what to believe in

life found her alone
and conspired....

so long had it been
since she had known love
she stepped into it with
eyes wide open,
give her something to believe in

they  fell into each others arms
he was so nervous
the first time
he shook as he held her
she held him tighter,
pulling him to her
and it was powerful
please, give her something to believe in

'this is what 'real' love feels like" he said.
she believed him
she felt it too,
she could see it in his eyes
feel it in his touch
everything about him was love
thank you, for giving her something to believe in

and then death took him away from her
she doesn't understand
they had just found each other,
she's not sure which is crueler
that she's here alone,
or that he is in the stars
without her

why did you give her something to believe in?

Entered in "A Terrible Resolve" Comp.
Written by jemac
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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