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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

"It took me a little bit of time to finish watching this but I am so glad I did.
Unbelievable, this is never discussed in schools.
Real history, the truth was buried behind a facade of civil rights laws."

Valeriya ;

If you , and others here , can only imagine...

This happened , not when there was internet , or
cell phones , not when there was small screen , really...

And I , on disability at the time , which was nothing...

Had "happened" into owning a Klaus Novabeam TV...

A six foot screen , in my small apartment...

And I came home , turned the TV on , and saw every
news channel , with the devastation and craziness...

Most saying they were all crazy activists and rebels ,
and that they had to be squashed ( killed ) and taken

Can you imagine the feeling of rage I felt ?

( I had already seen too much by my age at the time , at 31 )

And then , trying to talk to others about it , and encountering
those who supported the actions of the government , and
police ?

There was not the kind of broad based support we have now ,
in this country , and around the world , to stand up to this type
of action , those of us who did , felt so alone...

This is what has made many of my age , those who did not buy
into the *system* so radical in our own ways , so determined
to see change , so supportive of what is going on now...

Me , I educate people as to the *programming under the scenes*

Others use different tactics...

Yet , it *truly* is time for action...*No More*

We all need to state our feelings , every day...Stand Strong !

poet Anonymous

EdibleWords said:No, I am saying it doesn’t serve them to stand alone.

Here ya go.

Ahavati said:
Why Most Americans Support the Protests

Never before in the history of modern polling has the country expressed such widespread agreement on racism’s pervasiveness in policing, and in society at large.

Beyond the scenes of protest and resistance playing out in cities across the country, a movement of a different sort has taken hold.

The American public’s views on the pervasiveness of racism have taken a hard leftward turn over the past few years. Never before in the history of modern polling have Americans expressed such widespread agreement that racial discrimination plays a role in policing — and in society at large.

Driven by the Black Lives Matter movement, this shift has primed the country for a new groundswell — one that has quickly earned the sympathy of most Americans, polling shows. As a result, in less than two weeks, it has already forced local governments and national politicians to make tangible policy commitments.

In a Monmouth University poll released this week, 76 percent of Americans — including 71 percent of white people — called racism and discrimination “a big problem” in the United States. That’s a 26-percentage-point spike since 2015. In the poll, 57 percent of Americans said demonstrators’ anger was fully justified, and another 21 percent called it somewhat justified.

[ . . . ]

Implicit and explicit bias

In 2009, the year President Barack Obama took office, just 36 percent of white Americans said the country needed to do more to ensure that black people gained equal rights, according to a Pew Research Center poll. By 2017, four years after the start of the Black Lives Matter movement, that number had leapt to 54 percent of white people and roughly three in five Americans over all.

Sixty-one percent of the country in that poll said it supported Black Lives Matter.

While polls can tell us only what people say they believe — and could therefore be affected by a respondent’s desire to sound politically correct — a 2018 study by two social psychologists determined that even people’s implicit attitudes had shifted during the Black Lives Matter movement.

[ . . . ]


Times; they are a changing, my friend. Despite the naysayers and those who want to shit all over the movement.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:

Russel Charles Means says everyone is on the reservation now.

Another thing; why do people think whiteness = safety with police?
Seriously. Plenty of white children fear them.
So what is the deal?

Sharecroppers weren’t even promised 40 acres and a mule. They weren’t even as valued as slaves because they weren’t owned. Those farms were little better than death camps. Farms still have high suicide rates for farmers.

We hear so little about the Chinese slaves and those atrocities. They should call themselves black so they can get reparations.

I’m upset because plenty of minorities are at risk or owed fair treatment.

8 million Jews live in the USA. They’re being abused and terrorized this month. Oppressed. They better claim blackness; they are 2.5 more likely to be oppressed.

Are two great places where you can start your own petition
I started a petition when I saw an image of a child wearing a t-shirt that depicted human bondage , specifically adult sex games rope tying on Amazon
You should start one too

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:

That's what is on the other end of your narrow filter, while 99% of the BlackLivesMatter movement is a peaceful protest comprised of all skin colors.

That’s not even realistic. 5% or more have got to be narcissistic abusers. People stink.

Nor are you being open-minded about the level of espionage going on.

They aren't alone; not any more.

In what sense? Don’t get me wrong, I see something in the idea of fighting oppression. This is the opposite of progress happing on the streets.

Will you deal with systemic narcissism in the liberal camp?

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

-----> Valeriyabeyond.

You say there are 8 million "Jewish" people in the USA. It really depends what you mean by "Jewish" - the usual estimates I have seen suggest c.6 million..
Additionally, I am unaware of these 6-8 million people being "abused" and/or "terrorised". Perhaps you would care to explain these unusual and bizarre allegations?
As an outside observer I get the impression that the USA's Jewish population is very well represented indeed in such key areas as politics, the media and the entertainments industry, all of which have great influence on the US people.  The same applies in Britain.

This is not to deny that antisemitism exists.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:

In what sense? Don’t get me wrong, I see something in the idea of fighting oppression. This is the opposite of progress happing on the streets.

Will you deal with systemic narcissism in the liberal camp?

Girlfriend- to end systemic narcissism in THE WORLD one would need to develop a Mental Health policing agency . Then advocates,  then laws,  your not being realistic You're trying hard to take the focus off of the issue

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630

Arcanus said:-----> Valeriyabeyond.

You say there are 8 million "Jewish" people in the USA. It really depends what you mean by "Jewish" - the usual estimates I have seen suggest c.6 million..
Additionally, I am unaware of these 6-8 million people being "abused" and/or "terrorised". Perhaps you would care to explain these unusual and bizarre allegations?
As an outside observer I get the impression that the USA's Jewish population is very well represented indeed in such key areas as politics, the media and the entertainments industry, all of which have great influence on the US people.  The same applies in Britain.

This is not to deny that antisemitism exists.

It was actually Ediblewords who made that claim; Val merely quoted her.

poet Anonymous

Ok, I’ll be honest. I’m getting a little tired of this blacklives matter now.
Give it a few weeks, Government will have everyone’s attention focused on something else.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Arcanus said:You say there are 8 million "Jewish" people in the USA. It really depends what you mean by "Jewish" - the usual estimates I have seen suggest c.6 million..

My ten children aren’t registered. But they all are. Fear keeps many unregistered.

Additionally, I am unaware of these 6-8 million people being abused and/or terrorised.

New York. Right now. Repeatedly threatened. Liberty restricted unreasonably... physical violence, epitaphs, blaming/shaming.

Moreover, we’ve been victims of official oppression, kidnapping, destruction of property, hacking of two websites representing two dead business models. Personal...

We are living below the poverty line and only got stimulus once for one person in our house of 12.

Pehaps you would care to explain these unusual and bizarre allegations? As an outside observer I get the impression that the USA's Jewish population is very well represented indeed in such key areas as politics, the media and the entertainments industry, all of which have great influence on the US people.

We are 2.5 times more likely to suffer than other minorities here.

poet Anonymous

If white man created the “n****r” and they wish to break bonds of being called that, and not a man, why still call themselves it?
That’s playing right into someone’s hands, but what does this honkey know? Nothing, except black people created the Heavens and Earth, and have not been credited for it.

poet Anonymous

dustyJournals said:If white man created the “n****r” and they wish to break bonds of being called that, and not a man, why still call themselves it?
That’s playing right into someone’s hands, but what does this honkey know? Nothing, except black people created the Heavens and Earth, and have not been credited for it.

It’s the same way that women are reclaiming the word cunt. The cunt originally was a word to describe female genitalia and not terrible at all. Misogynists claimed it as a dirty word because of the associations with prostitution and it became derogatory (hence the naming of several streets in England called Gropecunt Lane or Gropecunt street — google it)

Why are women saying it if misogynists named it? Because there’s power in the reclamation. In exactly the same way, this is why people of colour are saying the N word. Not because they are endorsing the negative connotations — but because they’re reclaiming it. And they have every right to reclaim their power.

Hope this clears things up.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630

dustyJournals said:Ok, I’ll be honest. I’m getting a little tired of this blacklives matter now.
Give it a few weeks, Government will have everyone’s attention focused on something else.

Imagine 400 years of being tired of something.  Because that's how long Black people have been owned, beaten, raped, murdered, and suppressed in this country. The Civil War ensured their freedom from slavery, not their equality as human beings among a White supremacist led country.  

I'm tired too, Ricky. I'm tired of White, greedy powers-that-be who are unwilling to allow minorities an equal voice in this country.  But, rather, suppress any hope they seem to build up. If not by mass murder, then by individual brutality.

I'm tired too, but not as tired as Black people. On the contrary, I have no right to complain. You have the option of unsubscribing to this thread with one click. I wish Black lives had it so easy. . .just one click and it would all be gone.

poet Anonymous

Give everyone what they want I say, and just the let the world go to shit lol

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

You have to "register" to be a Jewish person in the USA? That's a new one to me.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630

dustyJournals said:Give everyone what they want I say, and just the let the world go to shit lol

I think equality would pretty much make the world go round much better.

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