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The Jammin’ Thread

poet Anonymous

... let me start by saying this thread has absoloutly nothing to do with politics... woohoo!

I’ve noticed lately there’s an outpouring of musical offerings appearing on the DU, so I thought I’d give them a home.

This is a thread for original songs, music covers you’ve performed, the playing of instruments, guitar riffs you’re working on, cool sounds and jamming snippets.

Hopefully a few might be able to come together and have a bit of a jam over time. That would be awesome.

poet Anonymous

I’ll start:

Damien Rice - Volcano cover: https://youtu.be/8P2946ozS6o

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I thought it might be one for you

I frikkin’ love Garbage. Awesome job on this 👏🏻 👏🏻

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621

great stuff,

[I think maybe when it takes off someone might think about forming a group *cough* *hint* *prod*   ooh, did you like the prod, hah ]

anyhow, . *hat tip*

some very decent musicians here cross the board.

poet Anonymous

lepperochan said:great stuff,

[I think maybe when it takes off someone might think about forming a group *cough* *hint* *prod*   ooh, did you like the prod, hah ]

anyhow, . *hat tip*

some very decent musicians here cross the board.

We won’t run before we can walk, eh....

Just glad to have a little fun with music. And I know there’s people here who like to jam.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

https://youtu.be/BbS0MMyyE9o     ----Slayer --Filler/I don't wanna hear it


https://youtu.be/aaOTilBjTyY     -----Minor Threat ---Filler

https://youtu.be/3KeplwDwEB4  ---- Minor Threat ----I Don't Wanna Hear It

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank You Socks  
Both those bands meant alot to me growing up.
Minor Threat was from a town not far from me
so popping down to see them was always an easy jaunt

I'm one of those noisy guitar players...I like playing just about any string instrument, but dominant guitar.
Eventually I'll put some of my shtuff up, but I don't really play covers.
Yet there have been some...but I dunno if I've ever recorded any...will have to dig and find out.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Ha...yeah I forgot about this noisy thing....

3 tunes...they couldn't be singled out....they were done in tribute to a classic band I grew up on
Dayglow Abortions
Yes I love the old punks

***Tuned half-step down***  (for those who care of such things)

I'm My Own God
Proud To Be A Canadian
Stupid World






poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Oo. Had all sorts of little musical things going on in my head when I heard that

poet Anonymous

souladareatease said:

Thank You Socks  
Both those bands meant alot to me growing up.
Minor Threat was from a town not far from me
so popping down to see them was always an easy jaunt

I'm one of those noisy guitar players...I like playing just about any string instrument, but dominant guitar.
Eventually I'll put some of my shtuff up, but I don't really play covers.
Yet there have been some...but I dunno if I've ever recorded any...will have to dig and find out.

Put your stuff up, man. You’re an awesome guitarist. I’ve heard ya! 🤟🏻

poet Anonymous

I tried recording some hand-pan today (big up the big wok drum) but it kept sounding pretty tinny on the recording. Once I work it out I’ll try and put some up. Just cause it’s unusual. 😊

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