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* The Meditation Room *

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

anna_grin said:help me i need to calm the fuck down, i'm too pressed

You want a reading? xo

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Ahavati said:

You want a reading? xo

yeah, alright then thank you - is it just cards you use? do you have any ogham or bones

i mean just whatevers comfortable for you of course

really do appreciate it x

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

LOL! I have some chicken feet! ( I jest )

'Aight I'm clearing now. You want this public or private?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

anna_grin said:help me i need to calm the fuck down, i'm too pressed

Cleanse bad juju before entering
Else it comes in crashing like a wave of hatred


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

Okay, I'm using The Beastiary Deck by Mia Toll. I feel the animals want to help you. So I'm going to perform The Crossing ( not to be confused with the Cross ). The first card ( drawn with my left hand ) will represent you, while the second card ( drawn with my right hand ) will give you insight into places where you might be stuck, or perhaps it will bring clarity to a situation that you're not seeing clearly. It also might indicate where your thinking might be false or the story you're telling yourself needs to shift.

Before I reveal your cards, I want to highlight calling in guidance.  Animal spirit medicine can be called in for guidance on a particular situation or more broadly to guide you through a period in your life.

The Animal on your left ( the first card ) is showing up to help guide your inward journey. This might include emotioal explorations, dramwork, and journeywork. You can ask this animal to meet you in the dreamtime or during a shamaic journey to serve as a guide.

The Animal on your right ( the second card ) is showing up to guide your outward work: how you move through the physical world. This may include how you behave in your relationships with others, your work ( whether for pay or not ), travel, how you care for your family, and how you tend to your spaces. Call on this animal to serve as a guide as you go about your everyday life.

These Animals are committing their suppor to you. What will you commit in return? This commitment might be expressed internally  — a thank-you before bed each night, for instance — or externally. External expressions of gratitude might be an altar you tend, or donating to a charity that supports your Animal in the physical world.

Remember, each reading reflects what you need to know in the present moment. Change is constant—there is not one reading that lasts forever.

Ready for your cards?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:Full Cold Moon
( Also referred to as Oak Moon & Long Nights Moon )

With the arrival of Winter Solstice, the tilting point that brings us back to the point where the days will begin to get a little bit longer. Yule and other holidays have dominated the arrival, typically bringing friends and family together to give gifts and make pleasant memories that add to the tapestry of our personal traditions and celebrations.  It has been quite different this year with covid-19 and social distancing.

This circumstance has created the space to appreciate those in our lives we may have taken for granted; the downtime to re-create our story and step into what we may truly want to become; and, created many empty chairs at tables from those who crossed over this year. It's been a dark blessing in many ways, and a very painful one in others. But the light is returning. . .

While ushering in Winter, December also offers an atmosphere of joy love, and hope that can add extra fuel to your moon magic. I typically eschew sharing spells here; however, have decided to share a Healing one in hopes it helps someone:

Healing Spell

Try this spell to open yourself up to healing energies. If possible, go outside where you can see the moon. If that's not possible, you can simply imagine the moon orbiting around the earth, traveling with us as we circle the sun Now envision your body as housing within it a sacred space—your own space.

Are you getting uncomfortable feelings from this space? Is there anything lingering here that you would rather not welcome in this space anymore?

Imagine as you exhale slowly and deeply that you are pushing out of your inner space anything that you do not welcome there. Once you feel that your inner space is as open and clear as you can possibly get it at this time, think of the healing energy that you welcome, an energy of love and will everlasting, a force of vitality, renewal, reuvenation. Envison this energy amidst the many rays of moonlight reflecting down upon the earth and you.

You can also write down anything that you wish to release, ignite it, and watch the smoke and ashes of it rise upward, and the Moon, in all her benevolent mercy, absorbs it, transforming it into light, and returning it until you in the form of a blessing of light.

What was once dark is now light.

Don't forget to bathe your ritual tools in warm water and gentle detergent before setting them out to absorb the power of the moon. Take special care not to wash those crystals which can't be washed ( selenite, etc. ).

Also, moon water is amazing to make; Just set a glass jar full of water out overnight and it absorbs the power of the moon. You can add sage and essential oil for a clearing spray; or, salt, lavender, and essential oils to add to bath water throughout the month.

When we believe, we create miracles within ourselves.

Happy Full Moon! And may the Blessings be Abundant.

❤️❤️ Did the burning ritual !! So glad I did
Thank you

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Valeriyabeyond said:

Cleanse bad juju before entering
Else it comes in crashing like a wave of hatred


not you, please, i'm sure you're very well meaning, but do not enter my space

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

Valeriyabeyond said:

❤️❤️ Did the burning ritual !! So glad I did
Thank you

❤️❤️ Liberating, isn't it?! ❤️❤️ I just purchased some Wish paper and I absolutely LOVE it!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Ahavati said:Okay, I'm using The Beastiary Deck by Mia Toll. I feel the animals want to help you. So I'm going to perform The Crossing ( not to be confused with the Cross ). The first card ( drawn with my left hand ) will represent you, while the second card ( drawn with my right hand ) will give you insight into places where you might be stuck, or perhaps it will bring clarity to a situation that you're not seeing clearly. It also might indicate where your thinking might be false or the story you're telling yourself needs to shift.

Before I reveal your cards, I want to highlight calling in guidance.  Animal spirit medicine can be called in for guidance on a particular situation or more broadly to guide you through a period in your life.

The Animal on your left ( the first card ) is showing up to help guide your inward journey. This might include emotioal explorations, dramwork, and journeywork. You can ask this animal to meet you in the dreamtime or during a shamaic journey to serve as a guide.

The Animal on your right ( the second card ) is showing up to guide your outward work: how you move through the physical world. This may include how you behave in your relationships with others, your work ( whether for pay or not ), travel, how you care for your family, and how you tend to your spaces. Call on this animal to serve as a guide as you go about your everyday life.

These Animals are committing their suppor to you. What will you commit in return? This commitment might be expressed internally  — a thank-you before bed each night, for instance — or externally. External expressions of gratitude might be an altar you tend, or donating to a charity that supports your Animal in the physical world.

Remember, each reading reflects what you need to know in the present moment. Change is constant—there is not one reading that lasts forever.

Ready for your cards?

annnd breathe. okay. fuck me up with wisdom and peace x

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

anna, earth is a free-will zone, so I can't proceed unless you give me the go-aheadas to whether you would like your reading publicly shared. . .or privately?

Just let me know ❤️

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

anna_grin said:

not you, please, i'm sure you're very well meaning, but do not enter my space

Deepest apologise Ahavati and Anna that was extremely bad timing on my part
It pays to read previous postings before I post

Forgive my intrusion

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

Valeriyabeyond said:

Deepest apologise Ahavati and Anna that was extremely bad timing on my part
It pays to read previous postings before I post

Forgive my intrusion

Val you're a good egg for understanding. ❤️

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Ahavati said:anna, earth is a free-will zone, so I can't proceed unless you give me the go-aheadas to whether you would like your reading publicly shared. . .or privately?

Just let me know ❤️

very sorry, i missed that part completely

can you inbox me, and then i could share it here after if i want to?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

anna_grin said:

very sorry, i missed that part completely

can you inbox me, and then i could share it here after if i want to?

Absolutely. It's your reading; I'm just the channel. Give me a moment and I'll shoot you the message. ❤️

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Ahavati said:

Absolutely. It's your reading; I'm just the channel. Give me a moment and I'll shoot you the message. ❤️

honestly really appreciated my mind's going mad here x

edit- i'm sorry val, i didn't mean any harm to you either x

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