Acrostic-Tanka (modern tanka)
D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483
Poetry Contest Description
Submit at least 3 modern tanka poems as described below:
I had a dream and in my dream I was called the "Father of Modern Tanka." I like to live that dream if I may, unless somebody say otherwise. I started as a twisted dreamer like everyone else (I guess), and now I'm a thought provoker. Let me start by provoking your profound thoughts to a new depth.
Traditional tanka consists of 5 lines with 31 syllables with the 1st and 3rd line having 5 syllables each and the rest have 7 each (5-7-5-7-7) which usually covers topics about love and nature. My modern tanka which I called acrostic-tanka is a hybrid of acrostic poetry in tanka form which covers any topic using a 5-letter word and somehow its lyrics must connote relevance if not directly equivalent to the meaning of the word.
For example:
Competition ends: Jan. 02, 2013
Happy tanka and a joyous season to all my fellow dreamers...
( I would like to acknowledge our fellow resident poets, Mr. Bruce Burkard who introduced me to traditional tanka and JAZZMANOR who brought acrostic poetry to my attention. Since then, I had fun doing this coz' it's a good mental exercise. You should try it too!)
Traditional tanka consists of 5 lines with 31 syllables with the 1st and 3rd line having 5 syllables each and the rest have 7 each (5-7-5-7-7) which usually covers topics about love and nature. My modern tanka which I called acrostic-tanka is a hybrid of acrostic poetry in tanka form which covers any topic using a 5-letter word and somehow its lyrics must connote relevance if not directly equivalent to the meaning of the word.
For example:
Competition ends: Jan. 02, 2013
Happy tanka and a joyous season to all my fellow dreamers...
( I would like to acknowledge our fellow resident poets, Mr. Bruce Burkard who introduced me to traditional tanka and JAZZMANOR who brought acrostic poetry to my attention. Since then, I had fun doing this coz' it's a good mental exercise. You should try it too!)
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1744
it's like a hunger
starvation settling in
deep down inside her
the host sets up a sick scene
just to feel her breathe. no more
I love to learn did I do this right?
it's like a hunger
starvation settling in
deep down inside her
the host sets up a sick scene
just to feel her breathe. no more
I love to learn did I do this right?

D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483
Thanks Devilish for getting this competition off the ground. It's a nice one...
but let me make it clear. While your work is in traditional tanka, I specifically ask for a modern form of tanka which is a 5-letter word (since tanka consists of 5 lines) and you have to use those 5 letters as a start for each lines. Please click on link in my examples above. (TRUST, LOVER, FAUNA, etc.)

Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1744
Ohh ok ..i usually do miss something by being overly i'll try again..

Believe we’re all one
Lost in a complex story
Only the wise think
Onward to see the glory
Death is really beginning
Believe we’re all one
Lost in a complex story
Only the wise think
Onward to see the glory
Death is really beginning

“(I Love) Music”
Melody is grand
Utilizes all power
Seen so deep within
Is key to enlightenment
Cupid is the message here
Melody is grand
Utilizes all power
Seen so deep within
Is key to enlightenment
Cupid is the message here

"Weird (Crazy Poet)"
We’re all a bit touched
Everyone writes their own story
Is poetry strange?
Remembering ones feelings
Decide for yourself the right

We’re all a bit touched
Everyone writes their own story
Is poetry strange?
Remembering ones feelings
Decide for yourself the right
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1744
Strider you are a force to be reckoned .. wow. beautiful.
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3006
I double checked my syllable count with an on-line counter after I wrote my three. All as they should be
Darkest kissed shadows
Elevate your spirit up
A force of Grim's hand
Touched your soul ripping it free
Hells fire you are heading for

Darkest kissed shadows
Elevate your spirit up
A force of Grim's hand
Touched your soul ripping it free
Hells fire you are heading for
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3006
Silent as it creeps
Twisting through cloud forms moving
Over oceans vast and wild
Racing toward land crashing
Madness erupts on lightening cries
Silent as it creeps
Twisting through cloud forms moving
Over oceans vast and wild
Racing toward land crashing
Madness erupts on lightening cries
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3006
Out across vast open water
Casting lines to hungry eyes
Eager open mouths bite
Attached by steel struggle lost
Now gutted by their captors
Out across vast open water
Casting lines to hungry eyes
Eager open mouths bite
Attached by steel struggle lost
Now gutted by their captors
Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 92
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 92
sometimes i sit here
holding bloodthirsty steelpens
all for the comfort.
reality; i'd like to
pierce a something beating
holding bloodthirsty steelpens
all for the comfort.
reality; i'd like to
pierce a something beating
D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483
Thanks Strider, Magdalena and anna grin for your beautiful tanka poems...I think Devilish is ready for her entry. Do you guys have fun doing this as compared to traditional tanka? I would like to hear your opinions. Sometimes I do this while at a traffic stop, trying to count the syllables while tapping on the steering wheel until I would hear a loud honk from behind (LOL), it's green light!
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1744
Fucked by rotation
Overly anxious in need
Ravage a rhythm
Covered by blankets can't breathe
Epic devotion.. she feeds
Got it. thank you much.
Fucked by rotation
Overly anxious in need
Ravage a rhythm
Covered by blankets can't breathe
Epic devotion.. she feeds
Got it. thank you much.