Poetry competition CLOSED 30th September 2017 1:49am
View Profile Poems by SimpleTon
RUNNERS-UP: David_Macleod and eswaller


Murderous intentions

Starving demons
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 75

Poetry Contest

Write a poem based on jack the ripper. Two entries per artist. Prefer new poems, but old ones are okay. Any point of veiw.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


he got the charming looks  
and the mesmerising eyes
he spoke like an angel
he smelled like the heaven  
his skin pale and soft
a touch felt like  
a velvet sliding in your arms
his whispers made the girls  
wet them selves  
he broke the hearts of many men
by stealing the hearts of many girls
not only their hearts  
the girls lost everything
the satisfaction ended  
with the loudest scream  
of their lives
giving up their lives
breathe out the last breath
in his lips
then he will kiss them
the last good bye
and begin his ritual  
he will take a deep breath  
and smoke a cigaret
then he will pick up his tool box  
from under his bed
first a spoon to scoop the eyes out
and put in to the bottle
then the soft pen knife
to peel their skins off  
from their chins to breasts  
their thighs till their toes
put them in a tray  
and slide inside the oven
bake till the crust  
turn to golden brown
take it out grind the crust to make flour  
mix with with three cups of blood  
one cup of blended flesh then  
add the dried skin flour
and put them in to paper cups
bake them for twenty minutes
put the icing on top  
and decorate it with an eye ball
the cupcake is ready  
for his evening tea  
and he is set for the night  
hunt again

Written by dejure (vick)
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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 22

Jack the Ripper (artisan killer)

I am an artist
A knife is my brush
A corpse is my canvas
I was born to this and I am talented.
It feels good to hold a knife
I like to slash
I like to stab
I like to slice
I like to maime a victim in the middle of the night.
I take an ugly whore
I paint a pretty picture  with her core.
I create a masterpiece with every cut.  I am a genius.
I lead whores to the slaughter
I am the human butcher
I hunger for murder.
I consume flesh like a vulture.
I hunt, kill and devour.
Killing is the ultimate power.
I am standing in the corner
l see a prostitute who needs a customer
I whistle and wave at her
She has dirty clothes and dirty hair
I pull her close into the shadows.
I produce a blade and slash her face
I punch her hard and break her nose
I slit her throat down to the bone.
I rip off her clothes
My hands are soaked in blood
I carve open her gut
Every organ is removed and I cut them in two
I only left the heart and screamed this is art.
If you read the paper you can see my latest work.

(c) copyright SimpleTon 2017
Written by SimpleTon
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


It was a newspaper hack
That chose to call me ‘Jack’

I object to the ‘Ripper’ description
Slicing precisely is my prescription

I love these dark and foggy streets
An abundance of female treats

In the darkness of night
Most folks take fright

They’ll keep their mouths shut
Role their eyes up and just tut

Her nightmare, not dreams
I muffle her screams

Repeated deliberate stabbing
Despite her struggle and grabbing

I remove organs and pieces
Avoiding urine and faeces

Mementos from those I’ve put to sleep
I decided a while ago to eat what I keep

It’s time now to end my murderous smirk
My experiment failed despite my good work

I have killed and gorged I’ve been well fed
But the souls of the dead, remain with the dead

Of to my next adventure, they’ll never catch me
If they did, they’d do nothing. I am royalty you see

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I Ripper

These shadows know better than to offend me
they cloak me segregate from this feter
lookie this specimen she
but wears excrement like lace
walks towards my covert posture
delivering her chin to my chest
as if she had reason to raise it
her grubby corset hangs loose
but spills soft white mounds over and out
they fall and rise with bewitching motion
and for a moment repulsion and dense scrutiny  
turn tail to lust
my chagrin trembles!
so i move to cut out what offends me
snatching her femme fatale from this pretty moonlight
and i drag her back into ugly darkness
i slice with knowing flick of the wrist
cutting the feminine and human from my witness
leaving warmth only in the red congeal surrounding her
a cadaver at best...
ro be tossed out like old rubbish

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Jack the Ripper

They call him Jack the Ripper as he tears every woman’s body to
Shreds until they are unrecognizable. He walks away knowing he
Can still taste their blood and hear their screams. He will horrify you
And me as we could never understand why someone would be
That brutal. Darling, there is that mystery that hangs in the air.
Prostitutes nobody could ever care about. We would never know
Their names, but they are humans and gone too soon. Their long hair,
Shining in the moonlight as they were just trying to make money. The glow
Of their skin is gone too as they look like a mangled porcelain doll.
At some point they may have been someone else’s prized jewel.
I can never imagine them begging for their life, as they crawl
Trying to make their escape into this world, harsh and cruel.
Written by eswaller
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 10

To be read in a thick,  cheesy British accent
Sauce and Jack Sauce and Jack Making bloody messes
Oh Come now Jack, Clean these meaty bloody ribbons

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Congratulations to SimpleTon and to my fellow runner up David_Macleod. A very interesting competition. Thanks Jadedembers.

Starving demons
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 75

No, thank you. I enjoyed the part of your poem that focused on the victims. I'm thinking of doing something like that again.

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