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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17092

This is what I came in right behind when I started school in 64. They ain't lyin bout how it was.

Little Rock Nine members question how far we've come, 63 years after they broke a racial barrier

[. . .]
"You can't separate it into time periods, as if it's changed," said Roberts. "It hasn't."

Roberts, 79, a former assistant dean at UCLA, has continual conversations about race with his daughters and grandchildren, now teenage boys. To move forward, he said he believes the country must make a serious commitment to education.

"Human beings have the capacity to choose to change. We could do it if we wanted, we just haven't mustered the will to do it," Roberts said. "If what you already know hasn't moved you to change, then change what you know."

[. . .]


poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:This is what I came in right behind when I started school in 64. They ain't lyin bout how it was.

Little Rock Nine members question how far we've come, 63 years after they broke a racial barrier

[. . .]
"You can't separate it into time periods, as if it's changed," said Roberts. "It hasn't."

Roberts, 79, a former assistant dean at UCLA, has continual conversations about race with his daughters and grandchildren, now teenage boys. To move forward, he said he believes the country must make a serious commitment to education.

"Human beings have the capacity to choose to change. We could do it if we wanted, we just haven't mustered the will to do it," Roberts said. "If what you already know hasn't moved you to change, then change what you know."

[. . .]


I feel sadness for them thinking they somehow failed to be catalysts for great change when the only thing really expected of them was to be children.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

It's only six min! Won't take you long.

The ending was pure dynamite. 💥

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17092

JohnnyBlaze said:

The ending was pure dynamite. 💥


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Tongue-Sword Ploughing Divide for Hope’s Feast


Be one race
Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Except in this country , some see it as :

"One Race Under God Divisible"

Some see it as :

"Many Under Goddess , Do What Thou Wilt"

Some see it as :

"We Are Many Gods And Goddesses"

Some see it as "Hail Satan" , and all the various beliefs along that line

As for myself ?

More the latter quote , yet I do not believe in a supreme *god*...

( "We Are Many Gods And Goddesses" )

So , there are many views that guide us on this planet...

And our individual beliefs should *never* be given up...

However , it would be nice to have peace , *after* the
struggle for equality of societies basic needs and joys
are met , and brought to pass , on a balanced level...

*That* is not the reality *yet*

So , on one level , yes , we are one...

Yet , no , we are *many*

And , on this plane of existence , we will *never* all agree

As James Hurtak said in his first book ,
the Keys Of Enoch ( not saying he is right )
yet this saying is my belief :

"We Live In A Many And One Universe"

poet Anonymous

When anyone encourages a Master race, it's time to get the fuck out of Dodge.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

JohnnyBlaze said:When anyone encourages a Master race, it's time to get the fuck out of Dodge.

We are all learning how to be the Masters and Mistresses
of the reality which we see from within and choose to bring about...

Just some get held back a few *grades*...lol...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:

I know. DUH.

End the divide. One race now!

Ok Edible after this I'm not going to devote anymore energy on this tirade of sarcasm and far fetched comments.

You are fabricating this belief in your head when you know,  down in your spirit, that we all know, that we are one.
Unfortunately,  our time here on Earth doesn't provide us the opportunity to function in that capacity. This is a historical time that will be recorded, not physically by man by the universe.

None of these struggles are accidents
Certain things are predetermined to play out in society
The way we cope is the factor in what we learn the wisdom we glean will help us to be a better human with our goal is to be the best we can be

what it's all about ? Your frequency -
528 Hz is the frequency of love
The Solfeggio Scale
396 turns grief into joy eliminates guilt and fear
417 facilitates change
852 awakening to spiritual order

If you are not enlightened then I apologize and I will do all I can to help you
If you are indeed enlightened then WTF are you doing
Take your own inventory so others won't have to
Change your tune if the melody hurts your brothers ears
Speak loudly if your heart tells you so
Wake up each day with a desire to see our own faults and the want to dispose of them
Come on girl let's do this

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Blinding Hot Truth Seals Divide in Human Family

Searing the color
to dust

See only spirit

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Currently, I am a huge fan of the recent cultural deconstructionist mantra, "Defund the police!! Goddamit all to hell"...This is wonderful chaos theory when you are high on dabs and Marxist malarkey. I fully support the push by the Jim Crows to remove police from major long held democrat controlled cities. This slogan of cognitive dissonance will surely help the Republicans stay in office...I mean...

poet Anonymous

runaway-mindtrain said:Currently, I am a huge fan of the recent cultural deconstructionist mantra, "Defund the police!! Goddamit all to hell"...This is wonderful chaos theory when you are high on dabs and Marxist malarkey. I fully support the push by the Jim Crows to remove police from major long held democrat controlled cities. This slogan of cognitive dissonance will surely help the Republicans stay in office...I mean...

All democrats are the same to you and you hate democrats.

We got that already from your last fifty forum posts.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

runaway-mindtrain said:Currently, I am a huge fan of the recent cultural deconstructionist mantra, "Defund the police!! Goddamit all to hell"...This is wonderful chaos theory when you are high on dabs and Marxist malarkey. I fully support the push by the Jim Crows to remove police from major long held democrat controlled cities. This slogan of cognitive dissonance will surely help the Republicans stay in office...I mean...

Seriously funny!👏😆

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17092

Colston’s Fate

Today I learnt of Edward Colston’s fate,
the statue posed with hand on chin
and one knee bent, as if the old man
holding dear
the city his philanthropy
benefitted long ago,
knew his seat in history
would always be a golden throne.

He’s now been toppled in protest
of what brought in and broke his bread:
the legions of the stolen dead,
traded like meat, and salt, and lead.

The apologists, of course,
came out in flippancy,
arguing that ages pass
and make of crimes a frippery.
Why should we judge our grandfathers?
‘It was a different time.’

I think of when I watched TV
with my mother once
and learned Amazing Grace
was written by a slave trader, when he
became an abolitionist, brought
into enlightenment and empathy.

I cannot fathom all the pain of, say,
a child in a dark ship’s hold,
except to argue that distance
must not be an excuse. To be told
that time evaporates all responsibility
is to look that child in the face
and sing Amazing Grace,
then leave him to
the darkness and the chains.
Written by The_Silly_Sibyl (Jack Thomas)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:When anyone encourages a Master race, it's time to get the fuck out of Dodge.

Then why call white a privilege robbing free blacks of their equality? Toxic much?

One race
One body
One God
One Spirit

No master race, just one family tree.

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