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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Valeriyabeyond said:

Very interesting as women we feel the same
I have traced my paternal Grandmother's lineage back to 1585 Moravia- " Bohemia"
My Maternal Grandmother's lineage back to 1825 southern central Mexico Aztec
There has been a story no one wants to talk about on my father's side
It's a relationship that was forbidden early 1900s in the Ozarks
When I was searching it was something that was ignored when I inquired about it
There was the name of a baby crossed out ( unusual) on the census page realting to one of my great aunts
The following year their is the name of a girl "Silver" a deceased infant
Interesting huh ?
I know unwed mother's would have been left in secret if it were not acceptable
The age of conception and marriage was very young which tells me if it had been an acceptable "society" to conceive they would have wed.
I can feel the relation to the African American if that makes any sense
I too would never claim to understand the plight of those who endured so much during the birth of this country
That long boat ride of tragedy death and fear it seems almost sacreligious to claim a knowing of such endurance

The unknown baby is interesting. On my maternal grandfathers side there was a cousin that they kept hidden away. Apparently she had schizophrenia and no one ever saw her but a handful of times.

I don’t know much about my dads side, other than Cherokee and Dutch.
My maternal grandfathers side is all Cherokee on his mothers side and I think his father was English.
My maternal grandmothers side is African, Scottish (apparently they were very wealthy and lived in a castle but lost all of their money- not sure how) and German splattered in there somewhere.

I have a large collection of letters that my great great grandfather wrote to his cousin. He was married to Francis America Alexander. She was the daughter of a slave. She was born in 1865. Me and my Aunt Janet were both blessed with her hair type. My Aunt Janet hated it, but I love it.

It’s interesting to learn where you come from.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Exactly on the birth certificates, Val. My GGreat Grandmother's name wasn't permitted on the marriage license or birth certificates of her children because she was Native American, can you believe that.  On the back of one birth certificate it says "Indian".

Racism and discrimination toward anyone not white have always been a part of this country's history.  From the slaughter of the Native Americans to the slavery of Blacks to the internment of Japanese citizens ( and now the treatment of "undocumented aliens ( aka Mexicans )" by our government are atrocious. This is the legacy a white- male dominated nation has left us, and will leave our children if we don't fight for change.

I love your Bohemian and Aztecan ancestry!  When I was a missionary to Nicaragua Costa Rica and Guatemala the energy was amazing in that region.  There was definitely something spiritual that pervaded the area, and it wasn't the Catholic or Christine doctrine so prevalent at that time.  

Totally. 👍

Plus Waco (black and white cult members died)
Plus the witch hunts
Plus the mind control and biological experiments
Plus the war on disabled people
Plus the targeting of Jewish Americans

... I cannot believe the Nazi threads of thought in Adventist culture that dominated through the world wars....

even though they had colored believers... they were Eugenics supporters... Kellogg’s ideology was chilling, as I recall.


Echoing the praises for the rise of Hitler to power, Adolf Minck, President of the Adventist German Church, penned his satisfaction with the election of Adolf Hitler in the August Edition of Advenbote (the offical periodical of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany at that time): “A fresh enlivening, and renewing reformation spirit is blowing through our German lands . . . this is a time of decision, a time of such opportunities for a believing youth as has not been for a long time. . . . The word of God and Christianity shall be restored to a place of honor” (Minck 1994:259).

In order to maintain the structure it compromised its principles, and this series of concessions grew out of a malady that can be labeled “organizationalism” that has as its main purpose and focus a compulsion to save the organized structure at all costs. It was this urge that drove church leadership to sell out and ignore the reality of the atrocities that the state was perpetrating under the cloak of national reform. “The leadership of the Adventist church in Germany though possibly unaware of the full dimension of the mass murder of millions of Jews, kept not only silent in view of the persecution of Jews but even agreed to propagate anti-Semitic thoughts and ideas in their official publications.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

EdibleWords said:

[ . . . ]

I’m done being both targeted and ignored.
But Ahavati can have this space. [ . . .]

You have been told this thread is not mine; I am merely a participant. What I perceive as your obsession with me, that I agree with you, that your purpose is to wake me up etc. is unhealthy and makes me very uncomfortable. I don't need "space"; there is room for everyone.  What I ( and others ) would like is for you to act respectful. It's very simple.

You were targeted for unacceptable behavior that's been demonstrated over pages in this as well as other threads. Enough is enough pertains to more than just #Blacklivesmatter.

You were being ignored for the same reason because I   recognize this pattern well, and I absolutely refuse to supply it with attention.  If you want my attention, then act respectable.  

If you do not know how, then educate yourself on debating tactics and the art of conversation rather than spending so much time shadowing and shitting all over posts with personal jabs and opinions lacking substantial facts for attention.

Better yourself with what you keep pointing out you lack: adequate conversation skills. That excuse, just as any other, can only be tolerated for so long. And that time is now up.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

Eerie said:

The unknown baby is interesting. On my maternal grandfathers side there was a cousin that they kept hidden away. Apparently she had schizophrenia and no one ever saw her but a handful of times.

I don’t know much about my dads side, other than Cherokee and Dutch.
My maternal grandfathers side is all Cherokee on his mothers side and I think his father was English.
My maternal grandmothers side is African, Scottish (apparently they were very wealthy and lived in a castle but lost all of their money- not sure how) and German splattered in there somewhere.

I have a large collection of letters that my great great grandfather wrote to his cousin. He was married to Francis America Alexander. She was the daughter of a slave. She was born in 1865. Me and my Aunt Janet were both blessed with her hair type. My Aunt Janet hated it, but I love it.

It’s interesting to learn where you come from.

Very curious as to whether or not her name was on the marriage/birth certificates?  And, where they lived. The north was much different than the south when it came to the treatment of its Black citizens.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

You have been told this thread is not mine; I am merely a participant.

Forgive the mistake; no harm intended.

Ahavati said: What I perceive as your obsession with me, that I agree with you, etc. is unhealthy and makes me very uncomfortable.

My mistake was thinking you started this thread.

I feel terrible that you think this about me. I don’t agree.
But I don’t want to change your opinions against your will or own reasoning.

Your feelings are real and I am just a passionate person who can be passionately wrong, easily.
I don’t even expect you to talk to me at this point. I’m totally used to seeing things disintegrated.

I don't need "space"; there is room for everyone.  What I ( and others ) would like is for you to act respectful. It's very simple.

I have my opinions and priorities just like you. (Some prophets went naked. Some protesters set up “Chop.”)

You were targeted for unacceptable behavior

That’s condoned for protesters, I feel. But I don’t want to be just like them. Lesson learned.

that's been demonstrated over pages in this as well as other threads. Enough is enough pertains to more than just #Blacklivesmatter.

Okay. I already get that idea from you and your JB.

You were being ignored for the same reason because I   recognize this pattern well, and I absolutely refuse to supply it with attention.  If you want my attention, then act respectable.  

As long as you can handle my slogan “I AM black” knowing what I’m trying to do for everybody as I see us all in danger with the power to act. Without shouting spit everywhere in a crowd!

If you do not know how, then educate yourself on debating tactics and the art of conversation rather than spending so much time shadowing and shitting all over posts with personal jabs and opinions lacking substantial facts.

I draw the line with your characterization of shitting all over posts with personal jabs. I’m not. I’m trying to shake a mindset. Not malign characters.

Better yourself with what you keep pointing out you lack: adequate conversation skills. That excuse, just as any other, can only be tolerated for so long. And that time is now up.

Your accusations only have as much range as you don’t use them to dodge the truth.

You don’t get to rewrite history to assassinate my character.

Good day.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

EdibleWords said:

Your accusations only have as much range as you don’t use them to dodge the truth.

You don’t get to rewrite history to assassinate my character.

Good day.

Excuse me; you're the one who keeps saying you lack conversational skills. Your behavior demonstrates that. If you were not obsessed you would not be attempting to continually shake my mindset. Nor make statements regarding the importance of ME believing you, and that if I only would then it could become national headlines, and that I am evading the truth, etc.; nor would you have shadowed me into other threads with personal snide remarks. So much so a moderator intervened this week.  You are exhibiting obsessive behavior whether you recognize it or not.

All of that is historical fact; not a rewrite. I am sick of excuses. You have been using them for years with me ( beginning in the Honestly Crafted Critique group ) to cover your bad behavior. And I bent over backwards to help you and supplied resources.  That is over.

I would appreciate it if you would kindly leave me alone and not address me at all. If you're going to give me space then give me fucking space. If you're going to leave this thread to the "privileged" then leave it. Focus on your own and attract like-minded.

If not, then plan on being further ignored, except you don't get to play the victim because you are being ignored or called out for your OWN unacceptable behavior toward me because I REFUSE to be your supply.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Ahavati said:

Very curious as to whether or not her name was on the marriage/birth certificates?  And, where they lived. The north was much different than the south when it came to the treatment of its Black citizens.

My cousin has most of the documentation. Samuel (Francis’ father) is listed in the census as African American and came from somewhere in the Carolinas. We can’t find any information about his wife. At some point they came up to the Kentucky area.

Our older generations kept the black lineage a secret. We knew better due to some specific genetic traits, but it wasn’t until the summer before my grandma died that she finally fessed up. We all knew about the Native bloodline because my grandpas moms side was Cherokee. It made sense so many years later why my grandmother called me the names she did. I didn’t understand it when I was little and her kids always tried to hush her.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Excuse me; you're the one who keeps saying you lack conversational skills. Your behavior demonstrates that. If you were not obsessed you would not be attempting to continually shake my mindset.

No. It’s not all about you. Not by a long shot.

Think the audience reading. All who will act.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

Eerie said:

My cousin has most of the documentation. Samuel (Francis’ father) is listed in the census as African American and came from somewhere in the Carolinas. We can’t find any information about his wife. At some point they came up to the Kentucky area.

Our older generations kept the black lineage a secret. We knew better due to some specific genetic traits, but it wasn’t until the summer before my grandma died that she finally fessed up. We all knew about the Native bloodline because my grandpas moms side was Cherokee. It made sense so many years later why my grandmother called me the names she did. I didn’t understand it when I was little and her kids always tried to hush her.

I would be interested to know, if you ever have a chance to find out, about the documentation.  It would seem you would know his wife's name if she were listed on anything? Unless you only have the census report and nothing pertaining to marriage or births.  

The Cherokee Reservation is located in Western NC and Eastern Tennessee mountains, where the Cherokee Nation was most prevalent ( in addition to Northern Georgia ).  That's where my GGrandmother was from. I bet we're related!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:
I only would then it could become national headlines

My delusion was believing you were my friend who has better social skills and influence than me. An inflated notion, I admit.

... are exhibiting obsessive behavior whether you recognize it or not.


All of that is historical fact; not a rewrite. I am sick of excuses. You have been using them for years with me ( beginning in the Honestly Crafted Critique group ) to cover your bad behavior. And I bent over backwards to help you and supplied resources.  That is over.

I would appreciate it if you would kindly leave me alone and not address me at all. If you're going to give me space then give me fucking space. If you're going to leave this thread to the "privileged" then leave it. Focus on your own and attract like-minded.
I only read this after my first post above.

You got it.

But I’m not leaving the thread that isn’t yours. My other one was supressed,and I won’t second guess motives there.

If not, then plan on being further ignored, except you don't get to play the victim

I don’t want to play.

I want to dump the board on the floor.

because you are being ignored or called out for your OWN unacceptable behavior toward me

I’d rather talk to others here at this point.

because I REFUSE to be your supply.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Ahavati said:

I would be interested to know, if you ever have a chance to find out, about the documentation.  It would seem you would know his wife's name if she were listed on anything? Unless you only have the census report and nothing pertaining to marriage or births.  

The Cherokee Reservation is located in Western NC and Eastern Tennessee mountains, where the Cherokee Nation was most prevalent ( in addition to Northern Georgia ).  That's where my GGrandmother was from. I bet we're related!

I know she has a copy of Francis and Nathan’s  marriage certificate. I don’t think she has a birth certificate for Francis, but she has some piece of documentation that shows Samuel is Francis’ father. I know her mother was not white. Not in that time for sure, so her mother was either black or possibly native. By her looks I would say native. Plus he came from one of the Carolinas, so that could further check the box about her mother’s ethnicity being native.

I find it all fascinating. I bet many more people are related in this country than anyone would ever suspect!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17533

Eerie said:

I know she has a copy of Francis and Nathan’s  marriage certificate. I don’t think she has a birth certificate for Francis, but she has some piece of documentation that shows Samuel is Francis’ father. I know her mother was not white. Not in that time for sure, so her mother was either black or possibly native. By her looks I would say native. Plus he came from one of the Carolinas, so that could further check the box about her mother’s ethnicity being native.

I find it all fascinating. I bet many more people are related in this country than anyone would ever suspect!

I have always loved genealogy! It's the missing link between people.  I hope you've done a family tree with what you know. It disappears all too soon.

They make wonderful gifts of history.

poet Anonymous

People are watching.
And hope Ediblewords is okay X

It can get a little overwhelming sometimes.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

I have always loved genealogy! It's the missing link between people.  I hope you've done a family tree with what you know. It disappears all too soon.

They make wonderful gifts of history.


Other than mostly German and some Polish ancestry, I'm in the dark. And I choose to remain there.

My sociopath of a sister tried to use genealogy as a means of inserting herself into the lives of immediate and distant relations. It was her twisted, manipulative way of trying to bring together a "family" to support her in various ways - usually financially.

People in the bloodline were only important because they could be exploited.

She also used it to track down mental illness and other genetic traits in the bloodline for sake of fabricating arguments justifying her need for disability payments. She's survived for over 30 years in this fashion without any employment.

I've lived for 10 years without talking to my sister who I shared a childhood with; surely I can survive without a bunch of other relatives I never knew existed.

These days she spends her time complaining about illegal immigrants and supports whoever she can that promises to keep them out of the U.S. You say Trump, she'll ask How high? If you aren't in her bloodline and you somehow are a drain on this nation's financial resources that should be going into her pocket, you are then an enemy of her state.

The bottom line is, she's is a racist and I've grown to not only avoid her, but to avoid thinking like her. That means If I'm going to embrace a stranger dead or alive, it's going to be because of their actions or character - not because of where they are or aren't on my tree.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

dustyJournals said:People are watching.
And hope Ediblewords is okay X

It can get a little overwhelming sometimes.

Thank you!🙏😎

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