Image for the poem Silently, Deadly I Come

Silently, Deadly I Come

quietly I enter, smoothly
a gas chamber for one
silent, deadly
an outlaw no more

I've lived reckless
going off and peppering shadows
on the night's horizon
the thrill was exhilarating

my men I wouldn't trade for anything
they've fought with valor
loyal, royal, soldiers of well renown

I will battle bigotry from the inside
tear down the outerwalls
infest the lands I detest
with vermin and lice
the relentless kind

my magic is deadly
and life giving
it's up to each to choose
which glass they will take from me

I don't force my intentions on anyone
medication works for those who believe
if abused it will prove costly

I've paid my debts ten fold
for being foolish and cruel
I refuse to be a slave to the past
it won't railroad me into bowing and scraping

I'm fully awake and in charge
those who don't take kindly to orders
can abandon me like a rat

this is war I need to know who's real
not treacherous interlopers
seeking to feed their face

the rich suffering from gout
don't want their toes to suddenly
start falling off

wouldn't it be funny
a new disease that makes all liars
noses drop off?

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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