
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (18)
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Age 50
Member Since 22nd July 2023
NineMinusEight joined 430 days ago and last visited 405 days ago
Comments 4
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Group Posts 5

Poet Introduction

Loneliness breeds inner strength. Consumed by depression, I will not be. Cold the personalities fence. Warm the feelings inside of me

About Me

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The "name" NineMinusEight is more about the NME (enemy) than the math.
My life number is 1 in numerology, so I guess there's that...
After my wife passed away from a rare liver cancer in November 2016 I started writing song lyrics that would come to me most times while under the influence of cannabis.
I've enjoyed writing since high school, and always felt like it was a strength of mine versus say, math.
my profile pic is from 2017, so its a little old yes, ill take a new one eventually...

My Reading List

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The High Road by FreeLove87 (SamuraiEde)
Nocturnality by LilDragonFly
Somewhere by LilDragonFly
Veritus Poetica by LilDragonFly
Black Man's Autumn by FreeLove87 (SamuraiEde)

Poets I Follow
