The Sickness Of The World

Poetry Contest Description
Write what you think is wrong, with the world today..
I'll add a submission later.. I want to hear your thoughts.. Mine will be just a submission.. I'm not going to win anything, other than listening to your views.. Everyone who participates gets a vote.. You'll select the winner.. My vote, is only in case of a tie.. And please don't put me in that position.. I hate to be the bad guy.. All forms are welcome, poetry, lyrics, short stories.. Whatever is your flavor.. Best of luck..
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
Guilty as Charged
If a single parent jumps from the fourteenth floor
If a debt swamped family are scared to open their door
If an innocent child is battered and abused
If a terrified parent stands unjustly accused
We are all guilty
If a student failing grades takes their own life
If an alcoholic husband is allowed to beat his wife
If a teenager dies from a drink and drugs bender
If a gay man is murdered from being different from his gender
We are all to blame
If a pensioner dies from being lonely and cold
If a rape victim is silenced and nobody’s told
If an ex-mental patient dies in a Lion’s enclosure
If a life is damaged through media exposure
We are all part of it
If a man is knee capped for telling the truth
If a child through liberal schooling is robbed of their youth
If a killer is freed as a result of good behaviour
If we believe that money is our only saviour
We are all blameworthy
If a paedophile is allowed to remain a catholic priest
If one starving child is deprived of a feast
If our youth are completely deprived of hope
If a mother on drugs is unable to cope
We are all culpable
If we allow a nuclear warhead to be attached to a rocket
If we think we can solve all this from the change in our pocket
If we do nothing as usual but moan and bleat
If we crucify each other nailing hands and feet
We are all part of the problem
It’s not enough to care in our head
Action not words are needed instead
No one is exempt from this poetic abuse
If we still do nothing we have no excuse
And remain guilty as charged
If a single parent jumps from the fourteenth floor
If a debt swamped family are scared to open their door
If an innocent child is battered and abused
If a terrified parent stands unjustly accused
We are all guilty
If a student failing grades takes their own life
If an alcoholic husband is allowed to beat his wife
If a teenager dies from a drink and drugs bender
If a gay man is murdered from being different from his gender
We are all to blame
If a pensioner dies from being lonely and cold
If a rape victim is silenced and nobody’s told
If an ex-mental patient dies in a Lion’s enclosure
If a life is damaged through media exposure
We are all part of it
If a man is knee capped for telling the truth
If a child through liberal schooling is robbed of their youth
If a killer is freed as a result of good behaviour
If we believe that money is our only saviour
We are all blameworthy
If a paedophile is allowed to remain a catholic priest
If one starving child is deprived of a feast
If our youth are completely deprived of hope
If a mother on drugs is unable to cope
We are all culpable
If we allow a nuclear warhead to be attached to a rocket
If we think we can solve all this from the change in our pocket
If we do nothing as usual but moan and bleat
If we crucify each other nailing hands and feet
We are all part of the problem
It’s not enough to care in our head
Action not words are needed instead
No one is exempt from this poetic abuse
If we still do nothing we have no excuse
And remain guilty as charged

Are You Listening?
Its working
the cull
the numbers
climbing casualties
and only misled whispers are getting through
they've mapped out Armageddon and this time
the multitudes will die
that the species may continue
albeit as the few
regardless of demographics
or the God chosen or forsaken
when a last breath
is breathed
we need solar panels and bicycles
rid of toxic chemicals
and corporate dependence
instead of racing to the cure
we should be back tracking towards prevention
staring down those making the poison in the name of medicine and
creating the infestation to start with
Oh hindsight!
In the age of information
we kept digging for gold
only to drown in ignorance
One upon a time we put food on the table and news on the television
now the war is what we're eating and the media is doing the farming
we mapped the genome and grew human parts on animals
Just to write the programs for
future replicas
from a printer
with parts guaranteed until infinity
and the brain plugged in
to all knowledge instantaneously
the return to the garden
will come in time
with restoration
as a race of superior humans
no more thirst or hunger
nor death
Homo-machinus plugged into a mainframe
call it supreme godhead
if you can
Is it worth it
all the small print
belying the prophecy
the fulfilment
of living all eternity
In bodies made to order as needed
and a back up file of who you are securely stored as insurance
this wasn't promised to be any different
one can only argue the schematics
the location of heaven
the terms and conditions
of life everlasting
the definition of living
and the dead could raise up
to join us
geneticists to the rescue
or is it eugenicists winning
so it was written
are you listening?
Its working
the cull
the numbers
climbing casualties
and only misled whispers are getting through
they've mapped out Armageddon and this time
the multitudes will die
that the species may continue
albeit as the few
regardless of demographics
or the God chosen or forsaken
when a last breath
is breathed
we need solar panels and bicycles
rid of toxic chemicals
and corporate dependence
instead of racing to the cure
we should be back tracking towards prevention
staring down those making the poison in the name of medicine and
creating the infestation to start with
Oh hindsight!
In the age of information
we kept digging for gold
only to drown in ignorance
One upon a time we put food on the table and news on the television
now the war is what we're eating and the media is doing the farming
we mapped the genome and grew human parts on animals
Just to write the programs for
future replicas
from a printer
with parts guaranteed until infinity
and the brain plugged in
to all knowledge instantaneously
the return to the garden
will come in time
with restoration
as a race of superior humans
no more thirst or hunger
nor death
Homo-machinus plugged into a mainframe
call it supreme godhead
if you can
Is it worth it
all the small print
belying the prophecy
the fulfilment
of living all eternity
In bodies made to order as needed
and a back up file of who you are securely stored as insurance
this wasn't promised to be any different
one can only argue the schematics
the location of heaven
the terms and conditions
of life everlasting
the definition of living
and the dead could raise up
to join us
geneticists to the rescue
or is it eugenicists winning
so it was written
are you listening?
Joined 24th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 205
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 205
What good will you do
when the rivers overrun?
one each for the left and right hand;
With the water at your neck
cascading into your lungs?
With what towers before you
I suggest you stop breathing.
Or what of the descent of
darkness upon a setting sun?
one each for the left and right foot;
With it, comes the
frost of daybreak
accompanying a gritty wind
carrying its menacing touch to your skin?
Wade through the water, learn to swim
Running blind in the darkness, learn to crawl
and one for the label over his head;
You've managed to survive,
so far, you're so good? So what..
Empty promises & preaching without
practice has its consequences.
Stand before us all
preach once more
was it not you
that told us
We reap what we sow?
when the rivers overrun?
one each for the left and right hand;
With the water at your neck
cascading into your lungs?
With what towers before you
I suggest you stop breathing.
Or what of the descent of
darkness upon a setting sun?
one each for the left and right foot;
With it, comes the
frost of daybreak
accompanying a gritty wind
carrying its menacing touch to your skin?
Wade through the water, learn to swim
Running blind in the darkness, learn to crawl
and one for the label over his head;
You've managed to survive,
so far, you're so good? So what..
Empty promises & preaching without
practice has its consequences.
Stand before us all
preach once more
was it not you
that told us
We reap what we sow?

the world is lost and fading
punished for color of skin
doesn't matter if straight or gay
we just need to love
karma is relevant
unlike religion
who are you to judge
when did it become your place
controlled by ignorant rules
and force fed lies
how can we love
when we candy coat the truth
think for yourself
don't quote a book
you are blinded, one sided
respect is beneath you
give me your love
and you'll get it in return
don't cast a stone
just believe in peace..
punished for color of skin
doesn't matter if straight or gay
we just need to love
karma is relevant
unlike religion
who are you to judge
when did it become your place
controlled by ignorant rules
and force fed lies
how can we love
when we candy coat the truth
think for yourself
don't quote a book
you are blinded, one sided
respect is beneath you
give me your love
and you'll get it in return
don't cast a stone
just believe in peace..
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2278
When twisted nature
robs you
of you're children
when you look
in your mirror
WHO do you blame
when a child lays dieing
on a dirty street corner
or tied to a bed
screaming in vain
look at you're children
tell me
who do you blame
robs you
of you're children
when you look
in your mirror
WHO do you blame
when a child lays dieing
on a dirty street corner
or tied to a bed
screaming in vain
look at you're children
tell me
who do you blame

What isn't wrong with this world?
We had so much to gain
We had so much
And we tried to understand without causing a crisis
Why they painted blood on their lips
The legs, the shoulders, the hips
We tried to understand the darkness and we tried to give light
Ended in such
A terrible suicide
We didn't mock them
Didn't call them cowards
Didn't give them so much hate
And make them feel worse about themselves
We didn't give them so much shame.
We tried to help the mothers
Nursing up the sick, special boys and girls
With casserole dinners
And gently used toys
We didn't mock the men
And people were not objects
We were not perfect
But we were better
The eyes of this world are windows
Through which you see no soul
The heart of this world is corroding metal and spark plugs
The veins are wires
Blood is electric, radio, and microwaves
The mind is WiFi
The voice is cracking like the concrete skin
With spaceship sounds haunting our movement
And our protectors turning against us
People missing, no one caring
Children smoking, teens drinking
Sex, hazed air
Screaming, sobbing, yelling, moaning
Starving, thirsty, enslaved masses
Such pain
War on the horizon and we sit in chairs, on floors, on beds
In the vanishing trees
And we stare off
We don't care, the issues seem fleeting
And that gives us such false peace
Everything's a lie
And we try and uncover it
Too quickly to understand
And create more lies
Pain and horror are haunting our world
It appears to most
They are just fleeing ghosts
So again
I ask
What isn't wrong with this world?
I'd like to add that I didn't list nearly as many things as I could've but it was already getting really long and I don't want another two-part poem.
We had so much to gain
We had so much
And we tried to understand without causing a crisis
Why they painted blood on their lips
The legs, the shoulders, the hips
We tried to understand the darkness and we tried to give light
Ended in such
A terrible suicide
We didn't mock them
Didn't call them cowards
Didn't give them so much hate
And make them feel worse about themselves
We didn't give them so much shame.
We tried to help the mothers
Nursing up the sick, special boys and girls
With casserole dinners
And gently used toys
We didn't mock the men
And people were not objects
We were not perfect
But we were better
The eyes of this world are windows
Through which you see no soul
The heart of this world is corroding metal and spark plugs
The veins are wires
Blood is electric, radio, and microwaves
The mind is WiFi
The voice is cracking like the concrete skin
With spaceship sounds haunting our movement
And our protectors turning against us
People missing, no one caring
Children smoking, teens drinking
Sex, hazed air
Screaming, sobbing, yelling, moaning
Starving, thirsty, enslaved masses
Such pain
War on the horizon and we sit in chairs, on floors, on beds
In the vanishing trees
And we stare off
We don't care, the issues seem fleeting
And that gives us such false peace
Everything's a lie
And we try and uncover it
Too quickly to understand
And create more lies
Pain and horror are haunting our world
It appears to most
They are just fleeing ghosts
So again
I ask
What isn't wrong with this world?
I'd like to add that I didn't list nearly as many things as I could've but it was already getting really long and I don't want another two-part poem.
Just a Puppet
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88
Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 88
it's more of lyrics but yeah :-/
“Filthy fucking world”
All I have is so many dreams
That will never come true because it was never meant to be
All this time just seems to pass when I have my headphones on and I’m lost in a trance
Put my music loud like I don’t even care, it’s a filthy fucking world and I’m down on myself
Hopeless thoughts for a hopeless society when all they do is point the blame
Wild, Wild West with a gun to my chest looking back at a world full of cheesy pop
Bubbly on the outside but black on the in, yet they make fun of me for being different
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always
Violent rage goes on in the streets as a kid lays dead and his mother weeps
No one’s wants to hear the truth so they close their eyes and ignore the facts
Turning their hate on things they don’t know yet they act like it’s so personal
Time heals wounds and time kills pain but only if you ignore the rage
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always
Everyone is trying too hard to get ahead
And I’m just trying to stay sane
They just justify hate, it brings me down
Giving others pain to feel real
Starting to see I’m worth more
So don’t hate me I’m just better
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always
“Filthy fucking world”
All I have is so many dreams
That will never come true because it was never meant to be
All this time just seems to pass when I have my headphones on and I’m lost in a trance
Put my music loud like I don’t even care, it’s a filthy fucking world and I’m down on myself
Hopeless thoughts for a hopeless society when all they do is point the blame
Wild, Wild West with a gun to my chest looking back at a world full of cheesy pop
Bubbly on the outside but black on the in, yet they make fun of me for being different
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always
Violent rage goes on in the streets as a kid lays dead and his mother weeps
No one’s wants to hear the truth so they close their eyes and ignore the facts
Turning their hate on things they don’t know yet they act like it’s so personal
Time heals wounds and time kills pain but only if you ignore the rage
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always
Everyone is trying too hard to get ahead
And I’m just trying to stay sane
They just justify hate, it brings me down
Giving others pain to feel real
Starting to see I’m worth more
So don’t hate me I’m just better
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
It’s a filthy fucking world, la-la-la
Sitting here watching the sky drown your ignorance
When it comes for me I’ll say
I was me always

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David_Macleod said:Guilty as Charged
If a single parent jumps from the fourteenth floor
If a debt swamped family are scared to open their door
If an innocent child is battered and abused
If a terrified parent stands unjustly accused
We are all guilty
If a student failing grades takes their own life
If an alcoholic husband is allowed to beat his wife
If a teenager dies from a drink and drugs bender
If a gay man is murdered from being different from his gender
We are all to blame
If a pensioner dies from being lonely and cold
If a rape victim is silenced and nobody’s told
If an ex-mental patient dies in a Lion’s enclosure
If a life is damaged through media exposure
We are all part of it
If a man is knee capped for telling the truth
If a child through liberal schooling is robbed of their youth
If a killer is freed as a result of good behaviour
If we believe that money is our only saviour
We are all blameworthy
If a paedophile is allowed to remain a catholic priest
If one starving child is deprived of a feast
If our youth are completely deprived of hope
If a mother on drugs is unable to cope
We are all culpable
If we allow a nuclear warhead to be attached to a rocket
If we think we can solve all this from the change in our pocket
If we do nothing as usual but moan and bleat
If we crucify each other nailing hands and feet
We are all part of the problem
It’s not enough to care in our head
Action not words are needed instead
No one is exempt from this poetic abuse
If we still do nothing we have no excuse
And remain guilty as charged
AM speechless
If a single parent jumps from the fourteenth floor
If a debt swamped family are scared to open their door
If an innocent child is battered and abused
If a terrified parent stands unjustly accused
We are all guilty
If a student failing grades takes their own life
If an alcoholic husband is allowed to beat his wife
If a teenager dies from a drink and drugs bender
If a gay man is murdered from being different from his gender
We are all to blame
If a pensioner dies from being lonely and cold
If a rape victim is silenced and nobody’s told
If an ex-mental patient dies in a Lion’s enclosure
If a life is damaged through media exposure
We are all part of it
If a man is knee capped for telling the truth
If a child through liberal schooling is robbed of their youth
If a killer is freed as a result of good behaviour
If we believe that money is our only saviour
We are all blameworthy
If a paedophile is allowed to remain a catholic priest
If one starving child is deprived of a feast
If our youth are completely deprived of hope
If a mother on drugs is unable to cope
We are all culpable
If we allow a nuclear warhead to be attached to a rocket
If we think we can solve all this from the change in our pocket
If we do nothing as usual but moan and bleat
If we crucify each other nailing hands and feet
We are all part of the problem
It’s not enough to care in our head
Action not words are needed instead
No one is exempt from this poetic abuse
If we still do nothing we have no excuse
And remain guilty as charged
AM speechless

V, for Victoria,
She, a tiny figure in the corner of my eye
talks to me about how her head felt
After the last time she listened to it
She, a rocking chair, hallucinating
Her head twirling like autumn rain
Swastik symbols bore her over
Knelt to the floor, in omniscient point of view
Brought to slavery selling more, than just her soul
deprived of the once was, deprived of what was to be
The road in the distance was narrow and far
She was like the fire that rose, the water rose to her feet
Fleet swiftly, in the womb of the whale
One day she will awake
Finally life
She will exhale
*Victoria was from Liberia, sold as a slave by her own father, a mature woman who hardly knew anything about the modern worlds, she had half an ear, half a mouth, but she was one of the most positive and inspiring people I ever met in my life, Victoria, may your gods bless you, where ever you may be now***
She, a tiny figure in the corner of my eye
talks to me about how her head felt
After the last time she listened to it
She, a rocking chair, hallucinating
Her head twirling like autumn rain
Swastik symbols bore her over
Knelt to the floor, in omniscient point of view
Brought to slavery selling more, than just her soul
deprived of the once was, deprived of what was to be
The road in the distance was narrow and far
She was like the fire that rose, the water rose to her feet
Fleet swiftly, in the womb of the whale
One day she will awake
Finally life
She will exhale
*Victoria was from Liberia, sold as a slave by her own father, a mature woman who hardly knew anything about the modern worlds, she had half an ear, half a mouth, but she was one of the most positive and inspiring people I ever met in my life, Victoria, may your gods bless you, where ever you may be now***