It's getting so cold, I can't feel my legs
The water is frozen, my family's dead
I travelled so far to get what is mine
My freedom, a homeland, my will to survive
I paid for a journey that might be my last
I have no belongings, I'm a number of the past
But I have a hope , that's what people do
They're hopping until their dreams die too

My hope is now drowning, she goes down with the wave
There is no one to help me, I want me to fail
cause if I survive, it's not like I'll live
I'll die very slowly on a way with no wheel

Let the world end, it's getting so ugly
Let my soul go, it's getting so cold
Respect what you have, don't take them for granted
My country is destroyed by this fuckin' war

                                 ( Dedicated to all these war refugees drown in Mediterranean  sea on their effort to get somewhere safe
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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