious, in a manner of speaking. After all, some of us think others are out to put folks on drone strike lists, or deplatforming lists... either of which aren’t very pretty.

Attack me or anyone directly instead of their views, you've lost me. The debate/discussion/exchange is over.

..so no comments about little hands!?

Ok - guys - nobody quote the Pelosi.

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