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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

JohnnyBlaze said:


Other than mostly German and some Polish ancestry, I'm in the dark. And I choose to remain there.

My sociopath of a sister tried to use genealogy as a means of inserting herself into the lives of immediate and distant relations. It was her twisted, manipulative way of trying to bring together a "family" to support her in various ways - usually financially.

People in the bloodline were only important because they could be exploited.

She also used it to track down mental illness and other genetic traits in the bloodline for sake of fabricating arguments justifying her need for disability payments. She's survived for over 30 years in this fashion without any employment.

I've lived for 10 years without talking to my sister who I shared a childhood with; surely I can survive without a bunch of other relatives I never knew existed.

These days she spends her time complaining about illegal immigrants and supports whoever she can that promises to keep them out of the U.S. You say Trump, she'll ask How high? If you aren't in her bloodline and you somehow are a drain on this nation's financial resources that should be going into her pocket, you are then an enemy of her state.

The bottom line is, she's is a racist and I've grown to not only avoid her, but to avoid thinking like her. That means If I'm going to embrace a stranger dead or alive, it's going to be because of their actions or character - not because of where they are or aren't on my tree.

Amen to that.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Amen to that.

If there was any justice in the world, I would have Spanish relatives. THAT WOULD KILL HER.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

JohnnyBlaze said:

If there was any justice in the world, I would have Spanish relatives. THAT WOULD KILL HER.

The irony is, you might!  

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

The irony is, you might!  

lolol If only; maybe I'll look into it myself someday and find out she hacked off a few tree limbs to save face.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

JohnnyBlaze said:

lolol If only; maybe I'll look into it myself someday and find out she hacked off a few tree limbs to save face.

That's the name of the game for a sociopath or narcissist — appearances!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:

Exactly on the birth certificates, Val. My GGreat Grandmother's name wasn't permitted on the marriage license or birth certificates of her children because she was Native American, can you believe that.  On the back of one birth certificate it says "Indian". Silver is a beautiful name! I don't think I've ever known anyone with it.

Racism and discrimination toward anyone not white have always been a part of this country's history.  From the slaughter of the Native Americans to the slavery of Blacks to the internment of Japanese citizens ( and now the treatment of "undocumented aliens ( aka Mexicans )" by our government are atrocious. This is the legacy a white- male dominated nation has left us, and will leave our children if we don't fight for change.

I love your Bohemian and Aztecan ancestry!  When I was a missionary to Nicaragua Costa Rica and Guatemala the energy was amazing in that region.  There was definitely something spiritual that pervaded the area, and it wasn't the Catholic or Christine doctrine so prevalent at that time.  

Yes ma'am the energy is amazing.
I've lived in Costa Rica Tamarindo for three years 2005-08 absolutely loved it

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

Valeriyabeyond said:

Yes ma'am the energy is amazing.
I've lived in Costa Rica Tamarindo for three years 2005-08 absolutely loved it

Have you ever been to Isla de Ometepe?! I slept halfway up the side of one of those live volcanos and have never felt closer to God. The stars were right there - as though you reach out and touch them.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:

Have you ever been to Isla de Ometepe?! I slept halfway up the side of one of those live volcanos and have never felt closer to God. The stars were right there - as though you reach out and touch them.

No I have not,  sounds stunning and spiritually moving
We spent alot of time at Monteverde
and on the water.
I worked on a local fishing boat
very humane business,  the tourist fishing industry in Costa Rica  compared to other countries,  such as Mexico.
In Mexico  they use cotton rope tied above your bait hook, when a Swordfish takes the bat the fibers from the rope tangles and adheres to the serrated edges on the bill the fish are unable to free themselves. This ensures the tourist gets their fish.   That's basically the way they catch all the bill fish in Mexico
It's a horrible thing to see one of the most beautiful fish you have ever seen it's colors are electric blues and greens that has  a strobing quality
The trauma from being caught causes them to die within 5-10 min suddenly their light goes out
This was Mazatlan where we lived from 97-99 I taught art in a local school volunteered they taught me much much more than I taught them

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

Valeriyabeyond said:

No I have not,  sounds stunning and spiritually moving
We spent alot of time at Monteverde
and on the water.
I worked on a local fishing boat
very humane business,  the tourist fishing industry in Costa Rica  compared to other countries,  such as Mexico.
In Mexico  they use cotton rope tied above your bait hook, when a Swordfish takes the bat the fibers from the rope tangles and adheres to the serrated edges on the bill the fish are unable to free themselves. This ensures the tourist gets their fish.   That's basically the way they catch all the bill fish in Mexico
It's a horrible thing to see one of the most beautiful fish you have ever seen it's colors are electric blues and greens that has  a strobing quality
The trauma from being caught causes them to die within 5-10 min suddenly their light goes out
This was Mazatlan where we lived from 97-99 I taught art in a local school volunteered they taught me much much more than I taught them

It was very spiritual. Please put it on your bucket list in case you ever get back down there. I thought the natives were crazy for living on an island with two, not one but TWO live volcanos. But once I stayed there, I understood.

That is horrible about the fishing industry, and doesn't give the fish a fighting chance. It's like shooting a giraffe, or some other helpless animal.  

I read a story here once about a man who saw a bear eating berries and shot him. He described how exhausted he was after skinning it, etc. How many hours it took him. Complained how his hands and arms were all scratched up, and his back was killing him.

I responded that I bet the bear wished he could complain about feeling anything.

Hunting for food is one thing; for sport another. And preventing any animal and opportunity to fight for its life is cruel.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

I will note that location for my bucket list

poet Anonymous

What do you say to a black lives matter person, who is immature to throw out, they got bigger dicks than white men?
It’s like we got bigger balls, and they can’t seem to overthrow what is happening to them.
See how dumb it is? Those damn inbox messages lol.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

dustyJournals said:What do you say to a black lives matter person, who is immature to throw out, they got bigger dicks than white men?
It’s like we got bigger balls, and they can’t seem to overthrow what is happening to them.
See how dumb it is? Those damn inbox messages lol.

lol! What are you on about?! Is someone messaging you to ask a question?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

dustyJournals said:What do you say to a black lives matter person, who is immature to throw out, they got bigger dicks than white men?

Now we know Ron Jeremy is black?  Okay!

It’s like we got bigger balls, and they can’t seem to overthrow what is happening to them.

That’s what some white supremacy #blacklivesmatter people think.

Test it by asking them if they can own their black life they inherited.

See how dumb it is? Those damn inbox messages lol.


poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

lol! What are you on about?! Is someone messaging you to ask a question?

No question. Just a big dick remark, like a big dick without intellect is gonna sort things.
I do recall writing racism being an un-winnable war lol.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17531

dustyJournals said:

No question. Just a big dick remark, like a big dick without intellect is gonna sort things.
I do recall writing racism being an un-winnable war lol.

There are certainly some helicockters around here! I can't believe I finally got to use that new word I learned this week!

I certainly hope you're wrong about it being an un-winnable war, Ricky.

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