
Why wrap yourself securely
 in someone else's  dogma? 
It doesn't fit,  It needs
to be modified.
Becomes more dogma,

You force feed yourself, a belief someone else,  says is for you. 
They say,  it is the only way,
 deniying you, your individuality, 
The only thing we have,  that
 we can claim as our own. 

Who I am,  who you are,
something we can never be
is, someone else
"Unique" provides the ability
 to think according to our will. 
Impressions, dirty fingerprints
show up when searching for
ourselves, searching for the "I"
 in us that we have forgotten
Behavior? We act accordingly

Voluntary things, we learn,
 involuntary things,  we have
 no control over we sift through
 to render  punishmentfrom for
what we don't understand
Those things  which are voluntary.
Forming us into what society
wants us to be,  what they feel
is appropriate behavior, 
their acceptable thoughts   

Our freedom to choose what, 
 and who we are, is locked into
a preconceived notion 
Molded as babies to see
ourselves as others do 
There will always be a
community of like minded
 thinkers to which  we bond.
Within that circle of bonding
you can still  remain your
own free thinker
Written by Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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